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Should I get a PS3 or a Blu-ray player?

Jeffrey Day

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The PS3 will do all of what you list there, except for HD-DVD. The PS3 also consistently comes out at the top of the list when it comes to Blu-ray players, such that some HT websites/magazines are actually using it as their reference player.

It is a wonderful DVD player too as it upscales fully to 1080p.

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It also has a big hard drive so you can store media on it. It also has a built-in Internet browser. Not very many good game titles for it though but you said you're not a gamer.

I sure wish Microsoft had adopted Blu-ray instead of HD-DVD. I guess that wasn't going to happen since Sony and MS are rivals.

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I was gonna return our Samsung Blu Ray and swap it for a PS3 until I heard that a PS3 didn't play at 1080 i or p or whatever it is.I wasn't sure who to believe.

I'm not into gaming that much but just got MotoGP '06 for the XBox 360 new for $20 bucks and it's super fun. You can get the HD DVD player add on for 360 since some new movies like Bourne Ultimatum are only on HD DVD.

Seems like the format may be decided by porn, much like VHS and BETA back in the day(leaning toward blu ray).You can find blu rays new now for $15 bucks if ya look around a bit, just got Blood Diamond at Best Buy

( Deliverance in blu ray seemed a little too graphic ).


Seven Years in Tibet on Blu RAY looked amazing:eek:

Go Microsoft - Go Blu Ray - Go Plasma HD

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The PS3 plays both 1080i and 1080p just fine. It plays 1080p at both 60 and 24hz for true movie frame sync if your TV supports it.

sounds right,but why would a GM at circuit city (who's a friend's buddy) try to talk me out of swapping the samsung for a ps3 ?



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Willy, take a look at the dates of those links that you just posted. They are both more than 1.2 yrs old, which puts them near the release date of the PS3. There have been many many firmware updates since then, and each update has brought significant improvements to the video, audio and game quality overall. Sony is really backing this device 110% and they continue to improve on it with each free software update.

I don't know why your CC buddy is saying what he is. Perhaps margin/profitability? Search the web, you'll see the PS3 really is tops as far as a Blu-Ray player, even though it is "just a game system".

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won't read it. other than that probably nothing.. just a blank screen most likely.

if you already have HD-DVDs you'll need an HD-DVD player. (toshiba has some cheap ones now, if you have the xbox 360 i think their add-on is kinda cheap too...relatively speaking)

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For sure get the PS3. It plays 1080p just great. Because it's loaded with all this ridiculous hardware to play games, it boots up and starts faster than most (all?) standalone players.

More importantly, the PS3 has easy internet access (wireless or otherwise) which means it can automatically get firmware/software updates, which means that when the Blu-Ray standards get upgraded, your PS3 can get the new functionality easily.

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does the ps3 have an online gamer play like xbox live ? I remember bobdea had a ps3 for sale on ebay and had LINUX installed( and a bunch of cool games) almost couldn't resist getting it, think it went for like $420. I was playing Ghost Recon on live last night at a buddy's house and he explained that xbox live is as easy as plugging your box into your router ( really ?)

downloaded a demo of MotoGP '07 and it's like CRACK...put down the joystick...walk away...c'mon.....you can do it... :eek:

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Yeah, what was once an arduous process (getting a new computer or device online) seems to be pretty idiot-proof these days. xbox live and the playstation network are pretty much as easy as plugging the machine into a router. Actually the PS3 has built-in wi-fi like a laptop, so if you already have wireless in your home you're pretty much set at soon as you plug it into the wall (after you enter in your WEP key if you made your wireless network private). The XBox can do the same thing but you need to buy a dongle. Just like xboxlive, the playstation network lets you play online with friends, and also has an online store where you can quickly download a bunch of demos or cheap arcade games, HD movie trailers, extra songs for Rock Band, etc..

The built-in wireless/bluetooth thing is nice in that you can just go to best buy and pick up a really crappy $20 wireless keyboard/mouse combo and surf the internetz on your PS3, although I have to say YouTube videos blown up to fill a 50 inch TV look extra, extra craptacular.

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yeah ps3 has online play.. i believe its' free (could be mistaken)... unlike Live which you pay for.... i'm addicted to Halo. call of duty 4 and assassin's creed are supposedly awesome too.

mcD , what's your gamer tag ? I need to try adding a friend.

$50 bucks a year seems cheap if you game online alot.

I'm still baffled on how to get the windows media center added to the cheezy vista home basic( not included) and get it all to connect, but whatever. The "extender" download won't fly(sounds like an infomercial with ron jeremy)

sorry to threadjack, Jeff, what ya gonna get for a blu ray ??

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I'd get the PS3 not only for what it lists above , but for one game and one game only


Involves hucking yourself from human slingshot at targets throughtout city scene for points based on what damage you cause. Best game on it is ime Tossing where you launch yourself to snag a mime hangingin mid air and then you have to fling the mime at window pane, racing against time to open new levels. The other funny part is listening to the french mime wail various sayings.

Hours of too funny fun.

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  • 4 weeks later...
Adding that electronics companies are wrong to assume that viewers want ever better picture quality, they point to the failure of high fidelity music formats Super Audio CD and DVD-Audio in the face of the explosion in the popularity of music downloads.

sigh. stupid people win again.

I'm all for downloading if it's HD.

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