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collision and shoulder injury- opening day


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NOT what i was hoping for.

rode my soft setup with very mellow (technically duck, but barely) angles. To make a long story short, I was riding in a sorta alpine type of way, generally making wider and sharp turns. Few of this on the green run (nice pitch for a green), no problem. Then to the blue- and the masses. I continued heelside and then BAM!!--another boarder,uphill of me, and myself had quite a collision. My hands went up in the air (perhaps my whole body, it happened so fast i don't know, though I remember feeling the "everythign slowing down sensation") and i was somewhat rotated and landed on my arm and twisted my shoulder. I was in a lot of pain and now may be out for a while. (may have tore something, don't know).

My point is use EXTREME caution if you are on a busy slope when making any turns that even remotely resemble going across teh hill or larger radius- even if it's on your short or soft setup. It is flat out DANGEROUS- i don't want this to happen to anyone else. I for one, won't be going back there anytime soon. I am not a big guy so if this happened to some of you big guys, I'm it would have been the other boarder that rammed me that went.

I knew there was a reason I didn't like Whitetail. Their runs are very very busy, almost no one going across the hill. (last year my Ipod was stolen there).

what's teh deal with shoulder injuries? i've never had one before. i have limited mobility now, it's hard to drive. i iced it a few times. need to be in good shape again feb 8th. figure i'll give it a week, if still pain, see dr?

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****, very sorry to hear about that.

Lots of boarders have shoulder injuries: it tends to be the first thing that hits the snow, especially when riding alpine (at least for me). Unfortunately, in my experience, they're slow to heal as well.

Agree that if you're in a position to see a doc, do it! Otherwise, ice, ibuprofen and rest.

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got x rayed this morning, had x rays this morning... am in sling 4 at least a week. looks like i have this:


A shoulder subluxation or instability involves a temporary, partial dislocation of the shoulder joint.

anti inflammatories thi week and some exercises, then seeing sports med guy friday....

was eaerly afternoon i think. oddly, dr. didnt mention icing as all that important

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NOT what i was hoping for.

what's teh deal with shoulder injuries? i've never had one before. i have limited mobility now, it's hard to drive. i iced it a few times. need to be in good shape again feb 8th. figure i'll give it a week, if still pain, see dr?

Barry - sorry to hear. I did mine on January 9th. Two weeks tomorrow. At least I was having one at the time. Not that it is the same injury but sounds similar. My xrays were negative, but I did not want to pop for the MRI so need to go back and possible more xrays in a week to see if calcification has started.

I was useless for a week, at least now I can tie my shoes and pull up my pants. I can't visualize riding for another couple of weeks. So it looks like the SES is straight out.

Remember RICE for soft tissue damage, bruising or any kind of tissue trauma. Rest, Ice, Compression and Elevation. C and E are kind of hard on a shoulder but the R and I will help.

What sucks for me is that I can't get into a comfortable position at night to sleep without taking a couple of vykodens. Then I am all whacked out and stupid in the morning. Oh well. I hope you heal faster than I am.

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Guest Wildfrogman

Hope your shoulder heals quickly. Was the boarder that hit you straightlining? grr some people need to learn control. I had an "issue" with a snowboarder straightlining aswell, on the first day I was out. I was making nice linked turns back and forth while still going fast..didnt want anyone catching up to me.

Around 3/4 down the hill I had a very firm push on my back boot, lost my edge and just slid sideways. The boarder that hit me was very UPSET...psycho like yelling I should be the one looking out...after I told him learn to turn among other things. I think he left the ski area after that incident...I couldnt find him anywhere afterwards. On the plus side, a young rider stopped to see if I was alright, and I talked to him a bit and he confirmed the guy that hit me was straightlining..:smashfrea

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I swiped an unavoidable guy that shouldn't have been anywhere near where he was. It was in the most bottleneck place on the hill. The little...:angryfire The guy had no idea which direction he was going. His arms were all over the place. He went down and I expected him to at least look before getting up, considering it was busy as hell. But he just popped up and slid right in front of me. I bumped off of him and went down, I don't know how the hell he stayed up. I probably sacrificed myself cause I WAS uphill of him. Luckily we weren't going fast. I just sat there for a sec steaming and he looked back like a retard. Then as we were getting on the lift (we being 3 of us) the mountain host told us to take a 4th (for the quad, the clipper if you know Crystal Mtn.) and lo and behold, guess who it is... Luckily he held back a bit and we didn't have to ride up with him. He was ok, I ended up pissed, but ok. I don't know what happened to either of our boards. I didn't inspect mine, but from a glance it looked fine.

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I wish you a prompt recovery. I have had a lot of shoulder displocations in various situations, including cycling and snowboarding. I know how painful it is. If you want some tips to minize chances of dislocation in the future when snowboarding, don't hesitate to ask. I also have on bookmark other threads on Bomber about shoulder dislocation.

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