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Surf Quebec

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Everything posted by Surf Quebec

  1. I only have one board , a Sims Burner 162, with stiff boots, Track 700. I found that the conditions are less and less good for carving, in Quebec wheather is changing all the times so are the snow conditions. Last night I had an awful time because there were snow accumulations everywhere on the slopes and small moguls. Are you able to carve nice linked half circles in all snow conditions with a race board or are you using different boards depending of the snow (and not carving nice linked half circles) conditions or are you staying at home until there is hero snow ? Maybe I'll try a soft setup next time there are powder snow or mixed conditions (iced, granular, moguls... ) Maybe I need better technique ... Maybe I'm just having a bad day because I did not enjoy my carving time last night ...
  2. J'ai vu 2 carvers hier soir (lundi) à St-Sauveur. Plusieurs amoncellement de neige ....:( A Avila, ils ont diminué la piste sous la chaise pricipale de moitié pour un #*&@ de snowparc Il me semble qu'il me faudrait une planche plus large et plus molle que ma Sims Burner pour les pentes mal/non groomées.
  3. On devrait mettre des grilles autour des snow parc pour les empecher de sortir
  4. Anybody from the Montreal area going to ECES and what dates ?
  5. Anybody from the Montreal area going to ECES and what dates ?
  6. Malheureusement, ce n'est pas ma job d'aller carver :( J'y serai en soirée ....
  7. Salut, Je vais probablement aller à St-Sauveur/Avila lundi (4 février) en soirée. Le lundi est la soirée 2 pour 1, c'est facile de trouver des gens en nombre impair pour splitter le prix. Est-ce que d'autres prévoient y aller ?
  8. Sur le site www.monthabitant.com tu trouveras le numéro de téléphone. Demande la boutique, Neil est le propriétaire et c'est lui qui s'est occupé de mes bottes. J'y suis allé le samedi à l'ouverture à 8:00, comme ça il y a peu de monde et donc meilleure service.
  9. Hi, Yes, I've seen Neil at Mont Habitant. I recommend the guy. I've spent 1 hour and a half there, - he remolded the liners - put a kind of thin layer under the liner - try different things to prevent heel lift and finally use a kind of plastic thighter thing (do not know the exact word) that go on the liner. The bill was 25$ At home, after one night riding, I finalize the bootfitting by putting pads (bought at Tognar) on the plastic thighter thing . Now I carve without heel lift ! What a great sport ! -
  10. I usually do not go in the eastern township, St-Sauveur is closer for me. Since the company is organizing an all included trip transport, lift ticket and meal for 25$ ....I'll go.
  11. I usually do not go in the eastern township, St-Sauveur is closer for me. Since the company is organizing an all included trip transport, lift ticket and meal for 25$ ....I'll go.
  12. Hi, Anybody went to Owl's Head recently ? Is it good for carving ? I check on previous posts and there is not much on this station, an old post mentionning that there are 2 good trails for carving My company organize a trip there all included :D
  13. Salut Ernie. Are you having less amplitude when using the blue springs ? Try having more forward lean to reduce pressure.
  14. Go on http://www.alpinecarving.com/tuning.html, you will find more than enough to tune your board. In fact, if you have never been on that site, you should check in every section
  15. I'm starting to like my BTS (blue springs on Track700, i'm 165 pounds) On thuesday there was a lot of not groomed snow with small moguls, the BTS help went through it . Without them, the boots would have been too stiff and my legs wouls still be in flame! I had to used loc-tite as one of the bottom nut keep unscrewing.
  16. Oooups , the snow is in my rear foot, I'm regular.
  17. The snow is located around the ankle. Unfortunately I only have one board (sims burner 162) so I can't see the effect of changing board length . I'm always removing the liner from the boots after riding but I did not think of letting them dry upside down. Good thinking ! I do have intec heels. I'll start doing that.
  18. Hi, After riding, I'm having snow in my right boot (the one in front), riding Track700. Did not have that with my AF600. Anybody having snow in their boots after riding ?
  19. I'm currently trying the BTS with the blue springs. For me there was an adaptation period as I used to ride with the lean adjuster locked in the position 3. Even If I preload both springs I find there is not enough resistance. I might try the red springs . I would not change the springs too often, I do not want too have any parts too loose especilly the pins ... I've bought some loc-tite to avoid the nuts to unscrew.
  20. Shred, I understand you, I'm still having a heel lift in one boot even with new boots (track 700 with thermoflex) which are smaller than the previous ones(MP27.5 to 26). Seems that I have thin ankle ... Anyway i'm going to see the "best bootfitter" in my area this weekend. Maybe I need a MP26 in the left foot and a MP25 in the right one . The dalbello seems to have a buckle just at the neck of the foot (babelfish translation here) to keep the heel down. I did not find the Carve model on their web site.
  21. Hi, Even with thermoliner I have heel lift on 1 foot , the guy doing the cooking at the local shop was not very experienced (like me), the first liner was tepid and the second one was hot . I've heard from Boarderyul I think, that Neil at Mont-Habitant was the best bootfitter in the Laurentians. Any good bootfitter known in the Montreal area ? If no other I'm going to see Neil on sunday , I can't wait too have no heels lift Même avec un thermoliner, j'ai un talon qui lève, je crois que le gars au magasin n'était pas très expérimenté (comme moi), le 1er liner était tiède et le second très chaud. Je crois que Boarderyul a mentionné que Neil du Mont-Habitant était le meilleur bootfitter des Laurentides. Est-ce que vous en connaissez un autres ? Sinon je vais voir Neil dimanche. Thanks/Merci
  22. J'ai utilisé fedex Je vais peut-être allé faire un tour a St-Bruno essayer ca jeudi soir si il y a de la neige Une fois le setup ok, je veux aller un soir a St-Sauveur.
  23. 13.57 $ de shipping J'ai pas bien compris le truc de la petite boite dans la grosse boite. Ils auraient pu mettre le foam dans la petite boite ... J'ai eu un peu de difficulté a installer le bts sur une des bottes, l'emplacement (trou) ne semblait pas aussi grand que sur l'autre botte. Ca a un look de Star Wars ... déjà que mes bottes sont blanches ...
  24. Je sais que 3 est l'inclinaison, je voulais dire que je ride barré pas en walk mode.
  25. Salut, J'ai recu mes BTS avec les ressorts bleus vendredi, contrairement a Ernie, je trouve ca mou. Normalement, je ride avec mes bottes (track 700) réglées à 3. On peut ajuster la résistance en jouant avec les boulons, j'ai hâte d'essayer ca en piste plutot que dans le salon.
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