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What's your opinion on sidecut?


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What do you think is the best type of sidecut for carving and why? Radial, eliptical, parabolic, tightening toward the nose, tightening toward the tail, etc.

Just wondering.

Gonna get my "recreational carver, just doing it for fun, just havin' a good time" two cents in before the real experts have their chance ;)

I've ridden boards with all sorts of sidecuts.

Coilers - are mostly radial sidecuts if I am not mistaken

Doneks - quadratic sidecut

Madd - elliptical

Salomon FRS - tightens toward tail

In all cases it seems like other aspects of the board - flex pattern, overall stiffness, construction, etc - has had more to do with the ride than the exact shape of the sidecut. I am looking forward to trying something "Kessler shaped" (tighter sidecut towasrd nose) this season, and I believe I will have the chance to soon enough (not a Kessler though)

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i think that the difference between elliptical and quadratic is in the places that the curvature tightens.

an ellipse tightens toward the ends around to foci, while the center is relatively mellow.


a quadratic has its tightest point at its center, and expands from there, the tip and tail of the quadratic would be less sloped, and the most cut would happen toward the middle of the board.


hope that helps :freak3:

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Even if I work in engineering, some of my geometry is far. Isn't quadratic and elliptical the same?

yes and no, I think all ellipses are quadratic but not all quadratic curves are ellipses...I haven't plotted control curves in +2 years so my memory of geometry/calculus is hurting

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Circles, parabolas, ellipses, hyperbolas are all quadratic. However an ellipse is never a parabola and vice versa. But they can all be pretty close. Perhaps even insignificantly different. The term "quadratic" when used in skiing or snowboarding has come to mean parabolic.

They're all conic sections:


from here.

I've ridden radial (Burton, Prior), parabolic (Burton, Donek), elliptical (Madd), tri-radial (Volkl) and I believe I enjoy the parabolic and elliptical best. However flex pattern and construction have a lot to do with it too. Very hard to credit just the sidecut geometry with the difference. However I will say stepping off a Prior wcr175 (11.5m) and onto a Donek 171fcII (11.2m) was dramatic.

I've never ridden a progressive board - one that has one radius for the front half of the board, and a different one for the back. In theory it makes very little sense to me. I don't think you should be pressuring one foot or the other so much that half the board isn't doing anything. Nitro and I believe Oxygen were like this. Probably others. Longer sidecut towards the nose, tighter towards the tail. I hear they are now building pro GS race boards that are the opposite - tight nose, long tail. *shrug*.

Whatever your sidecut is, I think it should be symmetrical front to back, at least in theory. Suppose I'll have to demo one of them thar new fangled reverse progressive thangs.

Here is an article on some of the physics of sidecut:


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jack, interesting graph you posted. gonna look into the details later on. good post.

anyhow, as for sidecut... i just simply know this... for a 159 freeride/freestyle board, i solemnly swear on 800 sidcut radius. i really love it. very responsive/squirrely type.

that's all i know of right now.

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"reverse progressive sidecut" Wow! that's a mouthful :D

I guess you are refering to the taper on new GS boards? Taper effectively gives the front half of the board a tighter radius than the rear half.

Not necessarily. The sidecuts could still be single radius, but simply rotated. My Madd 180 has taper and I love that board. I don't <i>think</i> it's reverse progressive. <i>Edit:</i> what am I saying, Madd Mike says they're elliptical, so the sidecuts must be rotated for taper. Then again, you never know when Mike is intentionally keeping you in the dark... :D

The new reverse progressives are actually two different radii for the nose and tail.

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I rode my 1st quadratic in '92, a sims fakie w/vokyl wood core. as an accompilshed switch rider that carves both ways i prefer non directional shape. my undersanding of quadratic is the 4 corners are mirrored to the center lines of tne board.

progressive radius & elliptical can be quadratic if the're centered on a non-tapered shape:argue:

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