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Spring Conditions

Erik J

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Had some fun this weekend riding through a 120' water pit, spraying the crowd on both sides, hearing screams of "AHHHHH! it's cold". Haaaahaaaa.

For some reason I won a pair of skis for doing this. I didn't do anything special. I guess they liked how wet the crowd got.

So I thought some might enjoy the pic. The big version pic shows all the kids faces just before getting sprayed. The Madd carved very well.


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Hey Mr. Tramp - Sorry we didn't hook up for riding this past Sun. I just showed up hoping I'd see you two out. I stayed out too late Sat night at a B-day party - you know how I hate losing at pin-the-tail-on-the-donkey.

I've got a nice hookup for Windham, maybe we can all head out for a late season splashfest. I can never remember where the dash goes in your email address - you can email me through this site or just yell really loud if yous twos are up for riding.

And I hear you're doing a tour of Glenwood, that sounds pretty interseting. Mr. Hull told me about it and gave me a really cool Sugarloaf history book.

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Hey Boing!!! you won cause actually thats the best carve I have ever seen you do!!!

maybe you should stay on water!!! ahhhaahaha ;)

Headin to Mr. Slow Friday thru Sunday.. for my Slush Session!


You're heading to Mr Slow for the whole weekend? Bring baby oil. You wanna know how I know yer.....

VT, eh? are you riding Sun? Do tell.

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Come ride da slush steep at mt snow..

If its not hard pack..who you kiddin.. you gonna rub a dub dub on da slush..I don't think so.. so ya might as well just F... around on the slush...

come on come all... it was the cheapest lodging and ticket I could find and not drive 4 hours to get back to the airport...


ps.. wait till you see das new coiler...the Schuu.....X2 doh!!! :biggthump

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Had some fun this weekend riding through a 120' water pit, spraying the crowd on both sides, hearing screams of "AHHHHH! it's cold". Haaaahaaaa.


We're supposed to have a pond skimming event at our local hill this spring, and I'm thinking about giving it a shot...so, a few questions for you:

What kind of wax did you use? Does it matter?

Any technique tips? Is the water "sticky" like spring slush, or is it slippery?

Is more surface area (i.e., powder board) better than a carving/GS board?

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