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warning: metal priors


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He means that metal can be more reflective than a mirror if it is repeatedly polished with nevr dull. I agree, used to use it on aluminum castings, and the more you polished the more they would shine. Of course, they were English motorcycles, so the castings would get oiled regularly too...........

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The "Never Dull" sounds good, altough I am a little concerned I may polish out the checker pattern. Does anyone know the make up of this product? (e.g. chemicals, waxes, grit, etc.)

Now an oiler would really set off the retro cafe racer look, provided the lube was enviro friendly...Hmmmmm.

Thanks for the ideas!

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Nevr dull will not scratch, there are no abraisives whatsoever. It's cotton wadding impregnated with a secret sauce. Safe to use on your patterned artwork. Simichrome polish would be the next step up, it's abraisive like clear coat compound and some other mild polishes (Nu-Finish is another I think).

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Just wondering how you polish around or over the decals (if that is what they are) without scratching or removing them completely with the polishing compound? OR are the graphics Painted on or infused into the metal so the compound will not affect them? Only makes them shinier. That board with the cards standing has really striking red graphics. They were obviously not adversely affected by the polishing procedure.

D. :biggthump

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I just spoke to Prior, they sell the die cut graphics for the Metal boards. So I guess just peel the graphics off, polish the snot out of the board and then spend $20 or so for brand new graphics from Prior. You can even change the colour of the graphic if you didn't like the original one.

I just bought an 07 183 WCR Metal. Can't wait to get her polished up.

D. :biggthump

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1. I apologize for that horrible picture that I posted earlier. Its embarrasing the light of recent events. I used Final Shine Metal Polish and after 4 polish/buffs it came up to a true mirror shine, I will post a pic later. So anyone who cares, the Prior Metal will come up to a Mirror Perfect Shine if you spend the time.

2. I rode today at White Tail.

A. the Conditions were the best I have ever seen there. Packed Powder. It was sweeeeeeeeeTTTTT!

B. My board stopped both skiers and boarders in their tracks twice! The Bling factor of a perfect reflection is very high.

C. The ability to reflect the sunlight into skiers eyes is a whole nuther fun event. (not while they are skiing though)

3. Where are all the WT HBs? Noone but me there today. Conditions beyond belief going to waste...

Rich S.

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Rich, are you going to be at Whitetail again tomorrow? I'm planning to go up depending on how I feel in the morning (didn't feel that great today). I'll probably get there when they open and just do a half day. I'm bringing a white-top Prior 4WD and an UltraPrime.


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That board looks sweet!! Can you give us a tutorial about steps taken to get it like that. And exactly what tools you used to do it? And those graphics, I asked earlier about whether you had to remove them and re-buy them from Prior (because you can). Or did you just polish over them and they stayed intact? The good thing right now is that even if we all know how to do the polishing properly, there won't be many boards like it on any given hill.


D. :biggthump

p.s. Lange has a new "Lange Girl" now we have a new "Prior Girl" :D

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Ok, I am sure that there are better ways to do this, but here is what I did.

1. Found some Turtle Chrome Polish in the garage and used that, as follows:

A. polish on cloth

B. rub in small circles until cloth is loaded up with black gunk and swirls on board are black, switch to clean side, keep going until entire board is covered in black swirls. Rubbed with a fair amount of force.

C. Wait 15 minutes

D. Rub/buff off (when cloth gets loaded up switch to clean side)

2. The above got me part of the way there but not all the way. Was not a mirror finish. So went on line and found good stuff about Metal Master Final Shine.

3. Did the same thing as above with Metal Master Final shine 5x. Each time I did it the board got shinier and shinier until voilla, almost a perfect mirror.

Also I completely ignored the decals, just went right over them. Did not seem to make much difference. They are a bit dirty looking now and I have to touch them up somehow or replace them. Prior is sending me a quote on a decal package (or maybe I already bought them and they are sending them to me).

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Hey Rich, thanks for the step by step. Do you think you would have been able to leave out the Turtle Wax step if you started with the Metal Master Final Shine? Also, would a buffing machine or felt pad on a drill speed up the process without messing it up?

I get mine Monday or Tuesday, can't to get her mirrroed up.

D. :biggthump

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Hey Rich, thanks for the step by step. Do you think you would have been able to leave out the Turtle Wax step if you started with the Metal Master Final Shine? Also, would a buffing machine or felt pad on a drill speed up the process without messing it up?

I get mine Monday or Tuesday, can't to get her mirrroed up.

D. :biggthump

I used felt on a drill

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ya know, its mean,

but im sort of waiting for the first "bent my WCR" thread. ive never seen what happens to these boards when they get right angled:eplus2:

Probably the same thing that happens to standard boards when you right angle them, the garbage pail. :D

D. :biggthump

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Yes it's the traditional stuff... it creates a micro grain and definately would not be suitable for highly polished titanal. It's more noticable due to the relatively large flat surface, it would likely go un-noticed on a crankcase or hand rail. No big deal, as I am sure I will be doing a overall touch up post season.


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ya know, its mean,

but im sort of waiting for the first "bent my WCR" thread. ive never seen what happens to these boards when they get right angled:eplus2:

Do I detect some board envy here? I the 10 or so outings I have had I think that this would be a tough thing to do. I find the ride very smooth, precise but predictable, have yet to load up the nose. It would take a collision / stuff of some sort. I did retain my '06 WCR as back-up, but that may just become a rock board.


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