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If Money Was No Object

Thor VonRippington

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If money was no object..........I would buy Colorado and Ban all skier's......heck I'd just buy the Rocky Mountains :biggthump

Heck, I'd go along with that and only ban the skiers that don't do the bumps, and I'd keep the 1/2 dozen Burton Ultraprimes that I already have. That way I'd have someone to board/ski in the bumps with, and leave the groomers for the rest of you guys.

Actually I really like my current quiver and I don't think I could break all of them before I croak. I really only ride the Ultraprimes, unless it's a powder day, over 6", or I'm stuck in Duluth on 500' of Vertical.

Burton 156 Ultraprime (bumps, steeps, & off piste)

Burton Coil 162 for 6" to 10"

O'Sin Swallowtail/Burton Fish over 10"

And maybe a metal something when I get too old to go off-piste.

You know when something works really well for that designated task, why change? Best thing to do is stockpile.

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I'm already pretty happy with my quiver. I would add a 188 Monster Metal from Coiler to it.

If money was no object I would spend more time riding / traveling and less time working. That's what I would actually do.

Best response in the thread :biggthump:biggthump

Screw buying more boards, I just need a job where I come in twice a week and get to leave and go on vacation for however long I want.

But, to be in conformance with the thread.

1. Custom ATV with Titanal for softbooting (it's gotta have metal. just so i can see what all the rave is about)

2. Some sort of Coiler AM-T, just to see what all the rave is about

3. Madd 158, just to see what all the rave is about...

4. (i know, i can't count). Tinkler of soem sort, because it just looks so bad ass that it's gotta be awesomeness

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If money was no object..........I would buy Colorado and Ban all skier's......heck I'd just buy the Rocky Mountains :biggthump

Good idea, but I'd also have to buy South America for riding in the summer. And maybe the Alps, too, just incase I get bored with the rockies.:eplus2:

As For boards, I would buy a lot, but if I have to make it 3, these would be my carving-oriented ones:

1. Madd 158- To see what all the fuss is about. I might have to try metal and nonmetal to see which I like better, though. My short/SL board.

2. Virus- Everything in it. Metal, carbon fiber, Zylon, brown stuff, gold stuff, silver stuff, kitten souls, etc. I figure it will be about 4 inches thick and have about 1 foot of camber. In turn transitions, it will spring me in the air and I will do a few flips before landing and starting my next turn. I will only be able to do one run on it per trail, because each trench will go so deep it will hit the dirt below the snow. Also, it will have diamond edges to protect the edges when I "bottom out" during each carve. My medium/GS carver.

3. Tinkler with split nose and tail. Actually, the splits will meet in the middle, so it would be two boards will be connected only by the tinkler plate thing. At least 2 meters long. Maybe 3 or 4 meters if I'm feeling fast that day. My long/SG stick.

I'd say that about does it for my carving boards I'd get if money was no object. Oh, and i'd have to get a skwal (to find what all the fuss is about), and another so I could have some carving skis.

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Bumpyride, you're slowing the progression of the sport by not buying more boards! :lol::rolleyes:

I don't know jack **** about boards except the one that I have, and I've only ridden it like 3 times...but I'd only want one board..

160 Coiler AM-T, 20 cm wide, 10m radius, stiff flex with a comparitively flappy nose so it rides up on slush. (One of the things I love about my Burton, the flappy nose..don't love it so much when it folds) Of course, it would have a progressive flex so it doesn't fold and kink the titanal. (kinky..)

Why so short? So it frickin fits between all the wet-asses sitting in the middle of the trail when I have to side-slip to get between them!

Ace, you'd build the place asymmetrical. No way.

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If money was no object, which three boards would you buy right now and why.

Be specific... don't just name a builder


1) Coiler AM-T 177 for just about everything

2) Tinkler GS board with full-on technical whizbang (split front and back, snow stix, carbon wing) for epic groomers. Probably in the 175-183 range, scr around 13.

3) Swell Panik Metabaron 192 for those amazing powder days.

But the real problem, of course is getting the time to ride, and transport to nice places to ride...

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Didn't know you bought it! A lot of people thought it was interesting that when the DT custom showed up at the demo tent, you were no where to be found. A couple of people said they thought they saw you sneaking away to the parking lot, rather than be involved in the DT Custom challenge.

DT, I can't believe you sold that beauty to Thor! I know last year he said you were selling it cause it was too much for you, but I saw the pictures of you ripping on it.

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If money was no object I would get the usual cornucopia of exotic boards, but I would also find the original designer's of Northwave boots and get them to make some new moulds for .950's. Then pay for all the members of bol and extremecarving for a months vacation (resort to be confirmed) to try out each other's boards. After the lifts shut we can all compare notes and argue which boards are best at the free bar.:1luvu:

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A Madd 158 original - for all out war on the slopes

A Madd 158 titanal - just because I want it - I can't think of a reason to justify having 2 158's but it would be really cool

A long uberdamp metal board - to have the polar opposite of the Madd 158's for mindless cruising over clear ice

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