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OT: summer substitutes for snowboarding


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Originally posted by Jagger

BDZal I'm a little affraid to give any advice after reading the flame war going on in another post however I think that I am qualified to say this. (I have more than 10 years experience as a competitive powerlifter) Personaly I would say stick to the basic major lifts Squat,Bench Deadlift and military press with some assistance exercises tricep and leg extensions leg curls maybe some pull ups and calf raises etc etc mix it up a bit. But stay away from the olympic lifts they are extremely technique oriented and a good way to get hurt if you don't know what you are doing. not to mention balistic movements are tough on the joints. Oh and try to find some body to train with that knows a good bit about what they are doing a good partner is an invaluable asset. hope this helps.


Nah, thanks for the advice Mike. I'm not planning on doing any of the complete lifts without the help of somebody who really knows what they're doing. Instead I'm thinking I'll stick to 5-10 (probably more at first) reps of power cleans, push presses, maybe hang snatches, etc. I'm not in any kind of shape to be doing the full lifts or really low reps anyway. But I'd have trouble staying away from doing some easier ballistic stuff simply because it feels so damned good. And they seem to be the only thing that helps some old tendonitis in my shoulder.

Thanks for the warning; I am kinda' reckless sometimes and need the safety reminders. I'm not interested in any wheelchair-for-life injuries; I'm still going to get more help even with the partial lifts, and will start with something like what you suggested until I feel a little more solid.


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I broke my Oxygen Proton at Nationals a few weeks back so I decided to turn it into a long board by simply cutting about 1 and a half feet off the tail (where the snap occured) and screwing some normal skateboard trucks and wheels on it :-D

I haven't had much of a chance to try it yet but I'm assuming that it won't as good as these, but it will still be fun.


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Just don't step too far forward on that thing. As long as you aren't getting wheelbite, consider putting some better longboard wheels on it...like some Abec11 Flashbacks (75a or 78a). The ride will be much better than those park wheels on the street...


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well, summer in buffalo lasts 2 months so here's my suggestions:

mtn bike-drink-golf-drink-drink-pass out. occasionally find time for work. if you repeat the above enough times the entire summer will be a blur and when you wake up you can go snowboarding:)

did i mention drinking??


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OMG that would hurt SO much if you fell. Thos guys are wearing shorts how crazy are they? And seriously, it would be so easy to catch an edge and go tumbling( into the rocks), because i mean come on, them there are rocks, all it would take is one little rock with a pointy top to trip you up. Anyway, looks like its been done, i guess it can't be that bad, good idea.

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Vlad, that pic is quite gross, esp. the black and blue shoulder. you'll have to tell me about that whole exp sometime. i thought mtn boarding (down a ski slope) was a little nutty, it's got nothing on rockboarding. please let me know when the next skating event is.

Looks like i'm going out Sunday to a hare scramble / motocross in southern maryland to see what that's all about. guy at work was familiar with the scene. i'll look for my fav. mesh hat :D j/k.


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it's just funny when you sit back and think of some of the suggested summer activity posts, joke or not:

1. rockboarding ('nuff said)- complete with nasty picture (thx Dalv, lol)

2. pimple popping (even though it was only a game)

3. vegetation (doing nothing)

4. drinking

5. bidding on cigarette boats and old warplanes

keep em coming, might as well intentionally try to make this thread ridiculous :) maybe even invent some new activities...

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try it, you'll be hooked! Go to any level you want, how hard you want to work at it will determine your skill level.

Something you can try before you buy! Find some buds that ride and rent a bike for a day, you'll be amazed at what you can do on a bicycle!


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For all you "bomber style" riders out there I'll give you a great off season trainer: speed skating on ice.

That sport is all about "the edge". In fact speed skates, unlike hockey and figure skates, have absolutely no edge unless they are put up high on edge. Very similar to snowboards. Also the riding position is a dead ringer for the aggressive "bomber style" of riding where you are all hunkered down towards the nose of the board, with squared up shoulders and high G-forces hitting legs that are significantly bent at the knees to begin with. That high energy position is the ONLY speed skating position whether in a turn or on the straightaway. I couldn't say enough good things about his sport except to add the following: its inexpensive to start, held at virtually every ice rink and you get to enjoy this most physically demanding of sports in "winterlike" temperatures even during the high heat of summer. Hard to beat huh?

Just call up your local rink and ask about their "speed skating" program. Every rink has a club. They will welcome you with open arms and get you started for next to nothing. But be prepared. It is EXTREMELY physically demanding and will take many years to learn to do it properly.

Sic t 2

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  • 3 weeks later...


though i've seen that many times before, for some reason i'm interested in doing it now. looks cool, looks like you're moving too. i'm planning on going to the longboard/slalom deal tomorrow, i realise this is a different discipline. i havent' skated since i was in elementary school. what level do i have to reach before doing the pool stuff you are doing in that video.



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