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add STOLEN section to classifieds??


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I am looking at a board on ebay and got to wondering if it might be stolen. Nothing specific got me to thinking of this other than postings in the last few weeks about idiots doing this kind of crap. I know I'd feel bad if I showed up at some hill with a board that had been stolen and somebody recognized it as theirs.

I had a small case of camera gear stolen from my home when I lived in SoCal years ago. One of the camera bodies turned up in Florida and police traced back to me through my drivers license number that I had engraved on the baseplate.

Here is my pitch... add a section for stolen gear somewhere here at BOL. We could post notices, photos and identifying stuff. I'm going to be engraving my present DL# on my skis and boards. I know that we buy/sell/swap gear amongst ourselves quite a bit. Would something other than DL# work just as well?

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Great idea! id be checking up on it every day... if you all love your boards as much as i do, im sure a section like this would be put to good use.

make sure you have pictures of your favorite (or most expensive) boards for this purpose.

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definitely take pics of your boards! when my stuff was stolen last year, the ONLY reason I got it back was because I had given a pic to the cops (and they were attentive enough to notice my stuff when they saw it. props to them)

pics = proof

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I think a stolen section would be great.....I lock my stuff up but I always wonder about the boards around me, most of them are crap and look like rentals, but I would gladly be on the lookout next time out....

I'd recommend posting name, resort where item was lost including town for us perpetual tourists, and phone number in case we find it....

Engraving your DL# is the only sure way of getting anything back, though

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this reminds me of something I was thinking about a few days ago. I remeber that someone's helmet got stolen and if it was recovered. My friend's snowboard was stolen by some little kids. I still don't understand why the moountain doesn't have cameras in the parking lot. Boggles the mind.

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definitely take pics of your boards! when my stuff was stolen last year, the ONLY reason I got it back was because I had given a pic to the cops (and they were attentive enough to notice my stuff when they saw it. props to them)

pics = proof

Also take note of the boards serial number. A lot of manufacturers do put them on the board. Had one nicked from Keystone years ago, the amount of hassle that caused me was more than the board was worth.

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One mountain I worked at had a footbridge from the base area, across the snowmaking pond to the parking lot. The security guys sat at the end of the bridge and questioned anyone who looked suspicious, I guess. In fact, I think they questioned anyone who was carrying more that one pair of skiis or one snowboard. From what I've seen of you guys and your "quivers," I guess that would make most of us look suspicious!

(The mountain that I'm talking about is Shawnee Mountain in the Poconos - PA)

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one day, i went in with 3 things, skis, snowboard and snowblades. Never had a prob. That same night, all my friends piled all their stuff, about 7 snowboards into the back of my car because I was staying a few hours later than them and they wanted to go back to my friend's place in one car. I must've looked like the biggest thief coming out of the parking lot. The whole car was stacked up with boards of different sizes, plus my stuff. I was kinda nervous because I had no proof it was all my friends' stuff.

unfortunatly, that mountain is notoriuous for having stuff stolen. Sucks having that as a major threat all the time. Most stuff that is stolen is by the local park monkeys. Fortunatly, they get most of the stuff back, but not my friend's board :(

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I do strip the wax back on the base nose or tail and write in sharpie marker

"Reward if Found call xxxxxx" then wax over it.

It comes off with a basegrind or some strong solvent. But no one thinks twice.


CARRY A LOCK and lock your board OR Check it in and give them $1.

With so many people NOT locking, a simple lock would deter it much more..

My cousin had a cheap 100$ board stolen sitting right next to my 500$ job... Both unlocked..... Ill never forget it. The whole night was ruined.

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where do you think most boards are stolen? I keep mine unlocked at the top of the gondola at the canyons sometimes. But I don't like leaving boards alone when I'm at the base at park city, because I think it's easier to run away with a board where people can just drive up and grab.

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We're spoiled at Blue Mtn. PA. They have ski check for free on all days at each lodge. One guy takes skis/board and hands you a numbered tag from inside the guardrailed area, plus they have cameras mounted at the ski rack areas.

Prior to riding there I always wore my lock on my waist in the belt loops and lockm it in plan site of where I can see most of the time I am in the lodge, whcih is practically never.

And as far as paying little for used boards, I have yet to buy a new board and have dropped some heavy coin in the past two seasons I have been hardbooting. For freestyle, I never bought a used board, but with Alpine, being new to the sport it only makes sense to. Someday I will get a new hopefully custom board, but I am stillsearching for a magic ride. I am getting closer to finding it, but it has taken riding several used boards I bought to find it. CAnt get to demo days.

With repsect to the theft thread, great idea and we should be able (maybe we can) post pics of each board in our User CP section, but that would consume some heavy memory, I think.

And Pow , I would also be more than happy to chuck some $$$ your way for those Pogos. The one I am buying this summer is on a payment plan, because I couldnt afford, one bigole cash dump at this time. Wife quit breastfeeding and now Cooper chokin down formula like it's a large roni pizza. Formula stings.

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We're spoiled at Blue Mtn. PA. They have ski check for free on all days at each lodge. One guy takes skis/board and hands you a numbered tag from inside the guardrailed area, plus they have cameras mounted at the ski rack areas.

We also have ski check in service. Most of the time there is a line to retrive or deposit a board.

about the breast feeding, try to pick up where she left off. Maybe you're one of the few lucky males who could lactate?

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My former "chiseled chest" has turned into man boob central, all I need for my ego is lactate dripping out the ends of my man titties and needing to wear the absorbent pads under my shirt to prevetn embarrassing wet spots. Even if I did lactate I would still need to get up in the middle of the night.

I'll stick to formula.

PA Praise, thanks but my kid needs the formula for gassy babies, just like his dad.

Anywho its about stolen boards not my sleep patterns.

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