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Recap Your '07-'08 Season

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No need for withdrawal, Thor. I've got two T-Boards. I'll get you turning on some mellow hills on CR 519 (a relatively new developement of second homes ... hardly any cars). Some of those "runs" are over a mile long and with a posse of longboarders, we use the car as a gondola. It's kind of like carving pow. It scares me sometimes to be I'm cruising down pavement at 30 MPH, but these boards are really solid at higher speeds. SO FAR, SO FUN! I'll let you know after my first good crash, though. (This is my fourth summer with hardly a scratch but alot of close calls.)

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not so bad for me

1) Got into racing, i was second in nationals for slalom and first for GS (my edge group only)

2) Did some teaching and psia level 1

3) finally started doing 360s between fully lay down euro carves.

That was the best part of my seson, i never seen anybody doing this but it is accualy easy


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not so bad for me

3) finally started doing 360s between fully lay down euro carves.

That was the best part of my seson, i never seen anybody doing this but it is accualy easy


thats my favorite move; 180's & 540's too, layin down a linked switchcarve Then switchen back smooth as butter:biggthump

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540s hmmmm i didnt get there yet.

How do you get enough of pop to do 540 ?

On the flat not bumps.

180 are super easy except that you need to carve backwards (this is a diffrent issue)

I ride on flat tail too long and it prevented me from exploring those areas, but now i am thinking flat tail is not worth it.


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540 does require a bump or groomer/lift tower ridge; but I learned switch in hard boots on a nitro diablo, libtech grocer, burton asym alp in the early 90's so it's kind of 2nd nature to me now.

Shred the X4 needs to be twin tip, I'll save up to buy a prototype.

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Made a deal with my boss to take Wednesdays off in Feb, March, and April. Probably got about 30 days in. Switched from Snoqualmie pass, where I've had a season pass since 1994/1995 to Sevens Pass, where I scored a deal on 10 discounted tickets. Snoqualmie's terrain park has been steadily declining (unless you like jibs (I don't)) but Stevens was awesome this year. I don't think I broke even on my Snoqualmie pass, for the first time ever. It was an expensive year, but worth it.

Got much more comfortable with 360 airs - grabbed a 360, though only once; did ~12 360 airs off the same jump in an equal number of runs. Got much more comfortable doing backside 180 airs too.

Got a sweet board from Donek, based on their 172 AX mold but narrower (19cm) and with a larger sidecut (13m) and stiffer (9.0) and I love it. It carves really well and the width is just right for the angles I want to ride, and I can go switch without worrying about digging the tail in. And the metallic red topsheet.... :1luvu:

Stevens pass had an epic (overused, but apt) year in the terrain park. One day they had 5 consecutive jumps, all sized perfectly so you could just drop in, bomb straight ahead, and get a perfectly soft landing every time. I guesstimated 4 runs/hour, x 5 jumps/run, x 6 hours = 120 nice big cushy smooth airs that day. Just glorious. And even on the worst days I could usually get 3-4 good ones with just a little work.

Was looking at my tracks from the lift one day and noticed that my hand was touching snow while I was carving on the downhill edge. I was pushing myself to carve more aggressively, but I wasn't specifically trying to do that, so it was neat to see that just happen.

Finally got past a mental block that's been holding me back in the halfpipe since I broke my collarbone almost 10 years ago. My airs went from barely-above-the-lip and feeling awkward, to about waist-high and feeling comfortable.

Got UPZ boots one size bigger than last time, this time they fit great. They're much stiffer than I was accustomed to (coming from SB 324s) but by the end of the season I was perfectly happy in them. My feet are shaped much more like UPZs than like Raichles. Still need to tweak my footbeds a little though.

I think I am going to make a convert next year - one of the lift ops said he'd noticed the way I was carving and wanted to try it. His feet are the same size as mine, and now I have two full sets of gear (board/boots/bindings) so he's going to try a setup next season (unfortunately we only had that talk right before the season ended).

Got humbled by the sheer size of the jumps they're building this year. A couple years ago I was hitting their biggest jumps and they were right on the edge of my comfort zone. This year the biggest jumps were completely out of my league. It was kind of disappointing and discouraging to go around them every time, but I did. Had to admit to myself that I am getting too old for some of this stuff.

I finished the season with no injuries. :)

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the most abundent powder season in the pacific north west since I started skibumming in '84. Thats 24 yrs with 22 season passes, yea!

the highlites start with discovering BOL in Oct. 07. OMG I'm not alone:eek:a new addiction, just what I need:rolleyes:.Gear buying frenzy ensues:cool:

I meet other carvers online & the Inland Northwest Hardboot Posse rides for the 1st time at Schwietzer. We tear the manicured groomers up to the end, the last hour in "trench by braile" sleet.

Too many powder days to differenciate the best ones. the standouts are putting Toolcan on the Identity for a foot of fresh in the sweetest of steep tree stashes:biggthump Yo-Yo-ing fresh cord & pow trees on chair four (steep top to bottom).

Inland Nothwest Expression Session at Silver Mt. A dozen hardbooters showin'em how it's done, a big 1st for me:D Thanks Steve, Where's the pics/vids by the way???

Got to ride the most beautiful snowboard ever made. Rides as good as it looks:1luvu:

Also a pic from Turner Mt. & my driveway in Feb.




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...is ripping it up for about 3 runs with Thor von Rippington himself at SES. I remember going up the Buttermilk quad with him and watching Paul "express" himself on the last pitch. It was late, we were both tired but we just couldn't let go of such a great day.

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Knee surgery in October. Microfracture repair. Look it up in wikipedia.

So I telemark skied (1st time in about 4 years),well 4 hours, at Heavenly with my snowboarding buddy john, and then I got 3 hours alpine boarding in at Alpine meadows on their last day. It was snowing and the lightening forced a lift closure, end of season. Minimal pain after each day.


47 y/o and I'm not done yet.

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Guest shrederjen

For me, this year was quality over quantity of days riden.

I did not make as many days as in years past, but they were good ones!

Several pow days through out the season, the most memorable one being the race day I woke up in Garmicsh and found a foot of powder outside the hotel window! My strategy of waiting to ride until 11 am or so, was thrown out that window. I was on the lift at 9 am with my friends, and pounded powder (on the Madd 170 - no less) for 3 1/2 hours, until I had to race! And back at at it, after the race!

The day or two riding with John G. were very fun and informative.

Finally, springtime at the Basin was the most fun its ever been over the many years I have been doing it! From a 6 inch pow day, to fantastic carving in the Zuma bowl, to closing day; they were all great. As was the company. :cool:

Cant wait for next year!! Got my pass, Im ready!

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I forgot to mention that last season the "push-pull" think that the extreme-carve guys have been talking about finally clicked for me. I've tried it before and thought it made no difference at all, but I guess I was doing it wrong. This year I tried it again and... well, it put a huge smile on my face. I don't have an opinion as to whether or not it helps or hurts technically but it feels really cool. It just feels right in a way that's hard to explain. I get it now, and I'll be doing a lot more of it.

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I forgot to mention that last season the "push-pull" think that the extreme-carve guys have been talking about finally clicked for me. I've tried it before and thought it made no difference at all, but I guess I was doing it wrong. This year I tried it again and... well, it put a huge smile on my face. I don't have an opinion as to whether or not it helps or hurts technically but it feels really cool. It just feels right in a way that's hard to explain. I get it now, and I'll be doing a lot more of it.

:biggthump "Feeding" the board under you from the last turn into the next is the key to quicker transitions & smoother wieght shifts = better speed control, especially on the steeps. The same applies in skiing, especially telemarking.

I love to hear about this particular lightbulb coming on!!!:biggthump

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The weather was perfect... a violent and cold winter with ridiculous amounts of snow

I started riding in October and the lifts stopped in June... which is a shame because there was (and still is) still plenty of snow to keep the lifts turning

I got around 120 days of riding on eleven different mountains

Picked up a new board at SES

Hosted a few carvers from out of state/country

Met some new friends and put in a lot of miles with the old ones

A big fat CHEERS to everyone I had the pleasure of riding with!!!

This was one for the history books for sure.

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Ah, I remember the fancy free days being a single professional musician that just moved to Denver in the early 80s.

Making turns (was still on skis back then) all day at Loveland, Keystone, Breck, even worked one whole season at the "Boat in 89-90 and playing drums at night. was even too busy making turns to chase chicks.

THAT was the life!!!! Usually over 100 days on snow.

But I digress.....

This year, I got 2...count 'em ...2 days on snow in 07-08.

Am married,.....with children....kill me, please kill me.


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Snow Speedster,

Soon those rug rats will be on the snow with you and then kicking your butt. I'm so glad my dad was a skier and got my whole family into it. Oh, and in my day, we didn't have those fancy carving boards. We rode skinny wooden skis with cable bindings and lace up boots and we LIKED IT! But I digress .....

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I, too, only got 2 days in this year. The first weekend boards were allowed at Taos.....

Saw my son really get some progression with his boarding skills

Saw my daughter bombing the bunny slope as usual-she poops out too quick on a real run, so she does the bunny hill, lift circuit a jillion times.

I took a ski lesson for my third time on skis and amazed my instructor-I guess he wasn't expecting me to do parallel turns and carve the first time out

Husband got some new boots fit especially for what's left of the muscle graft used to cover his open tib-fib fracture suffered in 2005-and since it was March, a sweet deal, too.

We'll be back in CO next March. And hopefully a trip to Heavenly in January

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Let's have your highlights folks!

Where did you ride? Take any riding trips? How many days did you ride? See any epic conditions? Meet any new carver friends? Get some new amazing equipment? Goals for next season?

Where to start??

-2nd season after long being away, reason shoulder trashed in 2000..

-first season with more than 10 days on snow

-first season with more than 4 days-in-a-row...

-first season "on edge"


-got to learn a lot of terribly nice people

-those terrible people really infected me

-that infection lead to "insane carvingship"

-got to learn how to ride a bit :ices_ange


-seasonticket in Sölden paid off

-SES2008.. way côôl, great people, next year we´ll be up again !! (here I speak for Max, markus, myselves and some other will follow soon)

here´s the proof again:

-seasons end in Sölden Austria: the Free Carving Masters was incredible


-having to "give up" at SES day 6-7.... I was just a wreck

-breaking my leg at easterboarding... but hey, that was day 40!!

-spent an awful amount of $$$:smashfrea

I am happy with season ´07 /´08:1luvu:

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