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Pros vs. Joes


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I'd like to see a show where you take the elite of the "Best of the Sports Kingdom" and place them against, not great in shape, lords of their day, captain of the football team or wrestling team or whatever team jocks. Noooooo!!!! Let's take the greats. Bret Farve, Michael Jordon, Peyton Manning, Lebron James, Kobe Bryant, Tigre Woods, Steve Nash, Dale Earnhart Jr., Vince Young, David Beckham, Derek Jeter, Yao Ming, etc.

Now we aren't going to compete against them in their own profesional sports, NOOOOO!!!!! We're going to put fat, out of shape, old as you know what, balding, gray haired, pot bellied, if you lose to them in a battle of athletics you are a fool type of "joes".

Let's take these "pros" and put them against us. In our arenas. Snowboarding, longboard skateboarding, Windsurfing, Kitesurfing, even speed in-line skating. I bet that I could take Peyton Manning in a triatholon of snowboarding, skateboarding, and windsurfing. I bet the American public would love to see these "CHAMPIONS" lose to over weight, aging, "AVERAGE JOES" like ourselves. Wouldn't that be entertaining? Ooooooh the satisfaction!!!!!!!!!

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speak for yourself, im 18, 6'0", 145 lbs

and consider myself to be in great shape:D

i would like to see some smug ass on the bronze podium next to a couple of, lets say, "the older crew"

Yeah, but you could take any "Pro" football, basketball, baseball, etc. and make them look retarded on a snowboard. Imaging if some over 40, over 200lb. balding, not "jock" looking type made them look retarded. See? Even more shame to their egos.

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This kind of sounds like a mid life crisis in the making.

You know I've seen the guys 50 and 60 years old out still riding, but it wasn't until I met Glen I relized how hard core, how tough, how... insanely oldschool a person could be. Here's a guy who started just a couple years before me. Yeah, I'm old, but I could still be this guys grandkid. He's 80 years old and rides. Been riding for 25 years. What does that tell ya? Yep. He started in his 50's!!!!!!!!! I thought I was cool for starting back in the mid 80's in my teens. Imagine coming out as a 50 something year old and seeing the new Burton Safari's and saying, "I wanna do that"!!!! Glen's a bit of a monument around here, and elsewhere as I here it. He started because his son picked it up and he still does it on his own. If you're saying "midlife crisis" I say, let's get together in 20 years and see who's still shredding.

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In 20 years, I'll be 79. At 59 I'm still at my high school weight,150. I started boarding at 45 and boarding bumps a month later. Missed the mid-life crisis. Decided to board instead.

I use hardboots, occasionally wear spandex and 1 piece neon ski suits, don't have to wear baggy pants to hide large buttocks, and hang out with more skiers than boarders. Run trails, climb both rock and alpine, surf horribly, break ribs on occasion and generally try to have fun.

At 79 I might have a bit of a problem, but I don't plan on playing any less hard, just might not be able to keep up the same level of competence. Technique has improved every year for the last 14 years, so I guess we'll have to see.

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Imaging if some over 40, over 200lb. balding, not "jock" looking type made them look retarded. See? Even more shame to their egos.
More like you are trying to stroke your own ego... you have like what 10-20 years of snowboarding experience over them? All you would have proved is that it was a stupid contest... they would go back to being super-fit millionaires that have women all over them... and you... well would go back to not being a fit, millionaire with hundreds of women chasing you...

In First Strike, Jackie Chan drops a 40-50 cliff on a snowboard, and THEN gaps off another cliff to catch himself on a helicopter hovering pretty damn high off the ground. He did it with around 8 hours of practice (2 hours a day for 4 days). You can see him literally learning how to snowboard (and crashing) as they are filming him in the outtakes at the end of the movie.

Galen - I also that Peyton Manning commercial where he tells people with a gut "I would buy bigger t-shirts".

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More like you are trying to stroke your own ego... you have like what 10-20 years of snowboarding experience over them? All you would have proved is that it was a stupid contest... they would go back to being super-fit millionaires that have women all over them... and you... well would go back to not being a fit, millionaire with hundreds of women chasing you...

In First Strike, Jackie Chan drops a 40-50 cliff on a snowboard, and THEN gaps off another cliff to catch himself on a helicopter hovering pretty damn high off the ground. He did it with around 8 hours of practice (2 hours a day for 4 days). You can see him literally learning how to snowboard (and crashing) as they are filming him in the outtakes at the end of the movie.

Have you seen Pros vs. Joes? They take these professionals and compete them against those that aren't pros in the sport they are a pro in. Why don't you go up against Shaun White in halfpipe? Let's see something entertaining!!!! Duh, Geee, I wonder if Jerry Rice can catch a football if I try to cover him!!!! Uhhh, DUUUUUH!!!! What moron thinks that's entertaining? Let's show the world a real sport and how their beloved athletes compare to it's average joes. That's the point I was making. That snowboarding and other extreme sports are more technical and that the creme of the crop of football, basketball, etc. would look moronic even going against the most mediocre of snowboarders. You know I can sink a 3, pass a football, and on occasion hit a slider, but you think the superbowl champs can make it down a blue without falling?

And, Jackie didn't actually do much riding in the movie. Airborn stunts he's been doing since the 70's. I can take anyone out and they can ride a straight line. Hell, like I've said before, my first day on a snowboard I pulled every grab you can think of plus a few 180's. Now making it down a double black at A-basin?

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Let's show the world a real sport and how their beloved athletes compare to it's average joes. That's the point I was making.
Haven't you realized? TV watchers today love watching other people get humiliated, that's the allure of shows like that. Make people feel like their live suck less as they think to themselves "well I maybe 40, bald, overweight... but at least I have never been embarrassed like that." You idea is just the same... just humiliating the pro athlete to make yourself feel better...

My solution is not a satisfying one... you can't get younger, or grow hair, or be cool anymore... but you can get back in shape. The only obstacle is your own laziness (everyone here has busted knees and bad backs so that's not an excuse).

Hell, like I've said before, my first day on a snowboard I pulled every grab you can think of plus a few 180's.
Yes, I've notice that you like to talk about the good old days and how you are old now. Fun fact is that you are younger than

most of the people on BOL

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I think that, given a few weeks to learn, and pro athlete would school any one of us. Guys like you and me who have spent over half their life on a board wouldn't stand a chance against a guy like Tiger or LeBron who have more body awareness and control than we could ever dream of having. That, and the fact that if they were stupid enough to enter your contest, they could hire the best coaches in the world 24/7 until they were unstoppable. Anyone who plays any sport at that level could easily succeed in whatever sport they wanted.

You ever seen Jordan on a golf course...?

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I think that, given a few weeks to learn, and pro athlete would school any one of us. Guys like you and me who have spent over half their life on a board wouldn't stand a chance against a guy like Tiger or LeBron who have more body awareness and control than we could ever dream of having. That, and the fact that if they were stupid enough to enter your contest, they could hire the best coaches in the world 24/7 until they were unstoppable. Anyone who plays any sport at that level could easily succeed in whatever sport they wanted.

You ever seen Jordan on a golf course...?

A few weeks? I kinda doubt it. A few years sure. The sports they play we've all done. I even have a witness for a hole in one on a par 3, 88 yards, pedistal green. As far as body awareness and control, basketball, football, baseball, sure I'm not saying they are talentless, but come on, run, throw, catch. Notice I haven't brought up hockey players. (well, now) Hockey players would be more suited to learning snowboarding in a few weeks and schooling us than anyone else. I may be discribing myself with too much negativeness and over painting my story. I'm not at the peak of my snowboarding, but Lebron isn't going to be schooling me even with a full year under his belt. There is something to be said for technique. That's why the 80 year old Tai-Chi master is noone to mess with.

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My solution is not a satisfying one... you can't get younger, or grow hair, or be cool anymore... but you can get back in shape. The only obstacle is your own laziness (everyone here has busted knees and bad backs so that's not an excuse).

Actually, the cool part isn't an issue. I've got plenty of that!!!:lol:

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A few weeks? I kinda doubt it. A few years sure. The sports they play we've all done. I even have a witness for a hole in one on a par 3, 88 yards, pedistal green. As far as body awareness and control, basketball, football, baseball, sure I'm not saying they are talentless, but come on, run, throw, catch. Notice I haven't brought up hockey players. (well, now) Hockey players would be more suited to learning snowboarding in a few weeks and schooling us than anyone else. I may be discribing myself with too much negativeness and over painting my story. I'm not at the peak of my snowboarding, but Lebron isn't going to be schooling me even with a full year under his belt. There is something to be said for technique. That's why the 80 year old Tai-Chi master is noone to mess with.

Have you ever gotten to know a pro athlete? They tend to be CRAZY competitive. I was talking to one a couple of years ago about having the flu...... Next thing I know she is trying to "more sick" than me. It is actually annoying. Not all are this way, but the few I know are until they are comfortable around you.

I have NO doubt any of those mentioned would do everything in their power to hand it to you in this "contest". And my bet would be on them.

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Have you ever gotten to know a pro athlete? They tend to be CRAZY competitive. I was talking to one a couple of years ago about having the flu...... Next thing I know she is trying to "more sick" than me. It is actually annoying. Not all are this way, but the few I know are until they are comfortable around you.

I have NO doubt any of those mentioned would do everything in their power to hand it to you in this "contest". And my bet would be on them.

Haven't you ever seen the shows where they have the pro football players compete against each other in... well for lack of a better definition, "summer camp" type games? Pretty amusing stuff. They are the best at what they do because since they were young they've been pursueing the same goal, playing the same sport. I think they did have a show a while back where they took pro athletes from different sports and had them compete in "American Gladiator" type games. Some did really well, and others.... well not so much. Maybe they should make a show out of my idea, I'd be glad to get some riding in on television!!!:D

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Here is another one for ya.

I went on a dive trip with a friend of mine that is an ex-pro cyclist, we are talking road bikes here. On our off day before flying out we decided to go windsurfing. I had done it before and was not very good, my friend had never tried and and wanted too. We had a class and got on the water. My buddy hit the water and was GONE. The instructor came over to me and apologized for taking the class slow for some one with such experience, remember it was his first time, EVER. After a long day on my side we had a couple of beers with our instructor, he asked my friend how long he had actually been doing this, 10yrs, 20? He couldn't believe it was his first time. The best part is my friend said he didn't want to do it again, he thought it was too hard.

So this is what you would be up against. In training for cycling they teach the athletes to use different muscles to do the same task to save energy, they pedal in one position with a bunch of sensors hooked up to them and practice using different muscles. And this is just a '"normal" pro, no where NEAR the guys you listed.

I have more, but I think you get the idea.

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Ok, one more. Same guy. This is an example of what they can do when they WANT to do something.

He decides he wants to ski after retiring from cycling. Once again, NEVER been on skis. Half way through the first season he is racing GS on slalom skis not in a skin suit and is leading the local series. By the end of the season he is skiing for Rossignol. He was beating guys that had been skiing since they where kids, he did not make any friends that year.

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Ok, you're talking about a cyclist. He's obviously riden something that takes balance, and other similar skill traits it takes to windsurf, snowboard, etc. My very first time behind a boat on a wakeboard I shot straight out of the hole and took 2 laps around the lake cutting back and forth across the wake. Nobody in the boat believed it was my first time and I've never been a professional athlete. Some sports just lend themselves to others. I wouldn't say my first day windsurfing was as successful, but I was able to uphaul and get forward movement the first time. It would have helped if I would have had an instructor. Just not having the knowledge available, not just rig steering, more for how I had rigged my sail than anything. Also would have helped to have had more current equipment. A tie on boom and an old straight sail is like learning to snowboard on a Burton Woody with hiking boots.

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Ok, you're talking about a cyclist. He's obviously riden something that takes balance, and other similar skill traits it takes to windsurf, snowboard, etc.........

I can make a bunch of reasons why this should be this and that should be that also. Bottom line is, I think they would be MUCH better than you give them credit for.

But if you want to be right, so be it.

TV SUCKS anyway!!!! It is the LARGEST waste of time I know of.

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Back in the late 80' there were NHL hockey players, Lammens brothers. They've got bored with hockey only, and took up dinghy sailing. In no time Hank Lammens became double world champion in Finn, olympic single-hander, probably the most physical and technical class...

The guy who coached them, Rob Woodbury, was Canadian Olympic candidate for the canceled Olympics in Moscow/Tallin '80. He happens to sail in my club nowadays and kicks my butt in club races very often. He's about 15 years older then me (I'm 39 and sailed in World Champs too, not with great success, though).

One time I took him flyfishing and he got somewhat pissed off looking at my long tight loops while his line collapsed every time. But compettitive and methodic as he is, I'm sure he could outcast me within few weeks of practice...

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I in no way consider myself to be near a professional level in snowboarding and am even a newcomer to ec. But if had the opportunity to take 3 weeks and ride every day with top of the line equipment and top of the line coaching I could make a miraculous improvements too. So you know someone who "excells at everything". Fact is I've had my share of excelling too, problem is I've spread myself too thin (Jack of all trades, master of none). I'd go into some of them but I don't feel like reading a post of how terible I am for tooting my own horn. I don't care if you are a pro or a joe... You give someone ride time every day with every advantage you can come up with (equipment, coaching, etc.) you can take the captain of the chess club and make a decent snowboarder out of him. Mtv's Made? Again my point is being completely missed. I can walk out right now and be able to play basketball, football, etc. at a compitent level. I can also still throw a frontside 5 with a stalefish grab. Pro's can't just step on a board and carve a trench or pull a basic 360.

My point of the whole thread is there is a show called Pros vs. Joes where non-professionals are taken to school by professionals of their feild. I'd find it more entertaining to see Pro's (LT) brought down a notch by competing in a sport they aren't a professional in and to make it even better, let's have them get school not by Shaun White, how about an average boarder? By the way, that comercial where Shaq is horse racing? That was all fake, he really doesn't have the drive to become a great jockey.

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late chime in

But I worked with a guy who got a scholarship to CC for ski racing. he skied for them for four years adn went to work in the "real" world, working in Telluride. We skied together in a fun pro am event where some retired world cup guys/gals stacked the tellco team adn Joe, this kid who went to CC we thought would be our saving grace. he got smoked (1+sec)by a gal who was several years older than him and had been retired for several years.

The pros play a game at a totally different level that most of us can't even imagin...

If you have ever seen Jordan play live you know what I'm talking about. The great ones are often several steps ahead of the compitition in their play and anticipation of what is comming and where to be next. i feel like many of them have perfected systems to a much higher level than the rest of us in their performance. Gretz, Mario, tiger, Jordan, Mira, Hawk, White, etc


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