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What kind of board do you guys use for the powder days??


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i'm no expert or genius here :smashfrea

but, i'd rather focus on my riding than thinking about this jargon... doesn't matter what i know in my head, it's all about what my body knows when it's on top of a board (any board for that matter) going down a slope.

and back to the topic on hand:

I use my 161 ATV. there aren't very many powder days here over 8 inches (or even 6) that could make me justify getting a pow dedicated only board. however, if ever i moved to colorado, montana, or vancouver, i'd like to try out a rossi undertaker or a prior kyber.

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but its sort of on topic and i didnt think another thread would be necessary:

OK, what bindings would you reccomend for powder riding? would a yellow ringed TD2 with aditional suspension kit work well (double yellow sandwich)? I'm looking into using this on my longboard in the distant future and would like to know if this setup comes reccomended.

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OK, what bindings would you reccomend for powder riding?

Long plated, full contact bindings, to put the pressure point as close to the edge as possible. This prevents the posibility of vertical delamination of the core of wider boards. Some flex is also beneficial.

I find my Snowpro Race to be perfect - strong, somewhat flexible and have lots of adjustment options. Also loved Fritschi plates - longer toe bails allow some flex on heel side turns.

So far I liked yellow (without extra suspension) TD2s only on hard pack.

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sidecut.... ship.... you have me all flabbered..... tell you what//// you get whatever board you want and come ride with me in the powder and then i will let you ride my stuff. then we can talk about how sally pintails, regressive sidcuts and tapered edges are in the powder. forget what you know about apline boards. powder guns are more like surf boards.

if you want to sit and wine like a bunch of vitches i will just move on and not contribute to this forum.

the fish is still super gay

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sidecut.... ship.... you have me all flabbered..... tell you what//// you get whatever board you want and come ride with me in the powder and then i will let you ride my stuff. then we can talk about how sally pintails, regressive sidcuts and tapered edges are in the powder. forget what you know about apline boards. powder guns are more like surf boards.

if you want to sit and wine like a bunch of vitches i will just move on and not contribute to this forum.

the fish is still super gay

Ever heard of personal preference, difference of opinion...heck...free speech?

With comments like this and the one after it, I'm sure nobody would miss you if you "moved on".

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tapered boards have their place and that is in tight trees where you'd bust up a ST in a heartbeat.

I'll ride with you on my stuff and on your stuff, don't think all of us have never been off the cord.

who was that guy that used to post like this all the time?

This you CF?

Why are you so aggressive?

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and finally, watch your f ing karma

maybe you should watch your own.

keep flexing those internet muscles, maybe it'll give you some in real life...

also, this one is clearly a matter of opinion and there is no "right" or "wrong" as there might be with technique. so just chill out. not everyone is gonna see it your way.

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you know whats funny...in 95/96 when I lived in steamboat I had two boards that season. A morrow drive 169, and then a morrow revert 156.

I ended up on the revert ALL the time. I weighed about 190 or so at the time...on a 156, centered stance, baseless bindings, burton freestyle boots that were 75% duct tape

I rode this in ALL conditions including waist deep fresh.

and I had FUN. A LOT of it.

now...it dumps and I think "oh shoot, do I have the right board?"


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I usually ride an UltraPrime for off-piste for up to 4 to 6". After that it dies. Use a Coil 157 for 6 to 8". Decided to try a Coil 164 that has a 21.7 waist last weekend. About a foot and a half in the trees and it floated really well, (I weigh in at 150) and turned on a dime. I was really amazed at how well it did float and it really only bored in once coming up from a 6' drop. Seeing it was the first time that the trees had been open this year, I was a little bit paranoid about sliding under a fallen tree and cracking my leg, but absolutely no problems floating, popped up over everything. It also had the added advantage of being able to slice through most of the tracked out areas at the bottom, and could even lay it out somewhat on the groomers.

I have the Fish and the O'Sin 4807. I'd have to agree that the Swallowtail outperforms the other two in light and deep, but doesn't do much once out of it, nor would I like to screw it up for anything aside from deep. It will be a special day for it to be brought out. Can't say the same about the Coil. It will be used for pretty much any days that are 6" to 10". After that it goes to the swallow.

I'd say the Fish has it's place, but that also needs to be in soft and not too tracked up. In my quiver the Coil and the O'Sin nicely cover the Fish's domain. I don't like giving up control when running over cross tracks, or if the snow starts setting up. I tend to get bounced all over the hill, and that's why I decided to try out the larger Coil, which is truly an all mountain carver.

I'm using soft, flexible plates and Raichle 123's in the walk mode, for anything except hard groomers.

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What I ride in powder varies alot depending on temperature/depth/terrain i KNOW I will be riding - I have a big quiver to choose from, i would rather be on a good generalist for everything than a board thats great for 10% of the day and a PITA for the other 90% ( PITA= pain in the A#@)

being from the west coast if riding in bounds powder 15-25cms I ussually gravitate to a 165cm plus BX/ATV type deck, I like the versatility for powder/chopped crud/cord,

Under 10 cms i go for the 179 4x4 or 171 atv ( I have had the 179 4x4 in over two feet of powder, it will torpedo unless you keep the speed up, gotta love it when they underestimate the snow report)

If i knew all I was riding was tight steep trees all day the little 162 option north shore ( think burton fish) however it sucks on piste and crud most heinously in my opinion so not on the short list

I have a 68 and 78 dynastar 4807s, I just dont like the way they ride in general, very nice in pure powder though not enough to keep me on one for a full day of mixed in bounds riding.

30cms plus the 185 undertaker comes out or the 176 option freeplus, or the 169 F2 eliminator wide, depending on temps expected for the bulk of the day..warmer equals smaller board,, if I ever get around to Heli/Cat boarding one of these three most likely.

I find in the west coast with much warmer temps and heavier snow not as much float is needed as would be for the interior "champaigne" so I can generally get away with a little less surface area under foot than if i was in the rockies, would love to try a 200cm tanker but have a sneaking suspicion it would be to much for coastal even under my 200 pounds not to mention a bit of a pig in tight steep trees with coastal snow( a very subjective thing , before any one gets riled up, my definiton of tight might be different than yours)

I have been riding plates exclusively for about five years , I do make concessions to boot stiffness for powder going for a softer flex and running the old burton race plates which I love for freeriding even if they frag once in a while ( keep a close eye on those bails people)


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