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Help name my dog.


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I loved the Golden Retriever I grew up with. However the kind of dog he was is all but extinct, thanks to leash laws.

a well behaved dog is mandatory though, or it becomes a nightmare for everyone. :smashfrea

Yes. And if you live in a town with a leash law you can pretty much eliminate that possibility. Owning a dog in a leash law town is cruel and purely selfish if you ask me.

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Our last lab was not a kisser (good thing too!) as her nasty habit was to eat her own pooh. Kind of controlled this by walking her on a leash at dump time and then bagging it. My brother's lab is banned from doggy day care as she will eat all the other dogs pooh.

Doesn't this pooch already have a name?

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Our last lab was not a kisser (good thing too!) as her nasty habit was to eat her own pooh. Kind of controlled this by walking her on a leash at dump time and then bagging it. My brother's lab is banned from doggy day care as she will eat all the other dogs pooh.

Doesn't this pooch already have a name?

Pat, thanks for sharing that :barf:

how about Supercalafragalisticexpialadoshus ?

call her "Soupa"

Why didn't you tell me....to bring along my harmonica?


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Yes. And if you live in a town with a leash law you can pretty much eliminate that possibility. Owning a dog in a leash law town is cruel and purely selfish if you ask me.

What a crock. That's why they have off leash parks. I live in a leash law town and walk my dogs at night and early mornings without their leashes - I carry them, they're never on it. They're well behaved enough that there's no need for it.

And as for the last minute weekend - that's what kennels are for. Kennels do not work for children. And the diaper thing ... I've never had to wipe my dog's butt, it takes a week to toilet train them and not a year, and the pickup takes me five minutes a week. Big deal.

Galen, I take my dogs everywhere too!. One of the awesome things about Canada is that they're welcome in campsites, in National Parks on leash, in RV parks and pretty much everywhere. I was so surprised when I went to Montana and you're not even allowed them on the walking trails and half the campgrounds... I took my dogs on a two week road trip in Sept, we all had a blast ... they're better campers than me!

Peb - does this beast not already have a name? I can't believe she got to be a year old being addressed as "hey you" all the time ...

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What a crock. That's why they have off leash parks. I live in a leash law town and walk my dogs at night and early mornings without their leashes - I carry them, they're never on it. They're well behaved enough that there's no need for it.

Galen, I take my dogs everywhere too!. One of the awesome things about Canada is that they're welcome in campsites, in National Parks on leash, in RV parks and pretty much everywhere. I was so surprised when I went to Montana and you're not even allowed them on the walking trails and half the campgrounds... I took my dogs on a two week road trip in Sept, we all had a blast ... they're better campers than me!


Compliments to you Allee for having nice dogs and the ability and time and desire and conviction to train them. Like so many controversial passions we have whether it be snowboarding, hunting, motorcycles whatever – it is the 5% of the group that ruins it for the 95% who don’t deserve the negative reaction and effects. Not a dog owner for the reasons Jack mentions. I am happy with lease laws in public hiking areas and parks and at the same time am glad they have off lease parks too. BTW – I think we have a law in WA State that you can no longer let a dog ride in the back of a pickup.

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Well, she's kinda been passed around. Some called her molly, some called her something else, right now my buddy is hanging on to her and he just calls her little one (as opposed to dusty who is about 90 lbs.). None of the names have really stuck. He says she comes to anything.

You don't have to worry about her though, she's not gonna be passed around anymore. I'd rather move than give up a dog. If they're adopted, they're adopted for the long haul. And that's why I'm looking for a good name that we both like, since we're gonna be using it for the next 10+ years.

Oh, I forgot to mention the latest... Tesla. Being an engineer (aka GEEK) I'm kinda partial to that, but it's still a tie between Tesla and Freya.

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I always thought dogs were part of ski culture.

They never bitch at ya or make ya feel guilty.

Some of my best memories of my old cattle dog ,Cassidy, is playing frisbee in the parking lot at stowe during lunch breaks.

She'd sleep in the car most of the day, waiting for the next frisbee session.

Once in awhile, we'd sneak her on the Gondi for last run and she loved chasing us down from the top.


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Excuse me, it's just my opinion, as I said. It seems obvious to me that dogs need to walk, run, and roam waaay more than is typically convenient for their owners. Yes, more than twice a day.

And that's what the yard is for.

I agree with you 100% that anything larger than a lapdog should never be kept in an apartment, or locked in a house all day. That's just asking for trouble. But an underexercised, bored and destructive dog has nothing to do with leash laws, and everything to do with unsuitable owners.

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Hitler is a pretty good one for a cat...that was black...and by some chance was an accountant, banker and diamond dealer. :rolleyes:

Our dog is Diego because thats what he was named when we got him so we kept him.

Shredder sounds good to me.


or in terms of snowboarding


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But an underexercised, bored and destructive dog has nothing to do with leash laws

Sure it does. With no leash law, you just let your dog out in the morning when you leave for work and then call it for dinner. Those were the good ol' days. Made for very mellow, well mannered, sociable dogs. A big yard with an invisible fence is good, but not quite enough. Our dog used to roam an area of many acres.

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Hmmm. That name seems a little aqward to call for when it's time to eat. But thanks, I haven't been able to find that one. Too bad it's so hard for me to pronounce.

I've read that Freya was the snow goddess. It's hard to tell, there's so many of them.

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Well, picked her up. She's gotta be the sweetest thing I've ever seen. She terrorizes the kitties a little bit, but responds well when I tell her no. And one of the best parts is she can sleep through the night without waking me up.

She met my grandma and I told her the names. I was told she responded to Hammy, but she never responded to that for me. Then I told my grandma Hammy and she stuck up her nose at that name. I told her Freya and she thought that was beautiful, so lo and behold...

I forgot... I was gonna say I kinda like Ellabee but it reminds me too much of the name of somebody I know. Her name is Isabee.

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