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JFYI: broken donek


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Bummer. No problem believing that it *happened* during a mellow carve, but I don't think that anyone will believe it was *caused* by a mellow carve. It seems that there must have been something else in that board's past. It looks like a traumatic break.

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usually happens even in mellow carves when you bury the nose and press all your flesh on it : it just snaps... happens with lots of boards/brands/manufacturer.. boards have a limit strengh, and once u flirt with it, its eager to break..


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Bummer. No problem believing that it *happened* during a mellow carve, but I don't think that anyone will believe it was *caused* by a mellow carve. It seems that there must have been something else in that board's past. It looks like a traumatic break.

that's board bought new near two weeks ago. yes, owner think he overpress the nose in the carve, but this is no reason for ANY board to break like that.

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yes, owner think he overpress the nose in the carve

yes you just named it its called OVER pressure: materials are made with a resistance limit: when u over rule that limit, it results in breakage... Many people think snowboards should whistand any forces applied on them: its not possible, and boards would be stiff as steel if we had to make them able to resist to anything ( and weight 10 kilos). Same goes with cars: they turn well until you take them above the limits they can grip... then they slip and its the accident: is is the car that is to blame or the driver?


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Dunno about you, but he might be smiling for the same reason I was smiling.

He gets to walk away and drive himself home, rather than take a ride to the ER in an ambulance (at least that's what it looks like).

So, that makes 4 broken boards this weekend: Volkl rentiger, Coiler, Donek FC, and a Prior 4wd

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Agreed Nils,

When you put the kind of force that we do with hardshell snowboard boots onto an object of finite flexibility it reaches a point where it can no longer flex, but the energy has to go somewhere.

Sean makes great boards as does Bruce, and just for the record I'm not selling Doneks or Coilers presently.

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If it were an Olympic core construction, would have Sean assked for the pictures to be removed? He says he does not build Olympic with clear topsheet to keep the inside top secret.:eek::lurk:

yes, it's REAL pity that this donek was not olympic version ;)

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cat: Yuri, is that broken board mean that you don't leave me for the mountains every other day?

Yuri: no, dear, that means that you gonn't any meal further until I bought new board


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Thanks for asking. The stupid fibula is getting better. I'm walking around with no crutches and very little limp, but not ready to ride just yet. I just have to avoid being a stupid Kimo and going back to the hill before it's too early.

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I find this incredibly rude to Sean. Your first course of action should be to contact the manufacturer, rather than blindsiding him by publicly airing his dirty laundry.

I've seen broken boards from many manufacturers.

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I find this incredibly rude to Sean. Your first course of action should be to contact the manufacturer, rather than blindsiding him by publicly airing his dirty laundry.

I've seen broken boards from many manufacturers.

Dont worry Jack, everyone that knows Donek knows that the boards arent cheap crap. Nobody makes an invincible board, and Doneks are probably among the closest there are. I bet if we made a poll:

+ doneks are awesome

+ doneks suck

itd be the first poll with a 100% to 0% outcome (unless there was already a poll with this outcome that I am unaware of), or at least the closest one to that outcome due to the unpredictable troll, uber rebel (I'll go agaisnt the grain, no matter how riddiculous!), or crazy drunken fool.

as for the "cause" of the break... maybe too much stance setback? with a big long nose, It becomes more difficult to evenly pressure the top half of the board. Just a theory.

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I'm with Jack. This is not appropriate for a public forum where newer riders could get the wrong idea. It will hurt Sean's business UNLESS he posted - "Hey Sean gave me warranty after I did this" which he did not. Nobody enjoys seeing this happen, I'm sure it will steer many potentials away from Donek. Just my opinion of course.

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