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so I installed OS X 10.5, I have multiple copies of early builds and also a copy of the retail version.

so, I have trouble with a few features, I figure that I should of done a clean install. Some features were even missing.

also a couple of boots it sent me directly to single user mode and also has been booting in verbose mode as well. weird.

so I'm starting to think apple just pulled a microsoft with this OS.

as I'm working on fixing some of the issues with the system I realize that the build I installed is old, real old. one of the early development builds.


I'm a jack ass!

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I'm running Leopard on three Macs, even an old G4 iBook with 512MB RAM. No complaints. I didn't expect much from the iBook but Leopard has given it new life. It was a surprise given that I'm used to the Microsoft world where each iteration of Windows becomes more processor and RAM hungry.

Legal copies of Leopard can be purchased on eBay for a lot cheaper than the Apple store.

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aww derf

build a hackintosh

all you really need is a CPU that supports SSE 3, some motherboards work better than others but you can get a great machine running for five or six hundred dollars

this guy got everything from new egg, if you used pricewatch.com and less RAM a $600 mac is a reality http://lifehacker.com/software/hack-attack/build-a-hackintosh-mac-for-under-800-321913.php

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I'm running Leopard on three Macs, even an old G4 iBook with 512MB RAM. No complaints. I didn't expect much from the iBook but Leopard has given it new life. It was a surprise given that I'm used to the Microsoft world where each iteration of Windows becomes more processor and RAM hungry.

Legal copies of Leopard can be purchased on eBay for a lot cheaper than the Apple store.

yeah, I have the retail version too but I don't label my dvd's well is the issue :biggthump

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The only issues I know about are the crashes caused by the app enhancer software http://docs.info.apple.com/article.html?artnum=306857

and the DNS issue http://discussions.apple.com/message.jspa?messageID=5752428#5752428

I've been experiencing the DNS issue. Worked around it by adding the opendns.org addresses to my config.

Now I'm not getting the timeouts I used to get.


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Yeah. Recent Mac convert here. I did it mostly out of curiosity. Overall I'm satisfied. But Microsoft should sue Mac for slander for all those wise-ass commercials. I'm learning that Macs are, plain and simple, NOT headache-free as they would like you to believe. They just come with a different, if somewhat smaller, set of headaches. Sure, I like the Unix-type underlying OS. Sure, it's a bit more stable than my 5yo PC was, but I would expect no less from 5 years of progress. Not worrying (as much) about viruses and spyware is a relief. But otherwise, Macs are simply not much more idiot proof and hassle free than PCs. Your story comes as no surprise. Glad I got a MacBook with Tiger while I could. The program I use most doesn't support Leopard yet. Not glad I have this to look forward to when the time comes to upgrade.

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Yeah. Recent Mac convert here. I did it mostly out of curiosity. Overall I'm satisfied. But Microsoft should sue Mac for slander for all those wise-ass commercials. I'm learning that Macs are, plain and simple, NOT headache-free as they would like you to believe. They just come with a different, if somewhat smaller, set of headaches. Sure, I like the Unix-type underlying OS. Sure, it's a bit more stable than my 5yo PC was, but I would expect no less from 5 years of progress. Not worrying (as much) about viruses and spyware is a relief. But otherwise, Macs are simply not much more idiot proof and hassle free than PCs. Your story comes as no surprise. Glad I got a MacBook with Tiger while I could. The program I use most doesn't support Leopard yet. Not glad I have this to look forward to when the time comes to upgrade.

Nor are Macs the be-all and end-all of multimedia machines. In fact, I find the three weakest apps in the Mac lineup are the new iMovie '08, iPhoto and iTunes. The new iMovie '08 is absolutely horrid. iPhoto is not as good a Picasa. iTunes constantly locks up, creates duplicate songs and only works well if you leave it with default settings.

That being said, a few pleasant surprises on the Mac platform. For one, the wealth of shareware and freeware apps. What the Mac arena lacks in quantity, it makes up for in quality. Quicksilver, Rapidweaver, Little Snitch, Remote Buddy, Chicken of the VNC - just a few of the shareware apps I use all the time. Each one I paid $15-$30 for a license.

The other thing I love is how hasslefree it is to connect external devices. With Windows, it was always a crapshoot as to whether my external drives would be recognized when I plugged them in. With Mac, it's 100% reliable.

Finally, no BS with the operating system upgrades. You pay $100 and you get the one and only version of the OS. There's no Home, Premium, Super Duper Premium editions.

I'm glad I switched. The only thing I miss is games.

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the build I installed was a developer's build. about six to eight months old.

that said, this beta is alright, totally useable just that I installed it when I have the final sitting here. this release was never intended to be running for anything other than software development. but it's plenty stable.

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I installed the final version of 10.5, good stuff other than a persistant kernel panic that's triggered by very heavy load over wireless in particular with with p2p apps like but not limited to azureus. IMHO 802.11 should never cause a panic but it seems this IS the case. BTW this is mostly a issue with macbook and macbook pro. cheesy driver I guess. there was panic issue in 10.3 that was very similar.

I also have windows vista installed on this machine, so far I like it better than XP but unlike xp it's sort of a dog performance wise in some cases. if I can find a complete set of drivers I'd like to use the 64 bit version of vista on this machine. perhaps it would perform better.

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I pine for a hackintosh.....

looking forward to tearing up wachoo again this year

No one will really be free until nerd persecution ends.

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