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Surf Quebec

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Everything posted by Surf Quebec

  1. I ride with TD2 SI, I love the fact that with a single allen key I can change my setup easily and it is easy to remember a setup.
  2. Je pensais aller chez Oberson en fin de semaine pour faire un "base grind" de ma planche puis la cirer moi-même avant de la ranger mais j'ai pas eu le temps .... J'espère qu'Oberson ne range pas sa machine trop tôt ... Bon été à tous !
  3. I'm surprised to see so little difference between the Deeluxe/Raichle and the Head boots user. I thought that they would have been way more Deeluxe/Raichle than Head riders.
  4. Gleb, very nice board ! What about that price increase for next year ?
  5. I'm in IT (Database Administrator for the geek)
  6. Salut, Merci pour les infos, Je vois que tu n'as pas vendu tes planches, quelle est la raison de la vente ?
  7. Salut, Je viens de recevoir une facture de Fedex pour le dédouanement de mes bts reçus en décembre, ca monte a 24.38$ A part Sailman qui a déjà payé ca, les autres avez-vous reçcu une facture ?
  8. Hé oui, la saison est terminée... C'est le temps d'aller faire faire un "base grind" sur ma planche puis de la cirer quelques fois avant de l'oublier pour quelques mois . On se reverra surement l'an prochain car c'est sur que je vais retourner à Olympia. As-tu acheté tes bottes ?
  9. I called at Marseille Bicycle but no answer, usually dealers are opened until 9 on thursday. Maybe there is still too much snow to sell bikes .... Anyway on their site, it is mentionned that they are selling Marinoni : http://www.marseillebicycle.com/marques.html I will buy a bike too this spring but I can't afford a Marinoni especially since I want a titanium coiler fore next winter
  10. I'm driving in front of Marseille Bicycle each day when bringing my sons to the swimming pool, I can ask them if they carry Marinoni frames.
  11. Hi, What about taxes ? I'm in the province of Quebec, part of Canada with the highest income taxes ... I also have 3 sons starting to snowboard /ski So, I only have 1 board but actively lobbying to buy a titanial Coiler.
  12. I only have 1 board and it is the 162, so I can't compare with the others. For sure I'm looking on the Coiler Titanial for a second board ...
  13. Salut, Comme dit Ernie, ne lâche pas. J'ai ridé lundi et mercredi à St-Bruno, lundi génial et mercredi pas terrible. C'est sur qu'avec des conditions dures, ca va pas mal plus vite et que donc la technique est plus importante. Quand c'est dure (à limite glacé), ta prise de carre doit être dès le début du virage, on peut aussi rider plus groupé ce qui demande une plus grande flexion (et donc des bottes de snow ...) Comme c'est la fin de saison , peut-être que Sharks peut faire un deal de quelques $$$. Je pensais peut-être appeler pour si il leur restait des pointures MP25 je suis tanné de mettre des paddings dans mes bottes (quand je pense que c'est des bottes neuves de cette année) Si tu achetes des bottes de snow, vas-y pour des petites ... Selon les conditions, je pensais peut-être allé à Olympia samedi matin.
  14. I need to gain some pounds ! It seems all good used boards are for the 200 pounds guys
  15. Very nice board ! You may be starting a new trend here : the wild animal topsheet ! After the zebra, i'm sure a tiger topsheet black and orange would be nice on the white snow, then panther, .... I can't wait to have some funding for a coiler titanial
  16. With that lenght, I assume it is a split tail. I have a Sims Burner 162, would that board be riden with the bindings mounted forward too ?
  17. What a shame ! I check on many TV web sites (canadian ones) and none are presenting the alpine event. Called at Stoneham station and it may be shown on TV in a few weeks ... We even have a guy who was world cup winner for years, Jasey-Jay Anderson, and still one of the best rider and Radio-Canada doesn't show the event ...
  18. Like you said, it's a work in progress ... I've started with pre-load, then tried without preload. I like the movement and I find it easier to ride in bad snow condition (snow accumulation)
  19. That's a lot of preloaded on both springs
  20. Same as Bobby Bugs, another thing to try ! If It could ease my heelside turn, I'll be happy. I'll try that tonight if the stations groom all the nice snow that is actually falling :D
  21. If you do not know this site (www.alpinecarving.com), I encourage you to browse the different sections. It's a gold mine on carving information.
  22. From alpinecarving/technique: Styles that transform the energy of the board into G-force. They tend to have a lower center of mass and use a more closed stance (knees together, facing more toward the nose). These styles tilt the board high on edge, so you have to worry about boot-out. They are less stable, and cannot absorb bumps well on varied terrain. These styles are used for carving complete half circles, allowing you to experience up to about 3 Gs of centripetal force.
  23. Maybe I have too much time on my hands right now ... Sinecure, does that mean you do not use a board for carving ? :D
  24. Zoltan, When I did the shell test, I did remove the liners. I just did the shell test again right now and I have 1 finger and 1-2 millimeters maximum. Thumper, what I did instead of cutting a sock is to bend the sock back down to the middle of the feet. This way I have 2 thickness of fabric at the ankle area. I went carving like this on sunday but it was hero snow so I do not experience heel lift on hero snow, only on hard conditions (snow accumulations). I used to have non-themo liners in my former AF600. It's my first year with thermoflex liner, I can not say that I'm impressed. It's not taking room as I thought it would be. From what I've read on the forum, I was thinking that thermo-liners were amazing... I'm expecting some pads this week, I want to make my boots as thight as my ice hockey skates. I forgot about UPZ, since I have never seen a carver wearing those I did not thought of them. Anyway, let's pray for the snow gods to give us some snow again and prevent the evil rain gods to do their stuff, I want to carve again in March, it's too soon for soccer yet
  25. I've been reading on alpinecarving and on extremecarving about waxing the sidewalls. I'm wondering how do you do that ? Do you just use the crayon method without scraping the wax ?
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