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Toe Lift users??

Bobby Buggs

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I would say it is all personal preferance and riding style. I used to have the tendancy to load-up the nose of the board too much. After talking to someone that knew more than me, I switched my base plates. On the GS and FC boards I now run the 6* base in front (toe lift with one notch of inward cant) and the 3* base in back (heel lift with one notch of inward cant). Binding angles on those boards are 55*/60* in front and 50*/55* in back.

With the 6* toe lift I feel more centered on the board, then again I tend to be agressive and drive hard into my turns.

On my AM board I run 3* front (toe lift) and rear (heel lift). Because of the conditions were I tend to ride this board, I want to be more upright (hence, no 6* in front).

Give the toe lift a try. You will either love it or hate it.

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I honestly don't understand why anybody doesn't use toe lift, but I know it's a big personal preference issue.

Using toe lift puts you in a centered, neutral position. Not using it shifts your weight forward at all times. I personally cannot relax on my board without toe lift.

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It depends on the bindings. I would do it on my second board (which has Burton Performance bindings), but the bindings won't permit it without heavy modifications (the toe and heel blocks are riveted). I thought about the Burton cants, but its either the adjustable one (...) or the fixed 7 degrees (too much, I prefer 3) that slopes towards the center of the board and thus gives cant (which I don't like).

I know, you'll say "Get new bindings!" Not an option for now.

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