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Bummer at Bachelor


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Hi ho,

I just went to OES and it was great to meet people and connect with other hardbooters. Mike and Bonnie did an inCREDible job organizing the whole thing. Kudos to them:o) I was somewhat apprehensive about it all since I just started hardbooting in Jan. But everyone was so cool and nice-it was great!!

The one NOT great thing was that on Sat. I got blindsided by another hardbooter (I was downhill) on the first run of the day. Dislocated my left shoulder and I am now done for the season. And the really nasty thing is I don't know who it was. He stopped (had to cause he crashed too) but I was pretty miserable and didn't get a name-just sent him off to get help and never heard from him again. All other hardbooters who stopped while I waited were wonderful (Shane is my hero). This guy is a scumbag. So if you're out there you know who you are and you're also a chickensh** to not step up and take responsibility.:nono: (My actual words are MUCH saltier but I figure this forum doesn't really need to hear me spew).:AR15firin People don't treat people that way and ESPECIALLY not in "our" family of carvers.

Thanks, all, for reading this far. Of course now winter has extended itself for another couple of weeks here in N. Idaho. Guess I'll just dream the turns.


Max aka grayontray

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Hey Max,

Glad to hear you made it home safe and sound. It was great to meet you, although it's too bad that we didn't get to ride together. You're such a fit and determined person that you're bound to impress everyone with your healing time.

I keep trying to sum up my feelings about your accident, but I guess I'm still too frustrated and shocked to articulate my thoughts.

Props to Shane. As RJ would say, he's a solid unit.

Heal up well, and let's make some turns together next year.


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MVP of OES 2009! You were the man all week :AR15firin.

You and Tim brought the Coos Bay style parking lot breakfast burritos to a unbeliveable level, throwing together a 36 egg skillet was amazing along with the oven baked cinnamon rolls. You also charged hard on the mtn and in the beer garden, you were everywhere...all of the time.

Fortunately, you were the one to stop and care for our injured carving friend Max before ski patrol arrived. Best wishes to Max for a fast recovery.

Carve on,


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man that SUCKS. I hope you heal well, and I hope the person that hit you and didn't own up to it is injured and gets a bad case of e-coli.

based on what I've heard of a certain OES rider, I worry that it might have been the same person.

If they are discovered, they at least owe you medical bill coverage.

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I hope you heal well and quickly.I also agree that it sucks that the person never fessed up. Some might say it's just a risk we take, but I would have to disagree with a '**** happens' take on this.

The main reason for that is because I have ridden with you enough to know that you are a controlled and predictable turner.That's why I don't think there are any good excuses for the culprit to have hit you.The trail you were on was plenty wide enough to have avoided hitting you.We all have to keep our heads on a swivel but should not have to worry about fellow carvers who are supposed to be skilled,proficient riders with better 'slope vision' than most other area users hitting us from behind.No good excuses can be attributed to this incident.

Anyway,welcome as a new bomber member. I hope you didn't have listen too long to Aaron talk about his new skis on the drive home,hehe.Hopefully, you will still take a ride up the gondi with Aaron before the season's up and we can have some beers,er gin and sit in the sun.


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Just wanted to say (and I speak for Cassie here as well) that it was a pleasure to meet you at OES.

We were both dumbstruck to hear what had happened. We were riding up Rainbow after the first run when we saw the sled heading down from the Sunrise chair and were both hoping that it wasn't anyone in our group that got hurt. Unfortunately it was and unfortunately it happened to a great person such as you.

I'm sending you heaping amounts of good vibes to speed you on your recovery.


It is more than a bit embarrassing that the rider who caused this still remains unknown and will not, at the very least, openly apologize for the situation in question. I've always taken a certain degree of pride knowing that the alpine snowboard crew, while wild at times, are several rungs up on the respect and responsibility ladder than the jib monkey, group think collective. This situation puts that assumption to the test and, at this point, it has failed terribly. All it takes is a modicum of decency to stand up, admit fault in this situation and offer an apology. It is very apparent that whoever caused the accident is severely lacking in "sack". If this rant sounds like a challenge, it's meant to. The person responsible needs to get their SH_T together, own up and take their lumps.:boxing_sm


On another note, Shane is the man! Really though, I don't think anyone who knows him would expect anything less from someone with such an exemplary character.

Lastly, I truly hope that you, Max, will not let this bad situation stand out as the sum total of your OES experience and I'm hoping that you will give it another chance next year. I know that Cassie and I would love to have another opportunity to ride with you out here. If you ever get to the Portland/Vancouver area in the future give a shout; we'd love to get together.

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I always get a bit nervous at get togethers where there are strange riders I don't know. Most of us know that carving (the way we do it) requires a little more foresight and a margin of error that most skier and boarders don't appreciate. Even so, it is easy for someone to get caught up in the excitement of the day and take a chance.

Hope it's an easy recovery for you.


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Max, I am glad to hear you are safely back at home. I would once again like to express my sorrow that such a thing could happen to you at an event that I organized. I've gone over the list of attendees and tried to match them up against the description you gave me and have been unable to single out a likely suspect. It looks like the only way we are going to find out who the perpetrator is, is if said person comes forward. Once again, I am sorry that this happened at OES, and I wish I had been witness to the incident so that I could do something more for you. My positive thoughts are being sent in your direction and I hope that we one day have a chance to ride together.

I might remind the person, if he is reading this, that failure to leave name and contact information with ski patrol after the accident is a violation of the skier's responsibility code and a violation of the terms of service at Mount Bachelor.

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