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Snowboard and pot


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A newspapers here in Mtl has been posting articles for the last 2 days about snowboarding and smoking pot. This newspapers is not really known for it's "journalistic integrity", but I really have to take some time to translate a few parts of it.....

To be brief, yesterday's article was saying that a vast majority of snowboarders was smoking pot..

But today is the funniest (well, sort of!)

Free translation for you guys:

Teenagers who smoke pot while snowboarding are most likely from rich families and they do nothing but follow the rebellious and cool fashion of their sport, according to a specialist.

Snowboarding was created by a bunch of rebels. Smoking pot is part of the life style of the boarders", says the specialist.

She also believes that "the Ross Rebagliati scandal" contributed to the association between pot and snowboarding.

Finally, the specialist underlines that the snowboarders are not only rebellious by their consumption of cannabis. Their musical choices and their clothing also go in this direction.

I am a snowboarder and was wondering.... Am I uncool if I don't smoke pot on the slopes ??????

Enough said !

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I don't smoke, I listen to classical rock and where reasonably fitting clothes.

I've actually heard a friend say to his dad "I don't consider Ben a snowboarder..."

I am so uncool. What am I gonna do now that I don't fit in with the cool kids? Oh, yeah, when I want to hit a jump I'll just go right around the "cool" kids that are sitting at the top of the hill waiting for everybody else to go even though nobody is going. I'll ignore them when they try insulting me because what's it going to help telling them that I have a college degree and a steady job that pays well. They don't need to know that I could just about buy they're "cool" rice rocket off of them with cash if I really wanted to.

Anyways, sorry about the little rant there. I just get a little frustrated sometimes. I'm just gonna do what I like to do and not worry about what other people think.

On another note, it seems a little reckless to be mixing drugs and high speeds...

disclaimer: I'm not saying pot, or any other subject mentioned in my post, is good or bad. Comments made in my post should mean nothing to you if you're not one of "those guys". If you are one of "those guys" then read it well. You could be a pot smokin hippy and still not be one of "those guys". Along those lines you could be clean-cut and conservative and still be one of "those guys". I have no guidlines depicting whether a person is "that guy" or not. You either are or you aren't.

Another rant on the disclaimer there, but I think you can chalk that one up to boredom at work...

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trouble at stratton

An Albany, N.Y., man is accused of taking off his clothes while skiing at Stratton Mountain Resort in December. A witness told police that 46-year-old William N. Barrett III was fully nude and touching himself inappropriately while riding a ski gondola up a mountain.

Barrett pleaded innocent to a felony count of lewd and lascivious conduct and a misdemeanor count of marijuana possession Tuesday in Brattleboro District Court. He faces more than five years in prison or $800 in fines if convicted.

As they were arresting him, police found a black pouch in Barrett's pocket containing a glass pipe, lighter and film canister with marijuana in it, according to court documents. When police asked him what was in the pouch, Barrett allegedly replied, "More trouble."

plus, justin might tell on you....

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I am a snowboarder and was wondering.... Am I uncool if I don't smoke pot on the slopes ??????

Enough said !

It seems more cool here for "those guys", to go into the woods or trees, to some little fort they have built or even to Joint Point, to indulge. I think it is also safer to go into the woods, from the point of view of not blocking the run or getting hit from behind.

Or am I confusing "slopes" with piste. Now whose piste off??

And after operating a snowboard on both sides of 420, I am still not cool enough to ever be called cool. So the opposite of cool is uncool, so maybe don't bother.


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trouble at stratton

Barrett pleaded innocent to a felony count of lewd and lascivious conduct and a misdemeanor count of marijuana possession Tuesday in Brattleboro District Court. He faces more than five years in prison or $800 in fines if convicted.


Next time he should shoot or rob someone on the slopes -- that way he'd get no fines and only 1 year in prison. :smashfrea

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I live fifteen minutes from there. Do you think this guy is considered a hero by the "cool" people or just creepy? I'd be kinda creeped out by a naked guy in the gondola by himself. If there was another person there on the other hand....

Yaa two naked guys on a gondola smoking dope..... that rates a 9.5 on my creepy-o-meter....

I'd Freak.... and then just stare at them and watch them freak :eplus2: HA!!

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Yaa two naked guys on a gondola smoking dope..... that rates a 9.5 on my creepy-o-meter....

About 2 years ago while returning from a road trip - southbound I-405 we passed a semi-truck on the left side. This fancy truck had doors on it with glass down to the bottom of the door. My GF looked up at him and he was totally naked driving at 70 mph.

She freaked and he just smiled back. I am starting to think there are only 2 sane people in this world and I am beginning to wonder about her!


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Pot good, naked people bad. Oh, I mean naked people good, pot bad. Oh hell, pot good, naked dude wrong, but naked people good.

What do you think would have happened if it was a naked women. I doubt that it would have been a big deal.

What the hell does pot have to do with this sick dude getting naked on the gondola anyway. Does anyone honestly think it was the pot that made him a sick @#$@.

People will be people, just some should be taken out of the gene pool!

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