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Snowboarding blamed #1 for most outdoor sport injuries


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  • 3 weeks later...
Thanks for the new signature, JG

I got a kick out of seeing your sig.

"Suicide probably ranks highest as the most dangerous activity. "

Made me laugh..

These guys who write articles about injury rates in sports are just a bunch of pu55ys - they should stick to articles about parcheesi and charades That way they don't have to go outside where they could get hurt - possibly without their mother being there if they get a nick on their elbow.

If I ever wrote a article like that I hope one of you guys has the decency to shoot me to put me out of my misery because only a "miserable person" writes articles scaring people away from what possibly are the best days of their lives.

I am sure that the authors of articles like these, are the very same people getting injured and pumping up the statistics......... If I were to tally the total amount of hours spent snowboarding, divided by the amount of injuries (we will leave teleboarding out) it has been safer than biking, hiking (actually this was the worst per hours spent in terms of injuries- chrondamalacia both knees). Water skiing per minute of activity has got to be higher than snowboarding per minute of activity. Volleyball too.


Honda Cb250F

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my two worst injuries...after half a lifetime hucking cliffs and bashing gates:

1) Blown Knee - ACL/MCL/Meniscus - rollerblading on the san diego boardwalk...

2) Torn Achilles - running to catch a train.

Snowboarding may be the safest thing I do!

JG - you going to be on the East Coast this winter, or has Aspen charmed you?

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I don't doubt that the numbers are right, however, the way they are represented is way off. First off, they aren't related at all to rate of participantion. Secondly, they lump skiing, with almost the same number of injuries (certainly as statistically signifigant number) in amoungst "Other". Athough technically correct in its assertion: Snowboarding had the most injuries, That number in and of itself is not an accurate representation of the risk, nor of its relationship to other sports.


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my two worst injuries...after half a lifetime hucking cliffs and bashing gates:

1) Blown Knee - ACL/MCL/Meniscus - rollerblading on the san diego boardwalk...

2) Torn Achilles - running to catch a train.

Snowboarding may be the safest thing I do!

JG - you going to be on the East Coast this winter, or has Aspen charmed you?

I also destroyed an ankle running for a Trolley in Boston- stepped in a pothole and heard it explode- one of the few injuries that still causes me pain.

hmm Aspen is recession resistant.....yet Aspen has very expensive housing- $3000 a month gets you a studio/ tiny 1 bed in town. The architecture here is laughable compared to the East Coast but the weather is good. Somehow I am sure I am not done with the East Coast just yet. I may have to move to the SF area to head up a project.

What I would call home is still the East Coast- I still feel like a visitor here.

But Old Manhattan is gone- the style- the politeness ...only weird marketing echoes from Ralph Lauren echo what once was,

and Olde Boston- as represented by the song below... is gone too.

Gone are the days getting past midnight


Simmons, Wheelock, Pine Manor, Wellesley College, Mount Holyoke, Smith, Radcliffe, Lesley College, Regis College,Emannuel College (coed now)

The above schools which I used to DJ at are not the schools that turned out great dynamic women anymore- instead they are refuges for anti social women who often want nothing to do with men or society in general.

of course Boston University- legendary bastion of hotness still exists- but as SAT board scores creep ever upwards closing in on Harvard.. that is fading fast..lol..

And the well educated women that stayed in Boston well into their late 20's and Mid thirties now leave as soon as they graduate (they can not afford the rent). Boston isn't what it was. Reasonable rent- great classic white Christmas winters, sunny springs, cool summers and warm Indian summer- perfect fall foliage... all long gone.

So the East Coast has less draw for me than it once did. The picture perfectness of it is fading. As a kid I looked out on the Chrysler building- a symbol of American Wealth, power, style, and ingenuity. An Abu Dhabi sovereign wealth fund just bought it. It was bad enough when Rockefeller center was sold to Mitsubishi...at least the USA bought that back. I suppose the Empire State Building might be next.

"I'm gonna tell you a story

I'm gonna tell you about my town

I'm gonna tell you a big bad story, baby

Aww, it's all about my town

Yeah, down by the river

Down by the banks of the river Charles (aw, that's what's happenin' baby)

That's where you'll find me

Along with lovers, fuggers, and thieves (aw, but they're cool people)

Well I love that dirty water

Oh, Boston, you're my home (oh, you're the Number One place)

Frustrated women (I mean they're frustrated)

Have to be in by twelve o'clock (oh, that's a shame)

But I'm wishin' and a-hopin, oh

That just once those doors weren't locked (I like to save time for

my baby to walk around)

Well I love that dirty water

Oh, Boston, you're my home (oh, yeah)

Because I love that dirty water

Oh, oh, Boston, you're my home (oh, yeah)

Well, I love that dirty water (I love it, baby)

I love that dirty water (I love Baw-stun)

I love that dirty water (Have you heard about the Strangler?)

I love that dirty water (I'm the man, I'm the man)

I love that dirty water (Owww!)

I love that dirty water (Come on, come on)."

But to stay on topic... the most dangerous outdoor activity.....

Well I raced the 2006 Broadway bomb... where you only get to register for the race if you live to finish. The youtube footage is lame.. You should have seen us charge the intersections- gridlock in all directions- taxis screeching to halt- skaters rolling over taxi cab hoods, skitching trucks, buses, motorcycles- judo rolls to avoid pedestrians, slamming into the backs of vans. The camera men could not keep up- so they missed all the action I was in the thick of. The start at 116th street is uneventful (people are pacing themselves and not going all out) - but by 86th street a faster pack of saavy street skaters emerges and starts to struggle to make it past fast moving intersection red lights to try and break away from the pack.

Some skaters like Kasper and Soladay intentionally skate against traffic to prevent pedestrians from knowing they are coming- so that they are ironically less likely to hit them as the pedestrians are looking the other way. They are switch pushers "skoggers' that use either foot to push and typically win.

But when you are trying to stay in the pack of top 15 and break away- the amount of intersections we jam to a halt is insane- an aerial shot would be telling as you watch waves of traffic gel in all directions as we push through- hoping that the rest of the pack gets stuck waiting for a light and we can slip through a less than 8 inch gap between car bumpers at 35mph after letting go of a fast moving limo.

Obviously 1 or 2 lead skaters don't influence traffic much- but send 13 fast skaters off a downhill tuck into a a 6 lane two way interection..... it's insanity at best.

After 46th street the cars are dense and moving slow enough that it is not threatening.

There is IMHO no decent footage in this regard. We need a team of motorized hang gliders for this.

We beat the videographers on in cabs- on scooters, on motorcyles, on bikes, and even those who try and "Rosie Ruiz" by taking the express subway can't keep up.

unfortunately- more skaters with little NY traffic skating experience are entering... so...... errr...

Well they probably won't register for the race..........since you do that.......at the finish.



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"There are 3 kinds of lies. Lies, damn lies, and statistics." -unk

The author of that quote is hardly unknown-it's Samuel Clemens AKA Mark Twain

It's one of the first things we learned in statistics class-I took 18 months as part of my BS degree in psychology

The press in this country has only one goal-sell ad space. Dissemination of information is an afterthought.

Our recent presidential campaign is an excellent example. Candidates received press coverage commiserant with their ability to sell ads. That's why Dennis Kucinich and Ron Paul received no coverage at all. They didn't "test" well.

"Infotainment" is a better description

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Agreed on all accounts of the media portrayals of our favorite pursuits.Here are a couple of approximate personal stats from my last 25 years.

Bicycle racing;actual race days,about 700;Injuries while racing ; broken left heel(bmx),broken left clavicle(road),shattered right clavicle/fractured right elbow(same crash on velodrome),shattered right thumb joint(road),and lots of spained wrists,deep bruises,hip pointers,and road rash and I rarely crash.

Snowboarding;days spent teaching and or freeriding; about 2500;injuries include several ankle sprains,a severe knee sprain,a couple of workmans comp overuse injuries(micro tears in miniscus,and stress fracture of fibia)some bumps and bruises and maybe a mild concussion or two.

Home;all the scars that have required stiches (or redneck medical care), I aquired either at home or while going about daily routines.Concussions,broken toes(more graceful while snowboarding than performing daily tasks) sprains,mild electrocution,compressed disc(while weightlifting at home).Plenty more stuff during childhood.

Snowboarding has been,unequivocably,the safest thing I have done as a hobby or a profession,especially compared to what I am doing now for a living(surface mining and construction)In fact,I feel safer catching big air(relative term) than working while on a ladder.

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Thank for the concern, but wikipedia hardly counts as a reliable source of information.

I could pick any one of the topics and edit it to my heart's content...

Hmmmm, I think the cure for cancer is drinking WD-40. I'd might just add that today and see how long it takes somebody to edit it back...

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Perhaps we should write in a bogus story to news papers about a new extreme sport called "ladder vaulting" where youths in the inner city run up tilting over ladders as they pivot from one roof top to another. We can even make up our own vernacular.

-"chuter" is someone who does this from window ledge to window ledge in airshafts.

-"splat" is a newbie who is dumb enough to try it without climbing shoes.

-"know it all nicky" (From the Brits who do it in Stains) is the guy who is always telling people how to do it.. but you never see him on a ladder.

-"Super Helen Keller" are the real skilled guys who do it blindfolded with ipods blasting.

-"boostman" is the guy designated to steal ladders from painting trucks.

-"spider" is a guy who does this in an upside down position with arms and legs while the ladder is inverted.(also known as a cheater/beginner- not regarded highly)

-"sucker" is a journalist who reads this in Wikipedia and then pretends he did research and prints it.

So much of what they call "trends" is really just a lazy journalist who sees perhaps 3 different people in a city over a course of a year doing a novel activity.

Heck everytime I go into a surgical or PT rehab facility everyone is there from a ladder accident. Lets call it a sport- extreme painting. Carving snowboarding is not a sport- we are just "volunteer snow groomers" leaving a design on a the slopes for people to marvel at.



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