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Chicks Dig the Switch Trick


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I am perfectly capable of carving my alpine boards "switch". However, after watching the X-Games a couple weeks ago, it has become apparrent to me just how cool and important it is to be able to do EVERYTHING switch. You get a higher score, possibly major sponsorship...and, well, chicks dig the switch trick! With that in mind, I took the initiative to design myself a "whole life" program dedicated to developing my switch skills. Things are going well (mostly) so I thought I'd share my program with the community, as you may derive some benefit from it! Remember to start slowly, always wear your headphones, and if you are feeling confident and can "throw down" the following techniques with your eyes closed (switch vision) - then go one step further and try the below with "one foot out"...aka "one-footed" (switch bipedism).

Herewith, the list:

Sleeping switch - Put my pillow at the other end of the bed...as a side benefit, I am now waking up on the RIGHT side of the bed...who knew!

Driving switch - A no brainer, but I seem to fit right in with everyone else on the road in that regard...AND my truck has less miles on it!

Eating switch - Super painful and disgusting...might have to stop. Cartman tried this didn't he?

Playing guitar switch - Hendrix, Dick Dale and others had this down long ago...but I'm actually playing the SONGS backwards...the funny thing is - Paul ISN'T dead.

Adding and subtracting switch - Not working well so far...my checkbook is a disaster!

Talking switch - !ti yrt uoY

Showering switch - F'ing COLD!!!!!!!!!!!!

Paying taxes switch - Easy...sent the form in early and paid on time.

Breathing switch - Haven't got this one down at all yet! Practically choked to death this morning...I'll keep you all posted.

Answering the phone switch - Strangely, nobody is ever there...I seem to have less to do now though.

Downloading files switch - I now have absolutely NOTHING on my computer...unless I upload switch.

Wearing my watch switch - Hurts my arm when I need to know what time it is, but if it was easy everyone would do it, right?

Growing older switch - Another no brainer...this may actually be what is causing me to attempt everything "switch".


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move it Pyle !


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WW - you're the first person I have seen who is able to use their brain switch.

you mean...???...The Costanza Theory ?

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Actually, as a lifegaurd since age 16, and a WSI of several years, I have swam the freestyle stroke "switch". It is very slow and I find that swimming breast stroke switch is actually faster and more "natural", if you find that sort of thing natural. Body boarding "switch" (now you all know I prefer the term "fakie", but I'm amusing this person right now) is actually quite fun. Beware of the wedgie!!!!!!!!

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Actually, as a lifegaurd since age 16, and a WSI of several years, I have swam the freestyle stroke "switch".

I too was a lifeGUARD at 16.Can you swim upstream ?

The old "switcheroo" is NOT to be taken lightly

<object width="425" height="355"><param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hkY4fXdkzXg&rel=1"></param><param name="wmode" value="transparent"></param><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hkY4fXdkzXg&rel=1" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" wmode="transparent" width="425" height="355"></embed></object>

salmon sushi

<object width="425" height="355"><param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1tgPoi0hWjk&rel=1"></param><param name="wmode" value="transparent"></param><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1tgPoi0hWjk&rel=1" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" wmode="transparent" width="425" height="355"></embed></object>

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I too was a lifeGUARD at 16.Can you swim upstream ?

It's better to swim across the current, but we do have this water track with jets that move the water in a clockwise motion. It's used for rehab and old folk excersise classes. Most people walk either with or against the current. To swim one lap against the current is tough. Swimming it fly I think is more fun, and doing it completely under water is insane!!!

As a photographer I was taking photos of the new lifeguards for the paper, and I wanted to do it in the diving pool underwater. I was very disappointed with the new calibur of guards. I was out there the longest tredding water setting everyone up. Then I told everyone after we went down they'd have to hold that pose a while to let the bubbles clear and not to come up until they saw the flash. Sure enough some had trouble. They just don't do anything like they used too.

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I was a lifeguard too I liked the part best where we learned to push the victim under water or hit him in the face they never show that on Baywatch okay granted they have that orange buoy but they could have brought more action to the show

another disappointment was that on vacation and happening to see a scene shot on the beach the only cast members around were Hasselhoff and that (second) Hobie guy ... since we couldn't switch them out we rollerbladed on

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