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OK so the snow was crisp but I had sharp edges and a fresh waxing. I was heading down the trail as I had done all night, there were so few people that my line was developing ruts from me alone :biggthump I was cruising along 6 turns into my line when a big (like 6'6") skier in marginal control clipped the back of my board as I was transitioning from heel to toe, I remember a bounce, my helmet hitting the snow and a hip slam white hot pain in my side, skip, slide...through it all the music still plays, thank you IPOD. Reach down unclip (so much easier with Intecs) as I come to my knees I see I have an audience, no sign of mister big skier. Oh I hurt...where did all this pain come from...torso feels like 1000 situps. Before things got too bad I clipped back in (to the surprise of my audience) and rode down the hill. Getting to my jeep was an exercise in feeling like an old man and I have never so regretted stiff offroad suspension as the 30 minute drive home. Motrin, redwine and an hour in my jacuzzi tub made me loose enough to get out of the tub and crawl into bed. Getting up this morning was hilarious, my left side is bruised and my core is strained...the Hot Tub is at the top of the list of rehab techniques.

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Just got our "rehab at home" running again after a season without.....definitely part of the 'getting old need all the help I can get routine.'

Plus it's a great way to force us guys to communicate with the better half. Doesn't happen if I'm zonin' in front of the tube, or panel, or projector, or whatever.

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the hip hurts but no more, and probably a whole lot less, than my last Masonite bowl slam at Skaterisland (that slam scrambled me for days). Not real worried about the hip it'll hurt until it doesn't it's the ripping across my lower abs that makes me feel old and decrepit. I hobbled into work this morning...they laughed and said go home. I'm hoping that I recover in time for next Thursday no issues with getting back on the horse though I may bring my RC for the ice next week. As for where this happened no not at wa-wa ....Yawgooo. Too bad to because it was shaping up to be a great evening of turns and I hadn't fallen yet this year...well now I have :angryfire

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Not trying to preach here, just a question - do you think the iPod contributed to the accident? Would you have heard him coming if you didn't have the music on? Maybe he shouted a warning to you? I narrowly missed a collision at Park City when a skier, leaving the summit lodge, skied directly across the trail. I yelled at him, he jumped back and I think I missed his skis by an inch or two.

If he was wearing an iPod - whammo.

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the IPOD was definitely not at fault I could hear everything that was going on including the talking of my audience when they were making sure that I was OK, I keep a low volume for this reason, and the sound of edges cutting packed powder all but override the music anyway. The Guy who clipped me was "turnaphobic" to quote another thread, and from what I was told veered across the trail to collide with me...I was on a downhill edge when we collided which sent me flying, other than bad luck I don't really fault him, he was just like me trying to get down the hill. I hurt but I can deal with it, and I know that I have hurt guys in the skatepark worse in collisions than I feel right now (I once broke a BMX bike in a crash and I skateboard :smashfrea:ices_ange . I also know that hip pads are in my future, the more mileage I get the more safety equipment I use ;) The odd thing is that in all my years of body abuse I have never had this kind of injury, my arms and legs are fine, my back and head are cool, even my trick ankle feels good; all my pain is confined to the area between my left hip and my right groin across the front of my torso. I'll be back on the snow soon and other than protecting my blind side a bit more, I will continue to ride the same way

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I know my attitude stems from years upon years of snake sessions, barge or get barged take the space or get out of the way yada yada yada...personally I would have stopped but other than that...he barely clipped me there isn't even a scratch on my board. Life is too short and I have not the energy for hate anymore.

As for seeing a doctor my wife is a nurse practitioner :1luvu::1luvu::1luvu: I was given a complete body function physical before I was allowed wine and motrin :biggthump:biggthump

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Sorry to hear it man. Good thing you were wearing a helmet though. I had a pretty big getoff last weekend, slammed my head bad. I've decided to always wear a helmet from now on.

I wont ride without a helmet anymore... at Bromley last weekend I would have at least been concussed if it weren't for my helmet.

And to think i was peeved to have some old fart on straight skiis hit my board with his pole today (deliberately, but doing no damage to board rider or riding)! youve got some serious self control, Gecko.

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A similar accident three weeks ago and my neck is still hurting.

Was near the lifts and heading across a run, looking all around, when a snowboarder flying down the hill with his back to me, clips me and I go flying. Never stopped to see if I was OK, and I was laying on the snow for a few minutes at least. Pull a groin muscle somewhat, definite whiplash, brushed my esphogous, and I'm still working out the kinks in my neck with a Chiropractor. The helmet definitely paid for itself that day.

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