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NW Carve Session Thanks...


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Just got back from the Timberline carve session- had a great time riding with the Hood locals and making some new acquaintances. Mike and Bonnie Tovino especially deserve a big thank-you for taking the time to organize it as well as hosting the BBQ. Hopefully we can make this a regular late springtime event.

For those of you who rode the demos, please take a moment to email Sean Martin from Donek and thank him for providing the awesome demo quiver.

See you around the hill,


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I second that emotion. I sent Mike a very short video clip. Hopefully it will find it's way to the right people;) Thanks again Mike and Bonnie and to all who traveled from far and wide (except Little Nicky the prison escapee, who was only sort of a pleasure to be around) and making it a fun event.

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I thoroughly enjoyed every minute of Carve Fest! It was my pleasure to organize the event and Bonnie and I enjoyed having such a great group of people over yesterday evening.

Special thanks to Fin and Sean Martin for providing demo TD2s and Donek boards. BTW, the Donek 186 CMC GS is one helluva fun ride - above my level right now but man was it a blast to play on!

Also special thanks to Sean Cassidy for handling the demos and to Sean and Mark Harris for shooting video and giving us a "coaching teaser". (7 months 'till Snow Performance carve camp at Sun Peaks - I can hardly wait! These guys are fantastic.)

I'm all for doing it again next year and would be happy to organize it again. I'd like to keep in in late spring... empty slopes, cheaper tickets, and no conflicts with SES, ECES, races, or camps... and let's face it, the weather might be no better in mid-winter than it was today! If anyone has ideas on how to improve for next year - post here or email me!

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Hats off to Mike T for his time to get us organized and doing a great job of it and feeding us at his place on Saturday. Thanks Mark and Sean for being there and providing some nice visuals for us to strive to. I had a lot of fun putting more faces to names on this site and what a fun time it was.

If this is to be repeated I vote for mid May because there are no race camps, the place is dead and the snowfield out on Zig Zag (sp) glacier was absolutely unbelievable. For those who care to know this snowfield was some of the best carving I have ever experienced. Firm silk made smooth to perfection by Mother Nature only to be scared by those of us that ventured out of the ski area boundary. Access is through controlled gates and we were lucky to have them open on Friday to get there. This was truly the biggest highlight of my trip. I was told this condition does not exist often but when it does it most likely happens in May. Oh yeah, no hiking back to the lift either.

I am not sure of the rider count on Saturday (20something?). Maybe Mike has a count.

Great fun to make turns with all of those that made it there and made it happen.


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Originally posted by k_t

I am not sure of the rider count on Saturday (20something?).

I believe the total head count was 13 on Friday, 21 on Saturday, and 10 on Sunday. I'm including family and friends on skis and softies in that count - the hardboot snowboarder count was 11/17/10. Hats off to pnwradar, who did his first day in plates on Sunday!

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The carve fest was awesome. Someone told me Timberline in May was great for carving but I had no idea it would be that good.

I enjoyed meeting some fun guys and great boarders. The riding on Friday was epic. Those runs were easily the most memorable of the year for me and rate right up there as all time great boarding experiences.

Thanks Mike for such a great idea and initiating something that, I hope, will become an annual event.

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Thanks goes out to everyone who helped make this such a great event. I really enjoyed watching everyone who came. First time ever boarding with another alpiner. Really wanted to make it sunday as well, but was feeling a little sluggish on saturday and when it came to waking up on sunday, it wasn't going to happen. I look foward to next season and the ability to ride with guys again and to sun peaks.



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Well this was a great weekend riding.

Friday was great... That buttery goodness past the gate on the glacier made for some fantastic riding and great scenery.

The weather was against us Saterday and Sunday, but that didn't stop anyone I could see from having a good time. I was very impressed by everyone's riding. Kenny nailing aggressive laid out carves on the first run refrozen cord with bad visability... I can only hope I can ride close to that (if) when I grow up. Then of course there's Sean making even switch carves look so easy... and Mark, well, what else can you say about that besides "wow." And now we have photographic evidence that Jim can in fact fall off a snowboard every once in a while.

Big thanks to Sean, Donek and Bomber for the demos. Mike may have even gotten a Donek board on tv :p. Big thanks to MikeT for organizing everything and having us all over to share a beer. Thanks to Nick for providing us all with entertainment. Hope this happens again next year... better weather! more riders!

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What a killer weekend! I came down to check out the gear and see if hardboot carving was something I might pursue. MikeT loaned me his spare boots for Sunday morning, Sean setup a 163 FC1, and everyone was very supportive of my attempts. Two runs later, I'm convinced. Time to start shopping. :)

Mucho thanks to MikeT for putting this together, and to Sean for the demo gear. And to everyone who showed up and was super friendly, answering my endless questions.


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Originally posted by Mike T

Here's another one starring Jim taken in the fog on Saturday. [/b]

Damn...why did I have to be broke and broken right now! Looks like you guys had a blast.

Mike, I'll definitely let you know when I'm able to ride again (late Summer even though the doc says I can't do any damage to my shoulder now). When I do come down I'll bring the new Donek Twins down for everyone to demo.

Sean not only makes the best alpine boards but the sickest freestyle ones as well.:D


Zx14 Vs Hayabusa

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Thanks Mike for the great idea idea of hosting this awesome event. I wish I could have stopped over for the BBQ but my wife had go to work at the last minute (realtor) and my 2 girls needed there daddy at home to watch them (one was napping). I had a great time riding and learning with all who came. I guess I can say like Tim that friday was one of the best for me snowboarding up at T-line. There is nothing like it anywhere! Super smooth corn snow with 3-4" new from 3 days earlier as a topping. This stuff is better than any machine groomed corderoy. Mother nature knows best ! We need to get Brian from oldsnowboards.com to post some of the 30-40 pics I took with his digicam on friday. Eric thanks for the video that Mike has hosted . Saturday was much better than could be expected for the in and out conditions. We got some great runs and excellent advice from Sean and Mark . One of these I will try to slow down and try some demos. I think everyone that was there is seriously considering signing up for the next snowperformance camp. :) Art thanks for making my flip look kinda cool instead of ego bruising .

Dont forget the season isnt over yet here in the NW. I have next weekend off if anyone is interested . We could even do a carve-n-surf and head down to Hood River for some windsurfing .

Jim :p

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Hey Jim, Mike , guys. I just sent Mike all the photos from the Friday session. Glad you took some "Action" shots Jim. Great day, wish I could have made all of them. Thanks Mike for a great job of organizing. Wish I had been able to ride/talk with some of the guys that traveled to be there . I still have some more days on the flex pass. Just learned from Timberline they are good through June 6th. They go back to 7 days a week soon.

Great time carving it up!! Let's do it again next year for sure. Maybe we can draw in some of the "Bros" from back east and the Colorado area. Show them some Pacific Northwest Style Hospitality!!

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Some of the guys. Left to right , Ed, Jim, Randy, Mike and Eric.

Yes , it was just that nice on the mountain. Sunny , low winds, corned up nice , groomed perhaps a bit rough around the edges in the am, softened up nice, but the off-piste in zig zag RULED!!

Place as big a carve as you like anywhere you like and feel good about it!! You Carve!, You Carve! You Carve! for you old timers get your copy of "Chill" out and sing along with Peter B and Jean N.

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Mike, Im glad the music came through. I found the problem on my end, the old plug in the wrong port conundrum! I'm gonna fire off another vid to jason and see if he can post it somewhere. I definately learned alot about the video thing while I was there, and will hopefully be able to do more of it in the future.

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I had a great time too. Since we are often given the stink eye, the fellowship of all of us is pretty cool. Getting us all together is at times, scary to others. It was definitely fun to ride together.

How about next year we start the tradition of a Chinese Downhill?

Just an idea, probably not safe. Well, its still sounds fun, any takers? ha ha

I hope to be seeing you all again soon,


oh, I'll be up at T-line on Sun. I'm now going to go slide a rail onto a small patch of snow in some urban enviornments. see ya

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