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Intec binding setup problem


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So I spent about an hour last night trying to set up the F2 step in bindings I bought off Bordy. I'm not having any luck with these $#&@8$# things and thought I'd consult the oracles.

When I step in, the pins feel like they engage solidly, but as soon as I flex the boot to the side they pop up and out. When I have the boot so it feels as if it's snapped in I can see a mm or two gap under the heel - it doesn't appear to be sitting down on the plate that screws through the heel. Which makes me wonder if it's an issue with the toe binding being too low, and not allowing the heel to bottom out and engage properly.

These bindings have little plastic tabs in the side of the pin holes, so I can't see from the side whether the pin is engaging properly or not. I tried screwing the toe in and out with microadjustments until the pin was obviously too far forward or too far back, and I couldn't get the heel to engage at all anywhere in there.

I have another set of these that set up fine (apart from having my canting the wrong way - whoops! thanks Fin!), so I'm a little annoyed that I can't get these things to go. Please save me from throwing a tantrum and heaving my Madd through the window, and give me some advice!!:)

If it is the toe binding, which way do you screw the wheels to raise the height? The reason I ask is that the toe bail wheels are as tight as hell, and I can only move them using a screwdriver in the notches ... which is not something I want to be doing and going back and forth on.

Pic of the binding is attached. I tried to take some of the parts but my camera sucks.


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Allee, all my intecs, TD2, OS1, even my old X bones, do not let the boot heel rest on the binding block, they rest on the bottom of the pins. This is not adjustable, it has to do with where the pins are in relation to the heel. I've never messed with F2s, but a picture of the boot in the binding might help.

Pray for snow, we need it in Tahoe. Are you coming to SES again?

Gretchen says "Hi"


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sounds to me like the binding is set tight.

could be wrong but if its too tight with for me what happens is they go in but not all the way and the upward load pops them back out

if you have a webcam and AIM I'd be willing to do a video chat with you to get it sorted by showing you how I do my bindings

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Allee, all my intecs, TD2, OS1, even my old X bones, do not let the boot heel rest on the binding block, they rest on the bottom of the pins. This is not adjustable, it has to do with where the pins are in relation to the heel. I've never messed with F2s, but a picture of the boot in the binding might help.

Pray for snow, we need it in Tahoe. Are you coming to SES again?

Gretchen says "Hi"


I wondered if that might be the case with sitting up off the receiver. I'll have to drag the other board out and have a look at the boot sitting in that.

Tell Gretchen that I'll see her at SES again ... thank god for the credit card ...

Bob, I don't have a webcam, and the battery for my camera died and is in the charger ... I'll try get some more pix tomorrow.

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Hey Allee,

I'm not that familiar with F2 bindings but from looking at your picture I see that the heel receiver has channels where the screws go into the binding. Is it possible the receiver is slightly askew? In other words, the two sides aren't in alignment? This would allow one hole to catch a pin and the other side would maybe barely catch. Try loosening the heel receiver screws slightly to allow it to move a bit and try dropping in a boot sans foot. That will let you see what is going on without having to stand on your head!

Good luck.

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These bindings have little plastic tabs in the side of the pin holes, so I can't see from the side whether the pin is engaging properly or not.

I would kill these tabs by removing them :ices_ange

From your setup it looks that your boot is not prblematic small, like my wifes 22 mondo, so check that it is adjusted correctly to middle of binding.

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So Dave and Bryan get chocolate fish for the correct answer. As the bindings are older, the hole for the pins is smaller than the diameter of the pin in the current heels. Who knew?

You guys are s.m.r.t.

So to resolve the problem - if I can't source replacement heel receivers, I will take them to a machine shop and have the holes made slightly bigger. Voila. Problem solved!


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I've had those bindings in the past and was able to drill them out on my own. Be careful to drill with more gap length wise versus top to bottom. If you over drill the hole in the up/down axis, you will always have some play.

Start with a smaller drill bit and increase as needed.

Good luck!!

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