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not poll just curious...

Guest lonecarver

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Guest lonecarver

how many of you lucky guys have wives or girlfriends that carve, snowboard or even ski with you?

maybe i'm not the only unfortunate one. if it doesn't involve spending money a the mall my girlfriend won't go anywhere near it!:D

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Guest thomas_m

My wife and I started together this season. I've progressed faster than she has even though she's more of a natural athlete than me. I just have less fear of speed and heights and had spent more time on surfboards.

However... she doesn't like to surf with me at all. It's all I can do to get her to paddle out on a couple small days in the summer. Waves bigger than waist high and her eyes start looking like boiled eggs. LOL

She beats me in tennis regularly...


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I ride and my wife is learning, she likes it but cant do it for longer than 2 hours. She can ski with me all day and likes to stay on the groomers so I get a chance to use my Coiler PR (I can't patrol on it because it wont go in the trees or bumps or powder)

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I am a lucky guy too. My wife likes to ski and loves to carve on the groomers. Lately she has been leaving her poles at the bottom of the lift for the first few runs on fresh corduroy and picks them up later when it starts to get a bit sloppy. I love her reply when she gets asked about not having poles, "No, I am not a beginner, I'm with these guys". Her only interest in snowboarding might be in soft boots for powder days.

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She just hasn't riden the snowboard much... she enjoys skiing and is very good at it. She is a little too fast somedays and she keeps up with me most of the time. I slow down when she is riding a little to fast that day because I think she is pushing it too much and do not want to her to get hurt again. She has hurt knees and thumb and shoulder in the past and would like this year for her to go unscathed for a change. She has a 153 Ride Control for a board with switch bindings, has taken lessons and rode it well the last time up. I might mention she skis all day until the last ride of the day when the chair closes and for 3-4 days straight. Not too many ladies do that!

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I too am lucky. My wife boards and has started to carve in her softies this winter (still thinks she isn't good enough for hardboots). Our son (5yrs) had his first full season on a board and daughter (2yrs) is on skiis. It is a blast to have the whole family out.

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My wife snowboards (softies). She started snowboarding one year after I did, and she's a pretty good rider. She carves the easy runs, and skids the steeper ones. She doesn't keep up with me speedwise, but she's not far behind. The bad part is waiting for her to strap in at the top of the lift.

I keep trying to get her to try hard boots, but she's too embarassed - she thinks it will look tres uncool for her to be bumbling along in hard boots in what would appear to others to be an attempt to copy me - as though she had so little identity of her own that she had to copy her husband's obscure and unusual snowboarding style.

I can see her point, but I wouldn't let it bother me.

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My girl has been boarding almost as long as I have...well, since about what...95 (I started in 90 was it?) and unfortunately has just never bothered to learn technique. She mostly does the falling leaf down the entire hill...makes good turns on her heels, but then goes "fakie" and heel turns again!

most attempts at showing her the proper technique end up with an attitude rebuttal. funny ****.

dream of the day that my girl can be there right behind me goin full blast!

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Originally posted by D-Sub

[most attempts at showing her the proper technique end up with an attitude rebuttal. funny ****.


I am not saying that you are not a good teacher, it is just that I find it better to never try to teach the wife things like skiing or snow boarding. I find that a qualified instructor that can teach well will keep us friends, lovers, and talking and allow her to learn faster. Some of the best money spent. Cheaper than therapy too.

just a thought...............

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Originally posted by k_t

I am not saying that you are not a good teacher, it is just that I find it better to never try to teach the wife things like skiing or snow boarding. I find that a qualified instructor that can teach well will keep us friends, lovers, and talking and allow her to learn faster. Some of the best money spent. Cheaper than therapy too.

just a thought...............

nah, youve got a point, most definitely

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Originally posted by CarveItUp

I've been riding longer than my boyfriend Derek... and my favourite board is longer than his.

He thinks he hit the jackpot... a girl who rides boards in winter, bikes in summer.


Same shoe, different foot. Jackpot or lotto, you arre both lucky.

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My other half was always going to learn to ski but just never got around to it, so I threw him into ski school at Big White when I went boarding at Xmas. On the third day he was with Level 4 and running gates on the Nastar course. On his 7th day last weekend I bombed down my favourite blue cruiser at Sunshine on my Hot Blast and he PASSES me.

I'm not going to teach him to snowboard because that's really gonna make me look bad. Although it is nice that after 7 days, I can go pretty much anywhere on the hill and he just runs along with me. And he doens't like bumps, so we stick to groomers all day ... bugger:)

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Guest Tom H.

We both love to snowboard. That's how we met. We love riding together and we both enjoy going our own ways sometimes too. She has her friends that she rides with and I have mine. But true romance to us is an early morning session, scaring up perfectly groomed trails, two trenches at a time.

I just hope our daughter follows our passion. She's 1.5 now, and so far loves the daycare at the mountain... we call it "ski school" to start getting her ready. Driving to soccer practice instead of to the mountain would suck!

Tom H.

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Tom H,

Yes you are right, I'd much rather drive my kid to snow board practice rather than soccer practice but since both sports happen at different times of the year, it would still suck driving my kid to soccer practice. :) I can't wait to get my daughter on the slopes next year. I walked her out on the bottom slope of my local ski resort and she loved it. I can only hope that she'll want to stick with it when I teach her.

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