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Casino Royale

Justin A.

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I saw Casino Royale the other night. Monday in fact. I hated it. The chase in the beginning of the film was the highlight of the movie, from there it went down a slippery slope trodden with rocks and stumps. If it hadn't been value night at Chunkys, I would have wanted my money back. But since we got $2 off the price of admission, and a pretty damn good burger during the showing, I sucked it up. The plot seems pretty sketch and grab, and Daniel Craig is perhaps THE WORST James Bond ever to make it to the screen. Rather than portraying Bond as being cheeky and witty, he just came off as arrogant and horny. The film redeemed itself by tying most of the seemingly unrelated events in the first 1/2 of the movie together, but there is still much left that gets the WTF treatment. Overall, I give it a D+, for the jumparound plot, asthmatic villan, and for allowing Craig to appear on film, and last but not least, for it's disconnection with the rest of the James Bond world.

Spoilers ahead:

First and foremost: When he first arrives on Bermuda, why the hell is he driving a Ford? I almost left right there.

Second: Where's the PPK, and why did they abandon it in favor of what looked like a Baby Eagle?

Third: Why did they kill Moneypenny at the end of the movie? Since Casino Royale was the first Bond story ever, and Moneypenny is now dead in venice, how does she show up in later movies?

Thank god he finally picked up the Aston Martins and that he was wearing an Omega.























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I'm with Neil. Bond films got way too cartoony. Death rays, evil, mutated villains. How about the caucasian guy who pulls off his face to reveal he is really a Korean with diamonds encrusted in his cheek? Did you not laugh when Bond entered North Korea on a ... surfboard?

Casino Royale's plot was plausible and Craig is probably the best actor to take on the role - ever. The fight scenes were fantastic.

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As Neil said, the James Bond as written in the Flemming novels is a horny a-hole.

Most of the James Bond movies were not based of the novels. From what I've read, Casino Royale is only the second Bond film that is an interpretation of the novel. I can't remember the first one.

As for the asthmatic villian, that was the worst portrayal of an asthmatic I've ever seen. He looked like he was spraying a breath freshener into his mouth.

Other than that, I thought the movie was OK, certainly better than the last few. It followed the current trend of showing dark, rough heroes as Batman Returns did (looks like Spiderman 3 will be the next one).

I have to say, I'm glad that they showed Bond as the true Bond, though. I found the quips that Roger Moore spit out were overdone and cheesy.

I wish they would get rid of Judi Dench. I find she makes a terrible M.


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I thought Casino Royale was great, and I thought Daniel Craig was cast well as an early, rough-around-the-edges Bond. Fight scenes were good, especially that parkour chase scene in the beginning. Poker scenes were long and tense, which is a trick to pull off, for sure.

To answer your #3 question, I don't think the woman in this movie is supposed to be Moneypenny.

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Did you not laugh when Bond entered North Korea on a ... surfboard?

I laughed my ass off, and promptly turned it off. I Die Another Day again at a friend's house, and the rest of it sucked pretty bad too.

My personal favorite as James Bond was Timothy Dalton. Actually...Sean Connery was pretty good ;) too. I just didn't like this one...I prefered the book I guess. I suppose it just wasn't how I imagined it in my mind.

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To answer your #3 question, I don't think the woman in this movie is supposed to be Moneypenny.

I took her as moneypenny because of the meeting on the train when she said something to the effect of "I have the money" and he said something to the effect of "good, every penny". Might have been the otherway around, but that's where I got the idea that she was moneypenny.

Also was the guy at the end the same guy that was in the Hut at the beginning of the movie? That kinda confused me too.

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First of all having Bond take a few beatings good. Sucks when you see the hero not get hurt at one point, it takes away alot of credibility. Having him get the sh!t kicked out of him was great, made the movie alot more realistic. Hes probly the best actor to have played Bond.

As for the Ford.... well that was just random, friggin product placement.

I find this was the best Bond movie of the series, plot was good, acting wasnt all that bad generally ... some of the chicks in the past films were real bad.

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Saw Casino Royale last night for free! (OK, not 'free'... girlfriend bought tickets as a treat because I repaired a lock her son had screwed up)

I thought the opening was great. Gives a look at a grity man who will do what it takes, no hesitation to get the 2nd kill to allow advance to 00 status.

The entire movie had several fun pokes at the "modern" Bond we know. Here are a few I recall, probably a lot more I missed or don't recall. The 'Bond framed within gun barrel' image was nice send-up, the '64 Aston Martin (original Bond Car) in the Bahamma parking lot, the Money + Penny quip on the train, during the big poker game Bond goes to bar and bartender asks if he wants next martini shaken or stirred... irritated Bond replies he doesn't care! And then at the close, the final tie in... what you did not realize you waited the entire movie to hear.... Bond, James Bond.

Side question... In the book '2001 a space odessey' when the astronaut (Bowman, I think) is somehow transported to 'the room' (sparsley furnished but comfortable bedroom) he finds a book on the nightstand next to the bed. As I recall... wasn't that book 'Casino Royale' ???

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I actually liked this movie more than the recent ones-I didn't find him as attractive and kinda thought he was a bit oafish, but thats more like what a spy should be- he shouldnt be so attractive that everyone notices. I agree with the statements about it being nice that he got the **** kicked out of him- that was great, and I loved the cars too. I also liked the fact that he didnt sleep with every woman around- i think there were only two- and I liked that the girl was all that strong- she cried after seeing the guy killed

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a lot better than many recent ones i've seen. there was a lot more that was believable about this bond. also, seeing as how he just got promoted to 007 status, it was nice to see his inexperience -- ass beatings and what not.

not as many gadgets and gizmos and no Q...

other than that though, it was a very refreshing change to the bond flavor. it's like eating filet minon for 5 months straight, and all of a sudden they serve some fresh atlantic salmon or something.

the comical tidbits were nice too. some of the bond movies were too serious.

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Pierce Brosnan was standing behind me in LAX last time I was there, waiting for his bags with the rest of the peasants! He's only about 5ft9 (soooo disappointed!) but has a gorgeous Irish accent (my favourite). My other half was off doing the checkin for the next flight, and missed him ... he still thinks I was pulling his leg...

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I also liked the fact that he didnt sleep with every woman around- i think there were only two
That's standard Bond formula. He sleeps with one girl in the middle of the film, often one of the bad guy's hench-babes, and then ends up with the good girl (or bad girl turned good) in the end. She's the one that gets the final "oh, James" line. Highlight the amazing inviso-text for spoilers:

Except in this movie, where she was a good girl turned bad and gets killed.

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Now I guess I'm kinda confused on something. Was this supposed to be basically the 'prequil' to all of the other bonds? Kinda like batman begins being the prequil to all the rest... The way I thought it was is that the 007 designation was just passed on to another agent and he took on the james bond name and all that. Same with Moneypenny... Moneypenny being a designation for "the money" or whatever. But if it's a prequil, that'd blow what I thought out of the water...

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