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length of 4WD for me?


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Hi Everyone,

I've been reading through the forum for a few weeks now and have done some reading over at carversalmanac as well. I'm saving my money to get on a carving set up ASAP (hopefully next season), but incase something suited to me comes up in the classifieds, I thought I should be ready. After reading as much as I can about what board would be good for me to start out on, I've got my heart set on a Prior 4WD, but am not sure what length would be good for me. I'm hoping if I give some stats on me, some of you could offer your suggestions about what length board would be good for me, and if you have any other suggestions, that would be great.

I'm 6'0 and 155 pounds with size 9 street shoes

I've been riding an Atomic Dreamraider 165cm (decent BX board) board with low end soft boots/binding for 1.5 seasons. On groomed runs, I can 'carve' (not skid anyway) turns comfortably on easy blue runs. In choppy/bumpy conditions or on steep blacks, I can't really carve well and cant hold speed confidently while trying to make nice turns.

I am really looking forward to getting on a carving set up and improving my technique. Do you think the 4wd will suit me well for learning and progressing? What length do you suggest? Thanks for all your help.

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I would go with an ATV 167. Should be about the right length for you and have the right flex pattern for your weight. It would be easier to ride than the 4x4 too. If you are a pretty aggressive, confident rider, then the 4x4 in a 169 might be a good choice. Another option would be to get your hardboots and bindings first and ride your regular board with this setup. When you have outgrown it, then get a carve specific board. You usually can get a good set of used boots and bindings for about the same price or less than a used quality stick.

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The 174cm 4x4 would be the perfect size for you. Although that might sound long, shorter would be too short for you. This 174cm length comes up often for sale in the classifieds.

Welcome to BOL,

Hugh :AR15firin

p.s. Fill in your location so we know where you will be riding.

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Thanks for your replies everyone. So I guess now I have to decide between the 169 and 174 4x4. Im having trouble deciding between the two. I'm from the Toronto area so perhaps the 9.5m radius on the 169 would be more fitting to riding around here? Would I outgrow the 169 though as I progress? I hope to keep the board as I get better and progress my skills so maybe the 174 would be better?

The suggestion about getting boots/bindings first is a good idea. Perhaps I'll look for deals this spring. So far, I think I will get TD2s on yellow bumpers but am unsure about SI or Standard. It seems that each has its short comings. Is one set up better for a lightish (150-5 pounds) learning rider? And I was thinking the Track 225 boots since my feet are narrow, I'm fairly light and learning. I read on a different thread that the 225 offers a more surfy feel/style. I think my style may end up surfy because I surf as well, and that is what got me interested in snowboard carving. Would anyone suggest getting the 325 instead?

Thanks again for the responses

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I guess biggest question is are you very young and is your weight likly to increase in near future?

If not, I would say 169. Softer and shorter board would make it easier for learning and would be better for those super crowded or very bumped up days or even an excursion in the trees. Then, as you progress, you'll be looking for a race board or freecarver of 12ish meter scr and still keep the Prior as your AM board.

If you think you'll gain weight and would like to keep one board quiver, then go 174.


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Thanks Blue.. sounds like good advice. I'm old enough that I won't be doing any more vertical growing and am unlikely to put on much weight because I've been pretty thin my whole life. I think I'll do as you suggest and keep my eye out for a 169 and then if I decide i want more board down the road as I get better, I can pick up a more freecarve board.

How about my boot and binding ideas? Any input there?

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Hi Keopele,

Like you, I am new to this community. Also looking at buying a new set-up and have come to the same conclusions - either a Prior ATV or 4WD. Would also like some input from the BOL crew on length/binding options.

I'm 6'1 and 82kg. Ex-skier. Been riding for 10+ years and with current set-up for the last 7 years. Oxygen Xe62 27/23.5/27 natural asym which still rides well (very quick edge to edge and flies through trees), Size 10 malamute boots (2000) and salomon s5 carbon bindings 48/45. (See pic). Carving and powder. Little else. Heavy surfing influence. Confident on most slopes.

But it's time to extend the quiver and progress my riding. Feel the current set-up is a bit too small (even for Australian slopes) and possibly nearing/at/over its expiry date.

Going to Silverstar and Whistler for a week each commencing Jan 26 (Australia Day!). Prior are doing a demo on the 27th. Good timing. Want to buy a board and bindings while I'm over there. New, used or even ex-demo would be fine. But what length?

Happy to stay in the malamutes but only with stiff bindings (salomon spx-55? Nidecker carbon 900? catek freeride?) I will definitely trial a hardboot set-up but need guidance as to which boot/binding. If I go hardboot, I'd like the set-up to be responsive in trees/powder as well. (Or is this asking too much?)

Thanks in advance. I've already picked up an amazing amount of new info and ideas just reading the articles and threads on this site!



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Trying out the plates on my Dreamraider would be a good way for me to make sure that I like the hardboot set up before buying a board I guess. So what kind of boots/bindings would be appropriate for me? Please see my above post for what I'm thinking. Does anyone have experience with mounting plates on an Atomic Dreamraider?

Hey Matt,

I hope you have an awesome time over here in Canada. It sounds like you have more experience than me and will rip it up in BC. I spent about 6 months travelling australia and loved it over there. If/when you get a chance to demo the ATV and 4WD, you'll have to post on here how you liked them and how they compare to your current board. Have a great trip,


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Going to Silverstar and Whistler for a week each commencing Jan 26 (Australia Day!). Prior are doing a demo on the 27th. Good timing. Want to buy a board and bindings while I'm over there. New, used or even ex-demo would be fine. But what length?


Matt RE: the Whistler Demo day -- I am not sure but I think Prior only demos the boards - not the bindings. You might email them -- very good people BTW - and ask if you need to bring bindings with you.

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I'm 5'10", 190lbs. 177cm, 86Kg. Been riding for a long time.

I love my 179 4WD. If you ask, they'll add a set of inserts to each foot so that you can set up with even more setback than standard. This is an awesome option for riding the board in powder. I've ridden the board on salted race courses, windblown powder, soft powder, hero groomers, cut-up crud and firm groomers. It performs well in all, and surprisingly well in both the race course and powder. I don't like cut-up crud so I can't really comment on that. It has become my go-to board. I ride Head boots in walk mode on powder days.

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Hi Geoff,

The toss up between the 169 and the 174 is a tough one. I have a Donek Axxess (Donek's equivalent board) in 167 and just did my first riding day on a 173 race board (which rocked!) and I'm not far off your specs - 5'9" and 150lb.

You'd handle either fine, but I'd look at the riding you do and decide whether you're going to spend more time on the groom or off piste. Given the 4WD is supposedly a little softer than the Axxess, I'd say go for the longer effective edge (174) if the answer is more time on the groom, especially where it's hard packed.

As for the boots and plates, I ride the Track 325's and find them comfortable. I don't have a lot of leg volume so I probably can't flex them as much as I should, and spend a lot of time riding them in powder mode. You could go for the softer 225's but would probably find you'd want the extra stifness as you start to improve.

Bindings - step ins all the way. Once you have them, you never go back. The interface is definitely stiffer, though ... you'll probably find the learning curve a little steep!! if you feel like you'd want just a little bit of give, especially if you're riding off piste a bit, standards might be better.

Have fun!!

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Keopele, lots of good viewpoints here.

I am 5'9, 145 pounds and I started on a 169 Prior 4WD. I found the 169 amazingly easy to carve on the first day, especially given my flawed technique. If you ride tight trails or like a tighter turning board, then the 169 might be great for you, otherwise the 174 should be just fine.

I rode TD2 intecs with a suspension kit and yellow elastomers for my first year of riding hardboots. I finally tried a pair of F2 Race Titanium standard bails (unfortunately impossible to find this season) and it was just a night and day difference for me. At my weight, the TD2s are just too stout (stiff) of a binding, especially the step in version and I sold them all.

For boots, I am riding the Track 700s with yellow BTS springs. I also have narrow feet and the 700s fit me very well. My feet measure 26.3 mondo and I rode all of last year in a pair of 26 Suzukas (too big) and this year have sized down to 25 mondo 700s and they fit me perfectly. This seems to be a common thing.

Enjoy, Buell

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Thanks for all the great replies. It sounds like either the 169 or 174 will work out well. I think the 169 might be better because it would probably be a bit easier to learn on and if I decide to get a 2nd (longer) board down the road, my quiver will be more versatile. If I see a nice 174 for a good price though, I won't pass it up.

Thanks for the idea about the F2 bindings Buell. It does seem like they're hard to find. YYZ, if you're reading this, any idea when you'll get some in?

Buell and Alee, thanks for your input on the boots. It sounds like Deeluxe is the way to go with my narrow feet. I measure a mondo 25.7 so maybe 25 will work for me. YYZ has a pair of Suxukas at a good price. Perhaps I'll try those? Buell, how do you like the track series compared to your Suzukas (other than the size difference/fit). Thanks again everyone for all of your great input.

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I love the Track 700 compared to the Suzukas. This is my personal experience, but once I put the BTS on the Suzukas, I would pop a buckle open every run. I assume it was the added flex. Try carving and attempting to bend down and close a buckle at the same time.:angryfire I have not popped a buckle on the 700s yet! I find the 700s softer than the Suzukas, which has helped my riding and the buckles on the 700s are so much nicer than the Suzukas.


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I am very very happy with the versatility of the 4WD. It truly is a quiver killer. I was very happy with its carveability and also the looseness that it could be ridden in the off-pist. It is a very stable and relaxed ride but if you get aggressive with it, it takes it well...very well.

I am just under 6ft and 175lbs. I wanted a board that I could get in the trees with and still carve some turns on the groomers. Well simply enough it does both very well. Most equipment that is mixed purpose usually does neither purpose very well, but the 169-4WD is an exception to that.

If you could only have or take one board on a resort trip and were expecting mixed conditions a 4WD is the board to take.

Thats my 2 cents...

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I ride a 174 4WD and some days, I wish I had less board. The 174 is fantastic in powder, crust and tracked up, loose snow but when the piles get big and I have to make short, quick turns, I get tired swinging all that mass around. It's at that point I switch to my Volkl 164 Cross (a BX board), if I have it. If I don't have it with me, I go in for beers.

On the East Coast, I think you'll get more mileage out of a narrow race board. We're almost always on groomed snow or hard pack.

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  • 1 month later...

Hi Keopele,

You may have bought a board already. Some feedback for you on the Prior gear. Demo day at SilverStar in late Jan was very useful. I was looking for a board to carve on in softies, yet be versatile enough to do crud, bumps and pow without too much fuss. First-up tried ATV 167 and from the initial run it was sensational. Spent most of the day on it. Did everything I asked of it. Not much pow around on the demo day though. Also tried the All Mountain Freeride - too wide for me. Not quick enough edge-to-edge. The 4WD was unfortunately too narrow for my feet in softboots even with my 45 degree angles. Too much boot overhang.

Ended up buying the ATV I demo'd. Subsequently rode it on everything SilverStar and then Whistler had to offer in all conditions. Teamed it up with a pair of Catek FR2 Pros. My snowboarding experience has entered a new world. Can't believe what a bit of cant and lift does to the feel of ride. Have also been able to widen my stance by 2 inches (16 on old board - this was unalterable!) and feel heaps more stable at speed. Steep bumps have become way easier.

All up, an amazing setup in softboots. Aim for next year will be trying hardboots and probably will go for the 4WD 169 for the morning groomers.



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