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Free Lift Tix


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I knew that would get your attention, but seriously I'm willing to buy someone a lift ticket if they'll ride with me for a day and give me some pointers. I've ridden softboot for 20 years and last year was my first in hardboots, so I'm not a complete novice. I was able to ride with a hardbooter one day last year and it helped me out a ton.

I live in upstate NY, Utica area. I'll buy your lift ticket in exchange for some instruction. Just reply if you want to help out a fellow rider.

Oh yeah, I'm not a complete tool either, so you're day won't be a complete bore either.

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You say you're not a complete tool. Can you give a percentage to determine what part tool you are?

Hey guys help him out. Sounds like someone who really is serious.

If you're out in the Pacific NW, you can come for some serious lessons in the bumps. No need to buy me a pass, save it for airfare.

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wow no one is going to help him out? I'd do it in a sec if I lived there. I like teaching and spreading the stoke of carving. If you're ever in NH, VT, ME or boston area, let me know and I'll ride with you.

Get in contact with Dave ESPI and POW. They're at jimminy peak all the time. If they don't need a lift ticket for whatever reason, it is customary to bring beer.

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Or come out to the SES in Feb and ride with 200+ carvers and take clinics from some of the best.

Good luck!

If you really want to improve SES is the way to go. Just being there and watching people takes you to whole new level.

During SES there are 2 clinics going on. One is the pureboarding clinic with Joerg and a gforce clinic with me. Also there is Sean from snowperformance running a begginer clinic. For these there is no payment involved! Not to mention all the gear that you get to test ride.

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I knew that would get your attention, but seriously I'm willing to buy someone a lift ticket if they'll ride with me for a day and give me some pointers. I've ridden softboot for 20 years and last year was my first in hardboots, so I'm not a complete novice. I was able to ride with a hardbooter one day last year and it helped me out a ton.

I live in upstate NY, Utica area. I'll buy your lift ticket in exchange for some instruction. Just reply if you want to help out a fellow rider.

Oh yeah, I'm not a complete tool either, so you're day won't be a complete bore either.


I don't need you to buy me a lift ticket but I'd be happy to ride with you. If you've got the hockey player mentality, we're most likely to have similiar riding styles. It ain't always pretty but folks on the chairlift DO tend to notice when the BIG GUYS go tearing by.

I just scored a comp voucher from Stratton. Email or PM me and maybe we can connect for some riding.The comps seem easy to win, too. Stratton is great for some high speed cruising mid week.I'll be in Brazil most of February but otherwise ready to rally for some turns.

I gotta warn ya tho, I'm a COMPLETE TOOLBOX.:rolleyes:

Gleb's right, BEER is better than Bucks when you're helping out a fellow hardbooter. Guinness is good, Belgian is better:biggthump

fyi,Your email seems blocked, I'll check again.

I'll bring all of my shoes and my glasses so that I have them

edit: it worked, I sent the link for the stratton contest



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Hey Hockey2,

If you can get over to Stratton, there are always a bunch of hardbooters on the weekends. Also, mid-week, I ride on Monday's and Wednesday's. I'd be happy to ride w/you if you want. You'll probably pick everything up really quick, since you already have riding skills. I think its great that more people want to try the sport.

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I live in upstate NY, Utica area.

Hockey, I use to live in Manlius back in the early 90's and carved at Toggenburg

We use to have a pretty big hardbooter groupthere. I met 2 guys at SES that ride there reguarly and if I recall one of them was an instructor. Check it out and ask someone at the front desk about instructions for hardboots. The place is so small they should know who these 2 guys are. Or post in the Ride forum for NY and see if you get a response.

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What mountain were you thinking of going to? An instructor would be your best bet. Second best would be to ride with a crew of carvers (Stratton) to get differing opinions, styles, explanations etc.

Also, if you have the means to get yourself on video (digital camera or cell phones work), post it up and you can get a little online help.

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Riding with a bunch of carvers is the best. Too much tech will make your head spin, just follow the trenches.

Let's coordinate a meet up at Stratton.

pitch til ya win


how about those employee appreciation days ? is that still on ? dates ? Shaggy ? Cheryl ? Steph ? PSR ?

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Guinness is good, Belgian is better:biggthump

over the line, willy! i'm sorry. that's a foul. :eplus2:

hey hockey... dave espi, pow, and i typically ride at Jiminy Peak, we're all in/around Albany. watch the Ride Board to see when people meet up and where. what mountain do you frequent?

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Thanks to everyone for getting back to me.

I did check the instructor tool and unfortunately Ivan no longer works at Hunter. I will call Toggenberg and see if anyone still teaches there.

Jiminy Peak - I've only been there once and had a great time there. I could see how you guys could like that place for cruising. Is it rude of me just to invite myself to ride with you guys? Maybe someone could drop me an email when you're up for some teaching - chadclark1971@gmail.com

I usually ride at Whiteface. Not the best place to learn an alpine board.

Whily - I can make it to Stratton too. Just let me know when you want to go. The sooner the better.

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If Hunter is your choice I can get you with the Carve father. That will be a day you wont forget:freak3:

As for being rude, just let me know when you want to ride and where. If I can make it I will go, and as far as jumping in with a carving crew we usually stop when we see people on apline stuf and ask if they want to come along so dont worry about that.

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Jiminy Peak - I've only been there once and had a great time there. I could see how you guys could like that place for cruising. Is it rude of me just to invite myself to ride with you guys?

I usually ride at Whiteface. Not the best place to learn an alpine board.

We usually post in the MA section of the Ride board.. will send an email when i head out there. might not be for a week or so though, depending on snow.

i am planning on heading up to ride Whiteface this year. i'll hit you up when i'm figure out when.

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Going to ECES was one of the best eye opener for me.

People are doing stuff that seems to be defying physics.

Too bad it's only once every two year...

Starting Gate near Stratton would let you demo alpine gear. That's how I got started last season.

First run took me 30+ mintues to get down Mike's way....



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