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Everything posted by Gleb

  1. I'll be def needing that this summer. Which one would fit someone who is 5'11'' 180 pounds?
  2. those are looking pretty sweet. Here are 2 of me taken by a Jason Starr who has a blog on the Seven Days newspaper website. blog is found here.
  3. thats the picture of the bad boy that I bought:) Solid board, even better if you can find a conshox. It has around a 11m scr, i think.
  4. Gleb

    Lake Placid!!!!

    just watched it off my DVR. Killer course BX course. You gotta have balls for those jumps. The PGS was pretty crazy. I'm happy for Tyler. Its a shame that Klug didn't make it that far.
  5. I'll be at okemo this coming sunday. Looking forward to running some gates!
  6. Gleb


    I think the season is pretty much over. I did 2 sbx races and it was a really good time. check out www.ridemass.org
  7. guess i should bring mah hommies from dorchesta ta b-to-tha-izzack me up. Thanks for looking out for me, Enzo, but the reason I've been skipping off to sunday river is get myself some time. I've been in the gym pumping iron to git big n strong like ahnold, so I'm r to the eady for whateva comes ma way. Sorry man, I aint serv'n no time. (this message is brought to you by gizoogle) If I drop myself, do I get those special beans worth $100? I'm really curious whats special about them. how were the conditions this weekend? Did the Zamboni do a good job? I'm there tomorrow, maybe tuesday, thursday, friday and next monday, and the following weekend.
  8. I got there a bit late, but I guess it didn't matter since the lifts were closed because of the 50 mph wind. Last night, we were drinking on a limo and at a bar in boston for my friend's bday and with no sleep, it was a rough ride up. Now, factor the wind almost blowing my car off the road...the overall ride totally sucked. Met up with angie for a few runs, and got to meet clebner. He has the worst luck in the world. Not only was it an agonizing adventure to get to Stowe (see post 206 in this thread), but his key broke for his box where all his gear is. That kind of frustration would have me going nuts. Hope your trip home is going to be a bit better. The carving was pretty good today, minus the cold and wind, and me forgetting my face mask. A guy took pictures of me for a newspaper in Burlington, but I told him that he's way better off asking you guys for some pictures from the event. Hope to meet you guys at the next one in 2 years or so. The next one should be at Sunday River, Loon, or Cannon, so its easier to get to for people from boston :)
  9. whoa...wtf did I miss? You straying the other way JD?
  10. I love my dervish. I got all summer to rip it up. It carves like a dream.
  11. I'd say no because when skis release, they have the brake that comes down to keep them from taking someone out. It would be hard to make something like that for a snowboard. Having a leashed board that could come off seems dangerous because the bindings release and now the board could somehow swing around and take you out. After you get a ptc tune, the last thing I want is a facefull of razors. It might only make sense for Super-G racing where the speeds are incredibly high and riders are able to really push their gear to its limits. Otherwise, non-release is where its at.
  12. "We're sorry but this video is no longer available" what gives?
  13. Hey, I always said it was way to dangerous for me because you have less control than on a snowboard, and the falls hurt alot more, but I really want to try it this summer. My ultimate goal is to try a few BX courses at the mountains that have them around here. Does anyone else do this and can someone point me to a bomber-like site for mountainboarding? I've looked around and most of the forums have 1 or 2 posts because they are brand new forums, or have the most recent post be from a year ago.
  14. i sent an email about 1 min after you posted. Did you recieve it? Anyone know what year these are, I've never seen all black ones.
  15. Bob Dea or Willy told me to set my burton plates like that, mentioning that, that is what Gilmour said to do, and I've been doing it ever since. The more I think about it, the more it makes sense, and there is less stress on your hips. Seems to work for me with any bindings that I use. I think having too much difference between the front and back foot would have negative effects on your toeside.
  16. I'll be leaving from boston at 2 am on saturday so hopefully it'll be good by then. Won't make it till Sunday because of a friend's bday :( Back to the books I go...
  17. Gleb

    Racing, newb...

    R2C is right, SL boards need to be ridden more aggressively and leave less room for error. The way most boards are is that the bigger they are and the bigger the sidecut, the more room for error since the sweet spot is much bigger. I've heard nothing but great things about the oxygen proton boards. I know guys that swear by them that have been riding for 15-20 years. Don't spend more on the bindings than you do for your first board. I haven't touched my first board in 2 seasons outside of teaching someone how to carve, but I still use my first set of bindings. If they held your feet on the board 10 years ago, as long as they are in good shape, you'll hold your feet in place now. Not quite the same goes for boards though.
  18. Gleb

    Sunday River

    Holy ****! those came out so good! Any more of you at the bottom of that trail underneath the chair? Sick boots! Get some intecs and you're good to go. Glad it turned out well. Days where you can get fresh cord at noon kick ass. See ya guys at ECES. I'll be there saturday and sunday.
  19. Gleb

    Sunday River

    thanks, but I've had better days. The washing out on soft powder was just driving me crazy. It was a cold day, and without goggles, it was pretty hard to follow someone because the snow didn't want to drop down. So perfect though! Wachusett ended up being a bust because they sold out of lift tickets. 2nd time i ever heard of a mountain selling out and both times were there. Ended up going home and sleeping in till 11.
  20. Gleb

    Sunday River

    damn those came out pretty nicely! My form didn't, though. Definitely not on my A game that day. Going out for some midnight carving with Bob right now at the wachusett all night thing. I havent been there in so long...almost brings a tear to my eye.
  21. lol! I'm 21. This is all hypothetical since I can't make it till next saturday. Hell week for me officially begins tomorrow with non stop studying till friday morning. I'm surprised there is no contest for who has the baggiest pants, and most blinged out, ghetto fab, pop'n'fresh, schizzley jacket. We're all snowboarders, aren't we? Can't wait to see the results. I'm still trying to track down a super fluorescent green one piece I saw a guy busting out on at Sunday River a few weeks ago. Is this anyone we know? from http://www.fluorescentrompersuits.co.uk/
  22. I had a thought the other day regarding the retro contest. Would you get extra points if everything you have on is older than you?
  23. the verdict is.....its total crap. At slower speeds, you can keep it in control, but the moment you start picking up speed and laying it over, the nose wants to travel a different path then the rest of the board. Waaay to much flop. Looks kind of cool though, I'll post a picture of it tonight.
  24. Gleb

    Sunday River

    I think you guys are gonna have some fun this weekend. It was about as good as it gets. Today is probably the perfect day because the snow firmed up with the cold and another groom, but definitly can't compain about yesterday. 3 other people that came with us stayed in the woods the entire time. They did only 2 groomed trails the entire time. They were also blowing snow like crazy. Go this weekend because its going to get warm next week. Willy will post up pics soon. Hope we got some good ones. edit: Lift Line quote of the day: "You can call that a snowboard, but I call that a monoski." My first thought (but i didn't say it), "well then, I call you a moron." I just told him the difference and went on my way.
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