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Dupraz 5.5

Bobby Buggs

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I demoed both the 6' and 5'5".

Just not enough effective edge on the 5'5". Felt like a 160ish AM board. Couldn't really carve it. The 6' was just so sweet and didn't feel long so I see no reason to go to the 5'5" unless you are really small. I even went into mogul fields with the 6' and didn't feel like I was swinging a lot of board around.

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+1 on the 6' and the softies.

I wanted to post a review on the D1+6' but I didn't have a chance to put it to the test in powder, so that would have been incomplete.

But here are a few impressions I got from riding it two days on hardpack and slush (in hardboots) :


+ very good edge hold, close to an alpine board

+ length is definitely not a problem, I even found the board a little turny, especially on flats

+ it loves speed, calls for it, very, very stable at speed


- this board needs to be ridden with a particular technique, i.e. with the two feet acting together, surfy style or so.

- I had so many comments and questions that it became embarassing and even annoying...;)

With the pros listed above, I almost felt like riding my alpine board, but it didn't work so well because I pushed on the nose and it chattered a lot. I also had one or two serious washouts on heelside and even one bad toeside washout (which almost never happened to me riding a HB setup) when trying to lay down EC turns on steeps. Things improved when I started to adopt a more relaxed, cruising style of riding as it started to melt to slush.

At the end of the two days it was a bit frustrating because I didn't enjoy as I would have with my alpine board the hard conditions in the mornings and there was no powder to try out the Dupraz in its element. I don't think I completely figured out the technique to ride the Dupraz yet and I will have to wait until next season anyway. But my overall impression remains very positive. The ability of this board to remain very stable at speed is close to incredible and is full of promises for the plans I have for it:eplus2::eplus2::eplus2::eplus2:

So, at this point, my best conclusion is: This board is meant to be ridden in softies because it will be easier (at least for me) to adopt the technique that is required for this board. The only exception to that is powder where I think riding it in plates (a soft hardboot setup, for instance with AT boots and snowpros) would help getting the technique right for all-mountain use, including carving on groomers.

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Anyone here used it? feel free to elaborate

great ride if you weigh ~130lbs or less. You'll overpower it with the slightest input. Effective edge is comparable to a 145cm-is AM board.

If I'm not careful, I overpower my D1+ without thinking about it. The 6' has an effective edge comparable to an AM in the high 150's/low 160's

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I guess I just had a different experience on the little Dup' then you guys. I was worried about the small effective edge (and deep side cut) when I bought it, but haven't had a problem, at least in soft snow. (And I'm 150lbs, riding the non-stiffened version.)

When I first mounted the board, I followed the instructions on the Dupraz site to the "T." This had my bindings WAY forward of center on the board's effective edge. To me, this is the trick of the Dupraz design. I'm not sure of the dynamics, but it made the board feel and turn much longer than it was. Eventually, I set the bidings back about 1/2 inch to absorb slush piles a little better at the end of the season. The board suddenly became very turny--but I also felt that I could power the tail more.

I'm curious if you all felt your washouts started at the nose or the tail? The tail is stiff (good hold), but severely tapered (bad hold). The nose is the exact opposite....

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The Dupraz 5'5" is a do-it-all board. It will carve the groom much better than your run of the mill freestyle board, but don't expect expect Coiler Schtubby type performance.

I can do a fully laid out toeside eurocarve on my Dupraz 5'5", while in softboots. I couldn't do that on a Tanker or an Osin 4807.

And definitely the best board I've ridden for pow and moguls.

In open powder fields, it rides a lot like my Osin 4807 168, but I thought the Dupraz felt more nimble when riding through tight tree sections and moguls.

I also like hitting jumps and the halfpipe with the Dupraz. The landings feel very stable. With the Osin, I stayed away from jumps because I was afraid I would snap the tail.

I use to ride the Dupraz in hard boots, but riding the hard boots with shallow angles was rough on my shins. Now, I stick to softboots when riding the Dupraz.

At 5'7", 135 lb, I thought the longer Dupraz would be more work. But I've never tried the longer version.

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The Dupraz 5'5" is a do-it-all board. It will carve the groom much better than your run of the mill freestyle board, but don't expect expect Coiler Schtubby type performance.

I can do a fully laid out toeside eurocarve on my Dupraz 5'5", while in softboots. I couldn't do that on a Tanker or an Osin 4807.

And definitely the best board I've ridden for pow and moguls.

In open powder fields, it rides a lot like my Osin 4807 168, but I thought the Dupraz felt more nimble when riding through tight tree sections and moguls.

I also like hitting jumps and the halfpipe with the Dupraz. The landings feel very stable. With the Osin, I stayed away from jumps because I was afraid I would snap the tail.

I use to ride the Dupraz in hard boots, but riding the hard boots with shallow angles was rough on my shins. Now, I stick to softboots when riding the Dupraz.

At 5'7", 135 lb, I thought the longer Dupraz would be more work. But I've never tried the longer version.

jeeesus, what tanker did you try?

must of been a lot of board for you

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great ride if you weigh ~130lbs or less. You'll overpower it with the slightest input. Effective edge is comparable to a 145cm-is AM board.

If I'm not careful, I overpower my D1+ without thinking about it. The 6' has an effective edge comparable to an AM in the high 150's/low 160's

I weigh 185lbs and I was worried that the D1+ nose was too soft. So I kept pushing my weight forward more and more all day to see what would happen. By the end of the day, I stopped worrying. I never once felt in danger of overpowering the board. I have folded the nose on my Coiler and Prior. I pushed just as hard on the Dupraz and I had no problem.

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