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TD3's on metal top sheets

Michael Pukas

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Is it safe to run TD3's w/ either 7mm yellow or blue e-rings directly on a metal top sheet board w/out a sub plate?

I've heard of metal top sheets being damaged f/ bindings being mounted directly to a metal top sheet, but I think they were either TD2's or another plate binding w/out any sort of cushion. I've seen Billy's vid where he shows off his broken Kessler - I don't want that to happen. Ouch! But if I don't need to run sub plates, I'd rather not. Cheers! mpp

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My impression is that TD2/3 is safe for metal.

Not recommended are TD1 and any other really stiff binding. I think Catek might be in there unless you use the plates.

I busted two prior metal-tops this season (in about 5 total days of riding) with td2s and yellow pads.

EDIT: busted = delamed topsheets with cracks running the width of the board. Both boards still rode fine, but I was informed that catastrophic failure was imminent. Honestly, I don't think plates would have made a bit of difference, though some people here do. I ride on relatively steep terrain where fast tight turns are required. Despite all the "metals will turn tight" hype, I just don't think the early prior offerings were up to that kind of workout.

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I am probably not riding hard at all :confused: It must be that, because I am riding both of my Virus Cyborg, 14cm waist respectively!!!, plain polished Titanal topsheet (so no additional topsheet!) with Cateks and NO sub plate and have not have had any issues at all after 60 days this season.

Hmm, maybe it’s true and the saying has some to it, “you get what you pay for”…. Na, am just not riding hard enough… :D


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I ride Virus Vampire and 1st gen plain metal Prior 173 with TD2s and suspension kit. Prior is my favorite board for very steep slopes where tight turning is required. No problems so far.

It seems to be important that binding is mounted in such a way that suspension pad covers all of the unused inserts in front.

Btw, that's Prior in my avatar.

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I am probably not riding hard at all :confused: It must be that, because I am riding both of my Virus Cyborg, 14cm waist respectively!!!, plain polished Titanal topsheet (so no additional topsheet!) with Cateks and NO sub plate and have not have had any issues at all after 60 days this season.

Hmm, maybe it’s true and the saying has some to it, “you get what you pay for”…. Na, am just not riding hard enough… :D


Ray, you riding not hard :eplus2: ? I saw a picture of you lately here, you and your Cyborg were taking flying lessons and you didn't need those lessons :cool:.

Ray, as I know you ride those titanals with the D3 Elastomere kit. So no direct binding contact. The Td3/Td2's however still have metal/metal contact with the centerdisk. I myself ride modified TD3's on my Cyborg Titanal, first with a lexan spacer in between. Next week (CM2009) I will ride TD3's with a 2mm rubber gasket in between. Looking how that goes.

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