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<table><th width="125"></th><tr><td><b>Date</b></td><td>2/26/2010</td></tr><tr><td><b>Temp</b></td><td>25F</td></tr><tr><td><b>Visibility</b></td><td>excellent</td></tr><tr><td><b>Conditions</b></td><td>excellent</td></tr><tr><td><b>Hardbooters</b></td><td> 3 (me, greg, some guy over on teacher's pet) </td></tr></table>


great day to be out! sunny blue skies. hero snow was fun fun fun!!! felt like i was at the beach. in fact, i was sweating.

lift lines got crowded. don't you people work? did Nothing Community College cancel classes today?

first couple runs were great. i had my ipod shuffle on. first track was Devo, the Gates of Steel. next track was Led Zepplin's Kashmir. i was trying to hit the knoll in sync the music.

<a href=" jump" title="jump by snurfer64, on Flickr"><img src="http://farm3.static.flickr.com/2751/4390223287_c561ac4da6.jpg" width="500" height="334" alt="jump" /></a><a href=" toes" title="toes by snurfer64, on Flickr"><img src="http://farm3.static.flickr.com/2766/4390995310_c0f3ce8b15.jpg" width="500" height="334" alt="toes" /></a>

i'd immediately land and go into a toe-side. the comfortable carver always rides away in style (photos were from a couple weeks ago courtesy of trent, but you get the point).

greg and i were killing it on milkrun and crossroads. had fun on olympic. got to a point where there were no challenges left except the terrain park.

bobd doing the ski thing. rode together for awhile. snow held up quite well. both saw an eagle in the sky. be cool to get some fish guts and lay them out somewhere and watch it swoop down.

i came close to knocking down a child. not much taller than my knee. the child was riding diagonally across the crossroads onto milkrun. i saw the her at the last second and was able to stop. she came out of nowhere. i toned it down after that.

saw another hardbooter over in teacher's pet.

towards the end i was extremely tired and dehydrated. last half hour i ended up carving straight-legged and really leaning out without breaking at the waist. i was surprised how the board really hooked into the snow. i leaned way over on a couple turns to the point where the snow came up and grazed my glove.

i had to force myself to leave. i wanted to stay but couldn't. left at 2pm.


did not see any tele-douches but i did see Duke Nukem on teles with perfectly quaffed and feathered hair (read: no helmet, no jacket).

<a href=" duke_3dl" title="duke_3dl by snurfer64, on Flickr"><img src="http://farm5.static.flickr.com/4058/4390984354_5f8c3c7c8c.jpg" width="500" height="400" alt="duke_3dl" /></a>

seen him a few times. not the most technical rider but his hair was so feathered in the back that i couldn't take it. jeebus! who feathers their hair anymore?!? i had a roommate in college who would spend at least an hour blow drying and feathering his hair before we'd head to the bars. he was a burly dude and could kick my ass into next week. ironically he had habits that could be best described as feminine.

i'd be interested in trying teles but i don't think my knees could handle it. maybe shaped skis. might be kinda funny to show up in skis and see the reaction of the morning regulars.

Overheard in the Lift Line

"...this is the best snow this season. just like colorado!"

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My brother is a tele guy, but he's not a tele-douche. Anyway, he tells me it is not really hard on his knees at all, although it totally looks like it would be. There is now a releasable tele binding that can function as a tele binding and also be locked down like an alpine binding. It has me interested, but I'm not sure I want to get sucked into more gear.

Great riding today, but it's to bad we can't somehow tilt the hill for a bit more pitch. Like bobble says the challenge just isn't there after a while.

I left after almost getting hit and hitting someone all in the same run.

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My brother is a tele guy, but he's not a tele-douche. Anyway, he tells me it is not really hard on his knees at all, although it totally looks like it would be. There is now a releasable tele binding that can function as a tele binding and also be locked down like an alpine binding. It has me interested, but I'm not sure I want to get sucked into more gear.

Great riding today, but it's to bad we can't somehow tilt the hill for a bit more pitch. Like bobble says the challenge just isn't there after a while.

I left after almost getting hit and hitting someone all in the same run.

It's called a touring binding, and is more popular in Europe. It means you can hike up with a free heel, but can ski down like a real skier :eplus2: Some people are riding alpine boards in touring boots, so it might be a good option.


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It's called a touring binding, and is more popular in Europe. It means you can hike up with a free heel, but can ski down like a real skier :eplus2: Some people are riding alpine boards in touring boots, so it might be a good option.


I'm refering to the Rottefella NTN binding. They seem like a mix of a tele binding and a AT binding. Rottefella is the only manufacturer as far as I can tell. Not many options for boots yet either. The locking heels are an add on option.

I hear you on the real skier thing. My bro switched to tele for fear of killing himself on his alpine setup. Too much confidence. Plus he thinks tele is more zen. I think California is getting to him. I do have to admit that on the mountain, and off the groomers, I think tele skiing is the way to go if you HAVE TO strap two planks to your feet.

Everyone knows that a freeride snowboard in powder is the only real zen way to go, that's just fact.:ices_ange

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<table><th width="125"></th><tr><td><b>Date</b></td><td>2/27/2010</td></tr><tr><td><b>Temp</b></td><td>15F early, 30f later on</td></tr><tr><td><b>Visibility</b></td><td>sunny blue sky</td></tr><tr><td><b>Conditions</b></td><td>very firm in the early morning, soft in the afternoon</td></tr><tr><td><b>Hardbooters</b></td><td> 3 (me, steve, bruce)</td></tr></table>



<a href=" P2270034" title="P2270034 by snurfer64, on Flickr"><img src="http://farm3.static.flickr.com/2783/4393117262_6e4474ebf4_b.jpg" width="1024" height="768" alt="P2270034" /></a>

<object classid='clsid:D27CDB6E-AE6D-11cf-96B8-444553540000' codebase='http://download.macromedia.com/pub/shockwave/cabs/flash/swflash.cab#version=7,0,19,0' width='296' height='50'><param name='movie' value='http://www.soundboard.com/sb/playerskins/singleTrackPlayer3.swf?trackURL=http://www.soundboard.com/mediafiles/ODkyMzUzNjQ4OTI0NTk_QZejCocIQyQ.mp3&vol=70&txtColor=0x000000&action=start&title=God Damn It&photo=http://www.soundboard.com/memberphoto/89115364891261.jpg'/><param name='quality' value='high' /><param name='wmode' value='transparent' /><embed wmode='transparent' src='http://www.soundboard.com/sb/playerskins/singleTrackPlayer3.swf?&txtColor=0x000000&trackURL=http://www.soundboard.com/mediafiles/ODkyMzUzNjQ4OTI0NTk_QZejCocIQyQ.mp3&vol=70&action=start&title=God Damn It&photo=http://www.soundboard.com/memberphoto/89115364891261.jpg' quality='high' pluginspage='http://www.macromedia.com/go/getflashplayer' type='application/x-shockwave-flash' width='296' height='50'></embed></object>

heard that some people had emailed buck and requested that there be moguls. having a hard time believing that. hardly anyone used went through them but little kids.

<a href=" P2270036" title="P2270036 by snurfer64, on Flickr"><img src="http://farm5.static.flickr.com/4016/4392346291_3c6e095c33_b.jpg" width="1024" height="768" alt="P2270036" /></a>

yep, lots of use.

<a href=" P2270037" title="P2270037 by snurfer64, on Flickr"><img src="http://farm5.static.flickr.com/4052/4393118624_baba72d031_b.jpg" width="1024" height="768" alt="P2270037" /></a>

i'm just complaining because the runs got crowded. wish they put moguls on olympic. somewhere off to skiers right.


early morning the snow was fast and firm. i was surprised because i thought it would be softer. got 4 runs in on milkrun before they set up the gates. snow on crossroads was good. olympic was closed off for race training or something.

steve and bobd showed. place got busy. at about 10am you had to be patient and exercise caution. we had some skiers that got too close. bobd suggested we go to warners. it was okay but it too was a little busy. did a couple runs and then i decided to change boards. bobd changed to skis.

brought out my elan with 9m scr. it was difficult for me to ride it. not used to making slalom turns. i was riding it way too fast for it to turn. did get a couple carves on it but it felt like i was starting over. i rode it for less than an hour. when the races stopped i switched back to the other board. more goodly.

the snow definitely changed. it felt softer at noon and maybe a little slower.

i was exhausted when i left at 1:45pm. parking lot was a mess. they had cars parked all over. have not seen them park like this.

<a href=" P2270038" title="P2270038 by snurfer64, on Flickr"><img src="http://farm5.static.flickr.com/4038/4393119464_fe0ee8ebf1_b.jpg" width="1024" height="768" alt="P2270038" /></a>

Total Ride Experience

as i got off the chairlift i saw a skier and a snowboarder along the wooden fence looking at me. the skier was an elderly man. the boarder was about 6ft, in his 20's and had a rossi mini. ever seen a rossi mini? its a super short snowboard that's 123 cm in length. it literally looks like a kids board but fat.

i saw the skier motion to my board and say "ever ride one of those?". i was just about to click in and start my run. the mini-boarder says "no... i think those boards take away from the total ride experience."

i stopped and quickly turned around to look at the miniboarder. i shot back "i disagree!". politely of course. i stood there and looked at both of them for a second. they were surprised that i was listening to their conversation i guess. the miniboarder started to say something about how he prefers softboots or some lame excuse. i stared at his board for a second, clicked in and took off.

i think i dissed miniboarder in front of his dad.

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Moguls are easy you just have to go fast enough to clear three at a time. Then just drive the nose into the forth and pop off the top of it. Then repeat.

It a common misconception to stay lose in the bumps. I find being very rigid is much more effective. I think it helps with really getting a good pop. If you can strait leg it imediately after popping off the top, it will make egde changes that much faster.

Keep in mind that unless you are willing to do some sort of inveted air mid run you're pretty much wasting your time.

Remember speed is your friend. Look at a mogul run not as bumps on the run, but as a flat run with valleys cut into it. Just ride the the flat and skip the valleys.

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Moguls are easy you just have to go fast enough to clear three at a time. Then just drive the nose into the forth and pop off the top of it. Then repeat.

It a common misconception to stay lose in the bumps. I find being very rigid is much more effective. I think it helps with really getting a good pop. If you can strait leg it imediately after popping off the top, it will make edge changes that much faster.

Keep in mind that unless you are willing to do some sort of inveted air mid run you're pretty much wasting your time.

Remember speed is your friend. Look at a mogul run not as bumps on the run, but as a flat run with valleys cut into it. Just ride the the flat and skip the valleys.

okay greg, you first!

this happened around 2006 at one of the our MES events. i was with trent. we were the only two that stayed late at night. they had moguls on jon-jon on skiers right and there were some people down below on the flat. i didn't intentionally try to go through the moguls. i was getting cocky. yes, i really am that stupid.

started the run. somewhere towards the bottom of jon-jon i thought i cleared the end of the mogul field. bzzzzt! WRONG!!!i came out of a heel side carve and saw that i was going to go through the moguls. talk about time slowing down. i hit one, bounced off the second, came out of the field landed and then caught a toe-side edge. i felt a burning sensation in my knee. trent helped me out of my gear. went home, iced it, bandaged it up, took the day off, saw a doctor. i had a hematoma. over time it kept growing. the hematoma would literally slosh around knee and when it did, it pulled the skin and that didn't feel so great.

day of the accident. knee was swollen. couldn't see my patella.

<a href=" DSC00131" title="DSC00131 by snurfer64, on Flickr"><img src="http://farm5.static.flickr.com/4026/4394817106_87368f7b0e_o.jpg" width="1024" height="768" alt="DSC00131" /></a>

a couple days later...

<a href=" DSC00142" title="DSC00142 by snurfer64, on Flickr"><img src="http://farm3.static.flickr.com/2677/4394817182_c118db1569_o.jpg" width="1024" height="768" alt="DSC00142" /></a>

see that ring on my knee? to this day that area is numb to the touch.

<a href=" DSC00163" title="DSC00163 by snurfer64, on Flickr"><img src="http://farm5.static.flickr.com/4013/4394937694_2b0e20f517_b.jpg" width="1024" height="768" alt="DSC00163" /></a>

more of my junk...

<a href=" DSC00157" title="DSC00157 by snurfer64, on Flickr"><img src="http://farm3.static.flickr.com/2776/4394183733_27d933c1b3_o.jpg" width="1024" height="768" alt="DSC00157" /></a>

twenty days later...

<a href=" DSC00235" title="DSC00235 by snurfer64, on Flickr"><img src="http://farm3.static.flickr.com/2760/4394817662_f9afc07a4d_b.jpg" width="1024" height="768" alt="DSC00235" /></a>

sad thing was i had a trip to Keystone planned about a month away from my accident. i went to two doctors to see if they would drain the knee. they wouldn't. i had a previous hip injury where they had to drain it so i didn't see what the big deal was. one said it was too late as the blood congeals over time so there wouldn't be any fluid to drain.

i did go to Keystone but i rode softies. my knee was as big as ever. i was really scared of being able to make it down the mountain. i wore knee pads and taped up my knee. i did land on my knee a few times in the powder (moment of zen) and it didn't hurt. later that day i realized i could feel something happening to the hematoma. my knee loosened up and i could feel the hematoma breaking up under the skin. felt great! i was able to ride fine after my first day. on that very trip i went into the bomber shop and got me some deeluxe suzukas. didn't ride alpine it was too soon for that.

@lonbordin... thanks!

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The key is to clear three at a time. Then drive the nose.

All kidding aside that looks brutal. I can see why a mogul run right in the middle of the runs is a bit unnerving. I'm impressed with your tenacity to keep riding after an injury like that. That would be a deal breaker for many.

I was unaware of the healing properties of powder, but I'm really not too shocked. The stuff is amazing. A steep run, lots of powder, and a big board make can be a spiritual experience.

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<table><th width="125"></th><tr><td><b>Date</b></td><td>2/28/2010</td></tr><tr><td><b>Temp</b></td><td>15F early, 30f later on</td></tr><tr><td><b>Visibility</b></td><td>sunny blue sky</td></tr><tr><td><b>Conditions</b></td><td>very firm in the early morning, soft in the afternoon</td></tr><tr><td><b>Hardbooters</b></td><td> 5 (me, bobd, bill, bruce and carol)</td></tr></table>


snow was fantastic on all the runs. at the start it was firm. it eventually warmed up and it softened. regardless the edges held nicely. there were no courses set up on milkrun (at 1pm they set one up).

and this is the guy we all have to thank for the snow.

<a href=" P2280055" title="P2280055 by snurfer64, on Flickr"><img src="http://farm3.static.flickr.com/2747/4396005924_e593f21183_b.jpg" width="1024" height="768" alt="P2280055" /></a>

bobd and i talked to chris at the top. he started to compliment us on carving by saying he was going to give us a rake to fill in the trenches. we gave him kudos on the snow and how well its holding up. he talked a bit about that. he said that they had sent samples of the water to SnowMax to be analyzed and that they don't really know what it is that makes the place hold up so well.

it got crowded pretty quick. we all went over to olympic and i think i had my best runs there. the snow was truly excellent.

saw carol coming out of the chalet. she had a carve board. she stayed over at teachers pet.

at around 11 am i switched over to my donek. going from the rossi to the donek was night and day. the donek had a gritty or raspy feel when carving. it also felt stiffer.

bill showed up at around noon. bruce did his nastar thing.

left at 1pm.


a kid went through the moguls and was injured. not sure what happened. the kids father was with him. i suspect that the father thought it would be fun to take his son though the moguls. all we could see was the kid was laying angainst a mogul and not moving. in the photo you'll see the father in blue jacket standing next to a ski patroller hunched over his son. later on there were more ski patrollers that showed up to assist.

<a href=" P2280059" title="P2280059 by snurfer64, on Flickr"><img src="http://farm5.static.flickr.com/4052/4395259481_925fb9a3ef_b.jpg" width="1024" height="768" alt="P2280059" /></a>

Betty Boadercross

saw this woman at the top of crossroads...

<a href=" P2280045" title="P2280045 by snurfer64, on Flickr"><img src="http://farm3.static.flickr.com/2715/4395227335_005d4109c8_b.jpg" width="1024" height="768" alt="P2280045" /></a>

as i started to click in, i looked down and said "great snow, isn't it?".

<a href=" P2280044" title="P2280044 by snurfer64, on Flickr"><img src="http://farm5.static.flickr.com/4026/4395226375_c7c2e7f266_b.jpg" width="1024" height="768" alt="P2280044" /></a>

she responded, "this snow kicks ass! hey you're that orange guy i always see here on sundays. you rock!". said my thanks and asked what her name was. she said "i'm betty boardercross". indeed. said "my name is bobble, nice to meet you, and have a good run" and i took off.

did a couple runs. i almost ran across betty. apparently she fell into one of my trenches. she was lying there and couldn't get up.

<a href=" P2280046" title="P2280046 by snurfer64, on Flickr"><img src="http://farm3.static.flickr.com/2736/4395995220_097e45704e_b.jpg" width="1024" height="768" alt="P2280046" /></a>

i helped her up and asked if she was okay. she said some expletives and told me that she was training for the ski/boardercross and that she "kicked ass". she asked if i could do the terrain park on an alpine set up. told her no. she said since i had a camera, she demanded action shots as she jibs because she "kicked ass".

i was truly bored so i followed her into the terrain park. she attemped a rail.

hey, nice approach!

<a href=" P2280048" title="P2280048 by snurfer64, on Flickr"><img src="http://farm5.static.flickr.com/4057/4395229087_c884076cf4_b.jpg" width="1024" height="768" alt="P2280048" /></a>


<a href=" P2280049" title="P2280049 by snurfer64, on Flickr"><img src="http://farm5.static.flickr.com/4069/4395996960_3304802f48_b.jpg" width="1024" height="768" alt="P2280049" /></a>

oh no! her board caught an edge!

<a href=" P2280051" title="P2280051 by snurfer64, on Flickr"><img src="http://farm3.static.flickr.com/2804/4395997884_9ccde976dd_b.jpg" width="1024" height="768" alt="P2280051" /></a>

after that i took off. was not impressed.

The End

<a href=" P2280054" title="P2280054 by snurfer64, on Flickr"><img src="http://farm5.static.flickr.com/4016/4395998906_cc8fbc720b_b.jpg" width="1024" height="768" alt="P2280054" /></a>

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<table><th width="125"></th><tr><td><b>Date</b></td><td>3/2/2010</td></tr><tr><td><b>Temp</b></td><td>30F</td></tr><tr><td><b>Visibility</b></td><td>lights</td></tr><tr><td><b>Conditions</b></td><td>hard</td></tr><tr><td><b>Hardbooters</b></td><td> 2 (me, trent) </td></tr></table>


crossroads was fast and hard. kept blowing edges. more people on the chair were watching me slide on my stomach than trent power carving the crap out of the run. later in the evening i got the hang of it.

discovered late that the snow near the chairlift had more hold.

we went over to warners as joke. really hard at the top.

there was a course set up. a skier told us that a group of them rented space on milkrun for $400. be cool if we had a large group and have a run to ourselves

trent???? care to say anything?

Carve Responsibily


What was it you told me Bob?.........".....carve responsibly....?"

check out this video posted by johnasmo. wait till 5:27.

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discovered late that the snow near the chairlift had more hold.

we went over to warners as joke. really hard at the top.

i don't know what bobbles talking about; everywhere had more hold! it really looked like there were big patches of ice/boilerplate/whatever you want to call it, but it must've been my goggles. i was holding an edge just fine. bobble was having an off day. warners looked hard at the top, but it rode smooth.

oh wait.... i was on my new vsr metal. :1luvu::1luvu: i've demoed a lot of metal boards the past few years, but mostly in colorado were the snow has always been forgiving. tonight was an excellent test of metal. it really does make a huge difference. bobble talked me into getting on my glass donek for the last bit of the evening. i took 4 runs before buck closed. chattered out and fell on 3 of them.

if you're not on bruce's list, get on it!

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