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Um...guys? SkeezRule isn't a troll, he's humor. I'm assuming he's an alt log-in for another Bomber member.

thanks for clearing that up dan:biggthump , i was worried id have to throw down for a second:AR15firin

in the words of wayne brady "Is wayne brady gonna have to choke a b****?" :D

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Hey - take it easy on NY/NJ! We're not all kooks.

not all, but per capita...... :smashfrea

one of my fav joisey boyz, dave O - snowboard pioneer and a cool cat :biggthump


that wayne brady thang is from chapelle , no ?

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you ****in' knuckle dragging, doped out park rat

why do you have to bring me into this?

go back to the park, "jib on........brah"

MRG and Taos are the ****, they keep you meatheads out for good reason, you'd get hurt at mad river and don't have enough class to act civil at deer valley or taos. As for Alta, when they buy snowbird you're all gonna be **** out of luck because we're gonna make the tram skier only so your jib sticks will have to stay on the lower mountain.

you guys are a bunch of friggin' n00bs that probably have never ridden anything better than stratton anyway.

go back to SoCal, buy a bag of weed and ride big bear or mountain high and leave the real mountains to people who ride equipment capable of tackling real terrain. hell, skiers even go bigger in the pipe, the one feature snowboarders can claim for themselves.

even at resorts where snowboarding is allowed allot of them won't allow patrollers to ride snowboards because they are unsafe...

why do you all hate on sound safety standards as well as a place that asks you to have a little class? It's like a restaurant that has a clean kitchen and demands that the patrons do the jacket and tie thing. That's the problem with you people you just don't get some simple concepts like decency. If snowboarders as a whole could collectively form a sentence other than "dude, that was steezy" or "that bitch is bangin' yo, I bet she ****s like a porn star" we'd probably let you come to the better places to ski. Even if you could refrain from from saying those things in front of my kids we'd let you in. Snowboarders are just a bunch hooligans, we don't want you near our daughters!

BTW, you guys really ought to work on not stealing from the shops at ski areas, this is another issue we have to consider before allowing you people on the hill.

as someone already mentioned snowboarders are a different demographic. It's very true, you are the skate rats raised probably by trailer park rednecks. People of lower class usually don't climb in the social ranks because they lack the social skills needed to obtain a decent education or a decent job. Maybe, if you guys put down the bong for a minute you'd figure that out.

You bunch of dregs, pull up your pants and get a job.

go back to the trauma park...........

You lame f-bagger...you don't know squat. I'm no jibber, I'm a racer...and I'd kick your butt all over the mountain any day. And Stratton rocks "brah"...do you realize how many World Cup and Olympic snowboarders have come out of there...probably not, because I'm guessing you hang at Mountain Creek - is that part of Trenton or what...Jersey loser. :AR15firin

What the F are you doing here on a snowboard forum anyway...get kicked off your skier forum? They probably saw that one-piece f-bag and locked you out. I hope I see that red suit somewhere this winter...be ready because I'm going to make sure you never ski again if I do...maybe you should take up rollerblading or something - and be sure to get yourself a one-piece spandex fruit-booter suit.

I was out cutting up knee deep p[ow at Sugarbush today, what were you doing? Playing with yourself I'm guessing...cuz...well...you know the babes are attracted to the f-bag suit. HaHaHaHaHa. Big "L" on the forehead for you "DUDE"!

I know Fatboy...Fatboy is my friend...and you're no Fatboy! :cool:

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Um...guys? SkeezRule isn't a troll, he's humor. I'm assuming he's an alt log-in for another Bomber member.

Nope - I had a run-in with this guy before. He was from Massaschusetts, but moved to Jersey...worst of both worlds. Just a big time loser skier with an attitude. :biggthump

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HAHA you crack me up. You guys are just now catching up on the one piece and why it's better.

see here: http://www.shorelineoftahoe.com/store/product.php?productid=502&cat=1179&page=1

You're such a toughguy wavechaser and that's exactly what we don't want at MRG, thugs. I bet you're about 17 years old and listen to those new gangster rap groups like Public Enemy. Tipper Gore was right, those ideas are dangerous ...

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