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Loon/WV Opening Days


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T32 is in shambles, and is heading down the road of going belly up. due to the fact that we've pretty much turned our team into the travelling circus. lack of exit 32 attendence is the main cause, and guys thinking "I" not we are beating to thier own drumb's. another issue is the nagging fact of the worst grooming team i've ever seen in action. the only thing holding us together, is how good a cold pbr taste's when you order 6 at a whack.

there's no "I" in TEAM32 mentality, however there's an "I" in all-american, but last time i checked, most of us have used up our NCAA eligablity either participating in college athletic's or behind completley stoned and $hitfaced at lively snively arena, because i'm pretty sure lake whitemore wasn't open in the early 90's.

anywho, T32 DOESN"T STAND FOR:

1. 32oz's of TITANAL.

2. petee's favorite boy band, 32 degrees.

3. that it has to be 32*'s to snow, we know thats not true. because even when the temp are lower that 32*'s at lOon it still rains and when the temps are in the 40's it snows???????????????????????????????? :barf: gfy'st

4. 32 Threads per week.

5. 32 Tyllenol a day.

6. 32 pack of 16oz pbr titanal pounders prototype case

7. T32= 32 pairs of trench diggers in bucyrus's garage

8. 32ft'lbs of torque in petee's subaru

9. I've **** from my Tree stand 32 times

10. i've had the same Tires for 32 months, can you drive?

11. etc, etc, etc, etc, etc, etc, etc, etc, etc

T32 means $hut the Fhukk up and ride you fhukkin pu$$ies!

runs what ya brung, we can ride anything: snow, dirt, ice, rocks, tree's, tree bark, barkmulch, yellow snow, loose gran, frozen gan, pp, asphalt, groomed, ungroomed, hero snow, rollers, crevases, moguls, falt light, LMP.

T32 means Does It Look Like I Give A Fhuck?

pbr, bud light, makers mark, captain, jimmy bean, jack daniels, crown, beards, grey beards, dip, chew, shin bang, pinched nerves, broken hip's, missing teeth, barges, black eyes, and coilers.

nuff said ! :barf:

pyhooyaafs! :angryfire

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Rule #1: If you make snowboards and your snowboards break, you can count on selling less boards, not more.

Rule #2: If know a guy who makes boards that don't break and a guy that rides these same boards with ski boots, then one can conclude that some boards are built ski boot tough.


32 inches of rain

32 subaroooooos per capita

32 flavas of chew

32 broken boards per ski boot

32 groomers per trail

32 wrong turns on the way back home:flamethro

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<object width="480" height="385"><param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PmG4jjy8a6U&hl=en_US&fs=1&"></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PmG4jjy8a6U&hl=en_US&fs=1&" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="480" height="385"></embed></object>

Shot bord, lon bod, mettle bods .... this thing breaks them all! Fastest bord eater in the whole world. Also took second in the CCF eating contest.



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polaris and I may be roadtripping to SR to meet up with you on Saturday in the ChiliCheeze Cart. you just need to find us ice cold pbr tall boyz in Bethel. :barf:

It's that time of year.....T32 needs to be SWAT ready....Tux/GOS are starting to ripen up. At any given moment we might be pulling the trigger!! :boxing_sm

Also, we're all penciled in for HPL on March 27-28. Time for the real ECES @ Sugarloaf. Get your eye black ready!! :eplus2:

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this is kangaroo court, there is to be no, pleading the 5th, no comment, i dont recall, i dont remember, i dont kiss and tell, etc, etc. you are now under t32 oath, anything you say can and will be used against you in the pbr. if you are unaware of the legal rights of kanagroo court get a lawyer, or its soul purpose, here is a brief description. kangaroo court was formed by a junior hockey team to inform the team on local females behavior towards the male athlete. to avoid any disasters down the road with crossing sticks or not passing the biscuit around, and most importantly not passing the puck that keeps on giving.

please answer these following multiple choice questions as accurately as possible:

hair style:

a. dr evil

b. hitler

c. linc form the mod squad

3rd input:

a. true

b. false

gag reflux:

a. skoal

b. 7-11 big gulp

c. wagner power spray

bench press:

a. speed

b. comfort

c. water control

she has to go # 1

a. blossoming flower

b. zip lock bag

c. smashed ravioli

can you both watch the hockey game at the same time:

a. false

b. roof roof

c. go to the dog house you bad boy

birth control

a. penicillin

b. rain coat

c. Rx

put on your safari hat, grab your gun and kill that cougar, son!

remember we don't like eharmony commercials either, so walks on the beach and candle lite dinners aren't going to be tolerated, guy!


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He'll never share those details with T32 unless you some how force him into shot-gunning a few PBR's.

I recommend we change his avatar to


T32 has had some sort of positive impact on TT believe it or not. You fellas been teaching him how to run with da ladies, cuz is working man.

He is a dawg now and all us married fellas are jealous....

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Smashed Beaver in Sour Cream

1 Beaver, skinned and cleaned 1 ts Salt

1/2 c Vinegar 1/4 ts Paprika

1 tb Salt 1/4 c Butter

2 qt Water 1 md Onion, sliced

2 ts Soda 1/2 c Water

1/2 c Flour 1 c Sour cream

1. Soak beaver overnight in solution of 1/2 cup vinegar and 1 tablespoon salt in cold water to cover.

2. The next day, remove the beaver from the brine, wash and cover with solution of 2 teaspoons soda to 2 quarts of water. Bring to a boil, reduce heat and simmer 10 minutes.

3. Drain and rinse beaver and cut into serving pieces.

4. Dredge each piece of meat thoroughly in the seasoned flour.

5. Melt butter in a heavy fry pan and brown the pieces of meat.

6. Transfer meat to a greased casserole, slice onions over top, add water and bake at 325 degrees F. until tender.

7. When meat is almost tender, add 1 cup sour cream to the casserole. Stir well and continue cooking until tender. Serves 4.

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damn you guys are making me foam at the mouth like a rabid fox who just had his urethra swabbed by a tampon. keep the menu ideas and recipes coming for HPL, I'll run'em by the wif tonight.

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just seeing how the conditions where today at the 8 piles of $hit? this will be the shortest season i can remember in a long time. i heard it was in the 50's and 60's up there all week. already gettin fhkn pumped for hpl, and the invasion of tt's personal privacy, hcgfh if he doesn't like his new neighbors! ill be bringing up about a 1/2ton of cp to the hpl. does anyone know if that place has an oven? whats the arrival time going to be? same as usual 8-9pm??

operation hollow point is a done deal, i finalized it with southern cal yesterday. i was bummin because i wanted kx-250 green, but they were out of stock. so went with white, so i can put little red maple leafs on it so it will look like my team canada quiva.

so when are we gonna be running the so.cal/canadian rocky, full metal jacket's in the dodges, up new sandwich rd? i spoke to sqaut to pee, about riding with us this summa, instead of showing up 10 diesel's behind all the time. something like his purse wrist, has carpool fondle syndrome, and he doesn't think he could hold on to the bars??? ive never be so proud then discussted with someone in my life. i dont know whether to go to a thankgiving day baystate league game with him in a sleeveless hoodie, or show him the way to province town, cc?? wtf, guy!


GFY'S :biggthump

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:lol: enzo where do you find this chit :lol:

did any other goon see the blonde bimbo doin a strip shoo in the middle of WHITE im in HEAT???? she had the biggest moguls id seen all day :1luvu: she wuz in the lodge later but i thought i had the wif convinced to a table dance so i didn't point and yell

jd nice ride...screw the maple leafs just paint 8 big brown turds on it as a memory....just kiddin i love that fcukin place now!

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T32's location for 2010/11 ???????

i'm glad you guys have left the cougars alone for the time being and you've got your sights set on women from ME, i mean Mooses.

BUCYRUS is in love with a MOOOOOOOOSE from ME!

PETEE sounds as good as gone and has a man crush for the soft spoken loaf mentality. hope you have a big enough fish collection for your rides too useless every weekend!

GUy boardercross, Gs GUy, Sl GUy, GUy beards, GUy guns, i heard he was thinking of riding in guilford at GUY-STOCK?

ill be staying put with Mojo and the Barganing Haiwaian. although i will have like new snow tires on the 1 ton uterus to make visits elsewhere.

chappy sounds like he's making the move. we will be holding the ceremoney this summer at the BEB.

fligor is back and i in if we come up with a program.

in the next month or so we will be making contact with this guy bouiy with the mtn, to see if they would be interested with a master's program. ive spoken to some parents, and they would love to see us training with some of theirs kids with the loon race team. chappy is checking with the head of U$a$a (Usually, $andbagging, And, $ucking, Athletes). im figuring if we all stay put, we could have a legitimate 6 - 8 guys on regular basis on saturday's from 8-12pm. also we could invite other bol riders as guests, give them a discounted ticket, the proceeds for that ticket would go to the disabled programs on the mtn. i think its a win, win. if we do a program on our own, instead of just joining the race team for $1,200. we will have a huge savings, because we wouldn't be paying for coaching, just the hill space. i've already scored some gates. i'll have to check, but i might own a drill and i think i might be able to get a drill bit thats strong enough to drill thru the snow. does anyone know where i can get a 12" chippa?

"Every once in a while, the demands of the terrain and the people who ride that terrain are such that a blunt instrument is the preferred tool for the job. Something built like a proverbial two wheeled brick ****house - sure handling, simple, a heavy duty aluminum frame with a massive 20mm pivot axle swinging the rear suspension through 180mm of travel, a choice of 135mm q.r or 150mm thru-axle dropouts, and a 1.5" head tube. It's the perfect sledgehammer for demolishing big obstacles."

i couldn't have said it better, hollow point! :AR15firin

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you're questioning our team loyalty and dedication? Polaris and I are in the pbr right now pounding pbr's...you should see the stack! We just had Charlie page you.....FKNA where's the framed penthouse centerfold hanging up? We need some eye candy!


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hey jd on your way back can ya stop by the jersey shore and pick me up a big drum of spray tan (orange)?....thanks guy. im goin for the goggle face look. just started hpl packin:

spiegel catalog- check

bandana- check

driving gloves- check

fcukin blueberry fcukin muffins- check

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thanks for the humor guys, now go fhukk a moose in ME. all of you, get your $hit together, im gonna be loaded for bear this weekend! just had another wonderful 4.5 hr ride home from "my new hair cut-ville". i thinks its finally official, the iroc-z is now extinct, because i didn't see any this weekend there.

thin or thicker patti's on the cp??



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Thanks for mailing it in from LonguyLand this weekend. Good to know you can sling sh!t by absentee ballot. You must be getting cranky from all that highway driving in that big gray C_NT.

In case you couldn't tell from the photo: GFY

Gunstok? I broke that place over my knee in 1978....or was it the other way around. Anyway, the cast came off about 8 weeks later and I was good as new. Gunstok can GFI.

Enzo almost stuck it in a moose on the way back from SR. He stood on the hood of the soob, while I drove laps though the moose cross zone in Franconia. The moose was too fast for us. They run at about 20 mph until you grab their haunches from a car, then it's 30+. Enzo would have had better luck if we'd a just laid in the road.

Congrats on the new bullit.

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