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Impulse Buy-- Now What?!


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Hey all,

Sometimes a great deal overrides any sort of logic. I just picked up a 168 Prior MFR for a ridiculously low price. Did I "need" it? Not really. Maybe as a powder board and something to carve through Vermont/Mass crud (my arch nemesis). But I have always wanted to try a Prior, so...

Now, I'm 5'5" in about 150lbs after eating dessert. Did I just get too much board for myself? I have never, ever ridden something this long. Also, if you were in my shoes, would you mount it up for HB or softies? Honestly, I have such a schizophrenic quiver for this season, there is gong to be a lot of experimentation going on. Could be fun!

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Definitely the wrong board for you. I'll offer you $100 for it. :)

Seriously though, it's not so much the length but the stiffness. You're at the lower end of the recommended weight range. If you are an aggressive rider, it may work for you. Otherwise, it might hamper your riding since you may have trouble decambering it. In powder, stiff is okay. In crud, I like something a bit softer so that it absorbs the irregularities.

I'm not sure how old you are but if you're still growing, hang onto the board. It has no expiry date.

If you decide to sell, I'm sure you'll have no trouble getting rid of it.

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Was that the one that the guy was selling on eBay? if so, congrats on a smoking deal. I looked hard at that myself, but had the same thought - 168 might be just a little long for a powder board.

But having said that, I'm the same weight as you and ride a 167 Axxess no problems in the pow, and love it. It won't be stiffer than that. I find my 159 BX board skateboard-short now, and I'm thinking of going longer for the next pow board - a 164 Reto or a baby Tanker (167?).

Just go ride it and have fun, you'll be fine! Play with your bindings and see what it likes - my Axxess prefers the CarveRS (flexier) plates to Bombers, and softies might be better still.

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I also did a local impulse buy on the older version of the same board, size 165. It feels too soft for me. I'll trade if you wish. It's more then likely in lesser condition then yours, so we can work out something... Email me:

boris at netsplash dot ca

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Thanks all.

Calling anything a "powder board" when you live in New England is probably overkill. More likely, it will be my fresh snow (sometimes a foot or two), chopped up crud and slushy granular board. And hopefully it will carve some hardpack in between.

Point taken about length versus stiffness. Anyone know how stiff the Prior MFR's are supposed to ride? I've heard competing reviews, but am hoping that mounting plates may give me a bit more leverage.

That being said, I'm happy to consider trade offers for a slightly shorter (or softer!) all mountain carver in the 158 to 167 range and in comparable shape. Always fun to see what comes out of the woodwork!;)

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Impulse? More like an addiction. That's how I got my last six boards. It's kind of cool though, you can re-sell without much loss if any, and get to try something new. RIDE it, if you don't like it, sell it. At least you'll get to experience it. If it's a little stiff to start out, it might be just fine later in the season as the need for bigger thrills grow. When I picked up my 184 Prior WCR it was simply too much board for me. Took me a year to grow into it, now I LOVE it.

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It is too much board for you, can I buy it? Seriously, I am not so sure that is the best board for the east (I learned to ride too many years ago at Bershire Ice/East). In regards to Caddy or Race car I would call it a Caddy CTS-V for powder. I ride it (168) with softies and use it primarily as a powder board. I have a perma-grin all day riding it, unbelievable. I have friends dying in the pow and that thing floats with crazy responsiveness. By far the best all mountain/pow board I have ridden. It carves well, but is not necessarily built for carving. I have never put plates on it, and I think it may ride too soft for me with plates (250lbs). If you are looking for a board to ride plates on that is an all mountain board I would suggest the 4x4/4WD or the ATV. I ride a 4WD with plates in the preseason until our base gets near 100". If you do decide you do not want to keep it I have a friend who is constantly trying to steel my deck so I would have a definite buyer for you. RSN 4EVA!!

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Thanks for the input. Tim. B-East has actually gotten some pretty good snow the last few years! It must be global warming :)

As for the MFR, I'm still on the fence, and probably need to get the board in my grimey little hands to check it out before I decide its fate. My need is for a board that will carve and eat up crud reasonably well--without springing me into the air like a diving board-- when its NOT ice or groomed hardpack.

I have a 155 Unity dominion right now for the icey stuff, and it carves great. But its a stiff little shank of a board to ride when the snow is uneven--and of course, it dives down in the freshies.

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