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Loon/WV Opening Days


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i'm out this weekend. the conditions have been sick all week! yesterday was phukkin frigid, i forgot my gayda and the puff, but i managed to go get my seasons pass pulled from ollie the ski patrol guy. i had to explain to the head guy dave, that i was kind of a big deal around these parts. :argue:

most ma$$holes get thier passes pulled, for ducking a rope for a powder stache, speeding or being a full blown fetal alchohal child jibbing up a storm. this ma$$hole got his pass pulled ducking a rope, to get a fresh groomed trail that hadn't been opened yet to the public. :confused:

the nsr was the nsr. agile, mobile and scenile! :AR15firin

the chubby, was perfect. it rode excactly the way research and development designed it to ride. :1luvu:

the bias was jd bias with 22" width. :freak3:

the boots were without the heellifts, to get rid of the shin bang. i'm glad ricklesins advised me to try them out to aleve shin bang. instead i need 6-8 aleves just to cope withteh shin-bang that the heel lifts created. so much for expert advise. at what point to you become an expert on you own setup, and not some joey with 1000+ posts? :barf:

dtmfh and fssuyfp's

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jd you forgot to mention that you were going extreme on Hero's Highway!! you fkn cliff hucka guy!!! only a goon mashole can get their pass pulled on that trail!! wtf is gonna happen if we stumble out of Camp III one afternoon at 4:00????

barrrrp barrrrrp baaaaaaaaaaaaaarrrrrrp


I have a Holmenkol stikka on my ski pod so that's what I use on my boooots. I've been waxin for years. in fact I wax all my gear including boots, pants, jacket, helmet, etc. the guys up at Sport Thoma told me back in 2003 that Bode was doin it on the WC so I figured if it works for Bode, then it should work for me. there's no more friction when I carve wicked hard and touch the snow. i'm so much faster now and you can get so looooow!!

Don't you get a BOL pin for your ski parka in recognition of 1000 posts??

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i just recieved a complaint from the head of cheerleading sqaud. this person was upset about the non purchase of the mugs for t32. sidelined or not with a female lower body issue last weekend, hurt or injured we won't now until we hold kangaroo court at the peanut butta room at our next t32 meeting. i can only ask one question to this chicken legged individual. how come you didn't buy the mugs while we were on the hill fssu?

as t32 treasurer, you have the t32 sponsorship money. piss up a rope and my checks in the mail!

fellas how was it yesterday?

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It's plastic cups or nuthin for me. Berr tastes better in a plastic cup.

The mug-baby says he could barely stand up long enough to buy a mug last Saturday. I think we should let the courts decide this matter.

If we were serious about mugs we would bring our own.

Snow was hard and fast yesterday. Sunset to lower boss was the best of the day. Lower picked was nice too.

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So did you guys decide to take today off and rack up your post count on BOL?

The snow was even harder & faster today compared to yesterday. No lift lines either. They were still pounding lower Flume and upper Boss with snow and guns were running on the lower half of Rampasture to cover up all the gravel/snow mix.

I'll be back on the hill Wed afternoon.


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There is a club race on the 31st. It is usually $20 to register but you will need to get your own lift pass. It is an informal race but in the past there has been a cash prize for the winner. Let me know if you are interested and I will post more info as I get it. I hope you all have nice holiday.

Where do I register?

Also will it be GS/SL?

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i made a trip up to stratton yesterday with a kustamah. other than the fact that the place was filled with zoo yorkers runnin there big ginny lips, it was pissssssa. the grooming is 10x's better than lewn, and some sections have some serious pitch, coupled with the unreal grooming i had a wicked pissssssa day guy. :biggthump

i made laps all day on upper liftline, then cut ova to lower standard or what appeared to be stratton's hero's highway betwixt (walpole rebel :1luvu:)

the weapon of choice was the chubb, jd mf bias, extra wax on the boots and no gayda.

if the weather cooperates in march you guys will love this $hithole they call stratton. ;)

barhp, barhp, barhp!

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SWEET!! I can't wait to experience the sensation of a trail that doesn't have 4 different fall lines, off camber, humps, bumps, & chumps, divots, craters, ice chunks, and at least 3 different types of snow conditions all on the same trail.

I'm headed up to gOoN right now!! It makes u tough!! :cool:


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heay stud i thouhgt ther was a desparate houswifs tv maraton yesterdee? jk jd jkguy, glad yu gUys are stfuar-ing midweak seshons to;;;effen nyce!&fssu enzo todey eNzO$ !

oar parti startd a 99am so so i want wish happi mf holydays two all teh haadboot waxcin homos; homers and an homer-fanboys And homer-homos wit more e-gnar then snow-gnar :biggthump <>::...whew im all fugged upp:freak3:-_GuYs these jetfuulredbulz make a hek of a sound wen they hit parked cars"

off too Yutah wit stickaas====+this is bigdick6 ova :sleep: &out

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we dont know who that GUY was. its like the snow gods flew that stud in from a$$pen, he just came over to the japa-ru and put on a clinique.

t32 will be in attendance, we don't have a solid number just yet. once we do we'll check into the eces attendance thread. we appointed stevo camp counselor, its taken longer than usuall for us to get our room and board figured out. guy father usually does it. reprensentation could be anywhere from 6-15 guys. lock and load. :AR15firin

big duke 6

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If any of you guys are riding ova the next few days, the snow conditions are pretty fkn sweet. Get after it!!! The top couple inches are buttery soft and underneath it's hard but still no ice so it's fast. When you get the board on edge it just rails effortlessly. As good as it gets for manmade chum. RamJam was HERO t2b!!

JD stikkas were delivered this pm. I'll cya on the 1st.

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I rode with Jeff yesterday at WV. It was raining but the riding was great. We spent the morning on Gema and Ciao. The snow was firm and hard and they were both perfect for carving. We were the only two riding on them; it was like having our own trail. We stayed to 11:30, I was soaked through, my boots were even squishing when I walked to the lodge. You may not believe me but it was my best day of freecarving this season. If you have the day off, come the BBTS club race at WV on the 31st. It should be a good time. I will be at Loon on the 1st for the USASA race, come over and heckle. I hope you all had a good Christmas.

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The race is going to be on High Country. It will be GS and depending on the lane space and the timmer it may be either a PGS or single lane. Registration will be from 8 to 9 in the WVBBTS lunch room over T-Bars. First runs at 10. There will be a cash prize for the winner (last year it was $200). It will mostly be riders from WV, Loon and a few from VT (Anton and his crew). This is a good first race if you never have raced before, very low key. $20 and your lift ticket is all you need. You will need to sign a release waiver so if you are under age bring a parent or coach to sign for you. Rob come on out if you have some free time. I would like to see your boards.

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