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The Coiler X4 Hyper-G-163 Arrow has arrived

Shred Gruumer

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Yep my fault.. since this is a first time board.. with kinda unknown insert placement.. Its all a guessing game.. when you do the graphics and where you put them I thought about that.. problem was.. it used to get covered up by the back binding ... I shot for the middle but again.. when you design topsheet templates and dont know how much sidecut will flare to the nose and tail... I have to guess.. All I knew was the length and center width.. the rest was a unkown and since I wanted the topsheet to be there when Bruce built it.. if I have similar boards I would take a measurement.. but this wasn't similar to anything.. so it was a guess.. and when your looking at it on your computer ..sometimes you think you put it where you think.. but it was a bit off..

See Geoff...it ain't so easy.. thats is why I suggested things as I did with yours.. but we at least already had a board to measure.. the first one is always a guess.. usually im right on..like with the X2.. I don't know what happened with this one... maybe to much Leffe,,, right Jack!!

right said Shred

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:lol:Yet Bruce's post mysteriously disappears!


Actually felt bad about it after the fact as a lot of effort goes into doing a custom top and even my production tops need to have adjustments done to get them right on many occasions. We tend to look at even one small error and forget all the other good things about any effort. Its like I just spent 2 days making a board which rides great but has a small imperfection and that is all that gets attention. I guess it makes things closer to perfect in the long run but in all aspects of life we need to celebrate more of the accomplishments rather than the minor pitfalls:biggthump

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