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Everything posted by Gleb

  1. Gleb

    Sunday River

    sup man! I won't be there this weekend because I have to many tests the next week that I gotta do well on, or else I'm screwed. I don't have a new board yet, I just have a Madd BX thats a noodle so I put a F2 Conshox on it to stiffen it up. Its a disaster waiting to happen because the nose is now twice as soft as the rest of the board, so I'll have to take it easy. Have fun there this weekend, it might be a zoo.
  2. Gleb

    Racing, newb...

    Welcome to bomber. This is my 3rd season on plates, but I don't really race. I have heard from many that you can't go wrong with an F2 Speedster. I have both the GS and SL and they truly rip. I was carving up steeper parts of blues using my SL on snow/ice (frozen granular) most people couldn't even turn on, a few weeks ago. That thing just cuts right into the ice and holds. I was lucky enough to get it used for cheap in the classifieds here. F2 makes great non custom boards that are great right out of the bo x, but once you get more competitive, go for a metal board from Coiler or Prior. Size wise, I'm 5'11'' 180 and for SL i have a 162, and a 183 for GS. As tex said, go with burton plates for now. For boots, I use UPZ, and I really like the stiffness of them, and you might too if you're racing. I think its one of the stiffer boots out there. I've never tried softies, but from what I heard/seen, you might look like you're brand new to snowboarding when you strap on some hardboots. In the transition from soft to hardboot, you loose a great deal of range of motion and the muscles you use to carve are pretty different.
  3. ever heard of the quote, "If it were easy, they'd call it skiing." ? Easier to learn than snowboarding, harder to master, though.
  4. Gleb

    Sunday River

    Finally I can do some trees!!! Anytime I was there with fresh powder I had a 183 with me which isn't too great with trees unless they're 10 feet apart.
  5. Gleb

    Sunday River

    I'll be there tomorrow trying out my stiffened Madd BX in the powder. Its the closest to a powder board that I have. I really hope it will actually be packed down though.
  6. almost anything that can be done on hardboots, can be done on soft boots and vice versa. Some aspects of snowboarding are easier to do with different types of boots. Hardboots make it easier to carve, and from what I heard, make a softboot snowboarder into a better rider. Soft boots are generally for park but a good snowboarder can carve hard in soft boots but it takes more skill. You can go to the park with hardboots, but the lack of flex give you little room for error. both are good for powder riding with the right board. Thats the basic jist. Correct me if I'm wrong.
  7. Chip at the white grass ski shop has some older Nordica SBH in 29. Send him an email, chip [at] whitegrass dot com he'll sell them to you for cheap.
  8. This has been almost a perfect season for the Northeast. I just hope it keeps up so I can still use my coiler when it arrives.
  9. Gleb

    Sunday River

    it was a pleasure riding with you, and the day was so perfect. Started off a bit rocky with my stance being a bit wacky, but it turned out to be awesome. By the way, Monday Mourning is the best carving trail I've been on in recent memory. At the end of the day it still had plenty of snow since there were races on it all day. Kick ass day. Won't get to go back till the end of ECES. I'll be at Stowe saturday and sunday. See ya guys there.
  10. Gleb

    SBX at Ski Ward 2/17

    aww i already promised a bunch of my friends a trip to sunday river on the shagon wagon. I saved you a seat if you still wanted to go.
  11. Gleb

    SBX at Ski Ward 2/17

    AAAAHHHHHHH!!! I over slept! Got a little too drunk last night:( Wow, I'm pissed at myself! Hope it goes well.
  12. All the mountains this year haven't been as busy as before. Surprising me everyday. I was there yesterday and its a day for your metal boards. Bullet proof snow and lots of people sliding around on their 1980s skis in jeans and Patriots jackets, so careful out there. Hopefully see ya guys soon.
  13. Gleb

    SBX at Ski Ward 2/17

    sounds good. I'll try to bring a few people. I know of one kid that might be interested. I saw them taking pictures, do you know where they post those?
  14. Gleb

    Sunday River

    I was at the river saturday and the cold kept everyone away. I waited in like 2 lines all day. Jordan bowl was closed for a few hours in the morning but the snow was good everywhere. Going next sunday too. Thanks for the recommendations, I'll hit those up. Willy, you in for sunday?
  15. Gleb

    SBX at Ski Ward 2/17

    awesome day! Got a free helmet out of it that I'll be using from now on. Good job running things so smooth, Steve and Noah. I'll win a race next weekend to rep the hardbooters and now I know what to expect. See ya saturday.
  16. I'm set with the cant plate that I just got from Rick (Wavechaser) but I'll daintily buy that toe piece. See ya sunday.
  17. Gleb

    SBX at Ski Ward 2/17

    wow I can't believe you remember that. Only happened once this season so far Lotta time in the gym helped it along.
  18. Gleb

    SBX at Ski Ward 2/17

    Looking forward to meet up with you too. Steve Fleck will be there and I haven't got to ride with him since my first day on the mountain back in 2005. Can't wait to get my ass kicked! What time does the registration begin? I don't see any times posted.
  19. still can't believe I haven't got to ride with you guys. How are the crowds on the weekends? I'm taking the day trips to sunday river to avoid them so i can get in twice as much milage on the boards, instead of scratching my ass in line. Anyone gonna be at loon saturday?
  20. bump for this. Also, does anyone know if the Ibex binding metal toe block would fit with these?
  21. you happen to have any more of these used in a medium? Its $75 USD for us, DAMN YOU WEAK DOLLAR!!!!! Maybe I'll just wait it out 10 years when maybe the tables will turn :rolleyes:
  22. Whose going? I'm going to show up, I'm just not sure what time. Noah? How intense is this course going to be? Also, does $75 cover everything? I'm pretty amped up to give it a shot.
  23. You're not talking about the audible, are you?
  24. sorry to hear that :( Can't imagine something like that happening. Try some bus trips?
  25. I'll be demoing my Ultra Prime for all those interested.
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