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Share your best exercises to get ready for the season

Bobby Buggs

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OK, Lee, what are Hindu squats and Gabriel, what is Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu? Are these Tantric sex positions?

Hindu Squats are non-weight bearing squats where at the bottom of the squat you raise up on your heels. It's easier to understand if you see it:


Great exercise, especially when combined with hindu pushups and one legged romanian squats.

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10 mile jog or 2 hr mtb ride in the morning, PX 90 over lunch, then tai chi or pilates at night. Home grown organic food including fish grown in our own pond. Sometimes on the weekends we'll head over to the gym for some balance beam work before hitting the street and the bongo board or skateboard with friends. Down to just two massages per week but with this economy we've got to cut corners somewhere. Catch a nice sauna and warm bath before bedtime at 9PM, relations 4-5 nights per week. We'd like to work in some rock climbing and swimming into the mix but it's hard to find the time. Nonetheless I think we'll be ready when the season comes.

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OK, Lee, what are Hindu squats and Gabriel, what is Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu? Are these Tantric sex positions?

Yeah, somebody posted a youtube of that one. It really works (it got my thigh burning for a week). Also, Back Bridge and Hindu Push-Ups are quite efficient tho it'll get you sore easily.

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What works for me - an elliptical crosstrainer done in a squat position (upper legs close to horizontal). Incredible quad burn, do it for 20-30 minutes with varying degrees of squat to build endurance and leg strength. Might sound easy, but your first time out you probably won't be able to do more than a few minutes.

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interval training is really good for peak fitness and also for endurance provided you have a base built up; typically in triathalon season, we used to do easy training for getting good swim technique etc in the winter, then in the season we would do mostly interval training.

For the run, old logic was, you need to run 5km or 8km, so you go out and actually run it. Instead, with intervals, you might do a few days a month like that, but most of the days would be more like 1km warm up jog, then 10 X 200m sprints giving everything you had, with a 2 min break between then another 200m and so on 10 times.

Great for making you want to throw up :-)

Swimming training much the same.

Helps a lot with pace and speed changing; probably more useful and more reflective of snowboarding, which is 2-3min max of peak effort, with a little break, then again. More like boxing in that respect (which is also an interval style training at most gyms - 3 min on, break, 3 min on, break etc).

BUt you need the specific exercises for individual muscles as well.

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No specific training regimen -

biking to school with son in AM

biking back to "pick him up" in the PM

biking on all errands when time/distance permit

goal is to use no more than one tankful of diesel in my Beetle any given month... didn't make it last month but did the month before

and oh yeah, I sit on a '65' balance ball for extended periods when on the computer and watching TV. seems to work the lower back and abs without the drudgery of a workout.

Lost more than 15 pounds in three months with no workout routine and with taking green tea w/Hoodia pills

ride on, ride on ...


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Think of exercises as tools to build your "house" of fitness. Lots of people here are saying biking, biking, biking. Or promoting other things. ONE exersise is NOT going to get you in shape. It may get you in shape for that exersise, but you will have gaps and weakness in your overall fitness.

You can't build a house with one tool, you can't get true fitness with one exersise. Varity is key. It takes many "tools" to get the job done. Yes some tools get used more often when building a house like a hammer and a saw, like biking and stretching. But sometimes you need a table saw, nail gun, drill, ect. just like sometimes you will need to do lunges, squats, cable machines, ect.....

Basically what I'm trying to say is that unlike what you see on late night TV, there is no do one thing and have amazing results. Hard work, picking at your personal weakness, and keeping varity is key to starting the season strong.

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Philfell is right on. If you look at the U.S. Ski Team off season training, yes they will do biking, treadmill, etc. However, they spend a lot of time on strength training also. Exercises such as Back Squats, Deadlifts, and especially the Olympic Lifts (Snatch and Clean & Jerk). The Snatch and C&J develop whole body explosive power like nothing else. Ted Ligety has been training the Olympic Lifts hard for the past few years, and it has really paid off. They also do a lot of balance training and plyometrics for variety.

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  • 2 weeks later...
play hockey.

amen. at least 4 times a week in the sept-march period, twice a week for the rest. ride the bike weekdays, portage canoes on weekends.

couldn't pay me enough to go into one of those "gyms". that said - it shows.

Did some solid portaging this summer and although there were no changes in the mirror, my balance is 10x better.

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