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Everything posted by tilledog

  1. Take care Mario. I'm glad that you'll be around to do some less painful brain damage when we meet again. Take care, man. Dave
  2. Exactly J!! Seems to be the std. for Titanal sheet thicknesses in SB's right now.
  3. I believe Billy Bordy still has one that he'd sell you, but I'm not positive. Hit him up through his profile.... Yep... I have it at my place.... I'll see how much Bill wants for it if you're interested. PM me dave@hardbooter.com
  4. Please email me with info. You might have to watch the twins for a couple of hours ;) Orem is around 50 minutes from my home. dave@hardbooter.com
  5. It was so tough to get gear not so long ago. People seem to really love Alpine. I get " I've considered it but there's no place to get gear " constantly! We ( Bomber, us, you, them ) are just trying to grow the sport and we're all friends so why wouldn't we try to create a painless system? Anyhow, We do have Madd Stock, BX and Alpine. As Michelle says, it's probably best to email us initially. We can chat if we need to dial in your preference, on any gear for that matter. We'll get the Madd stock up on the site ASAP. Dave
  6. You know how I know Bordy's gay? Fin's fingerlike projection is photoshopped out of that pic of Billy, hence the open mouth for no "apparent" reason. ( the small ladder was axed as well )
  7. If you think that you might be on our list but haven't received our "first newsletter " yet, wait a few days. To prevent spamming, our host prevents more that 250 items sent per 24 hrs. The next batch will go out tomorrow and so on for a few days. On a side note, we've secured Snowbird for Friday the 25th of Jan for the WTC. PCMR's always a shoe in but Snowbasin's a different story. I've written a proposal to our " friend " Lee yoder up in O' town and we'll just have to cross our fingers. I think we'll have just as good a chance at Alta.... Hopefully our friends to the north come through for us. It's a killer place to set up on a Saturday. Dave
  8. Bones do heel nicely and all that metal makes for good stories to for the girls. Just substitute words like stump and snowboarding with African safari and Black Rhino wrestling and you're set!! Best to you Dave
  9. Thanks for the heads up. The default decimal for Cali was 2 spots right, as pointed out. Y'all rule. Dave
  10. Hey guys, As Bill said, we lost our 1's and 0's guy in the middle of the season and I've had to learn a lot to get the new site fired up. I'm still working out some bugs so if you see anything silly, please bring it to our attention. I should have a new host sometime this week and we will, at that time, paste all of the articles, vids and photos back onto the HB site. As stated above, the spam on our old forum was just too much to keep up with for the amount of traffic we had so we've axed it. Most of our members were also members over here at the Bomber forum. Most of the community as a whole, I think we all realize, posts over here and so Billy and I will be glad to share what we know in the Bomber forum. We'll be releasing news letters on events, text and video releases, etc with a mass email format type newsletter. I've collected email addy's for the last 3 years through simple corrispondences to actual sales but I'm sure I've missed a few. If you have not contacted us for any reason in the past and would like to be a part of our newsletter, drop me a line and I'll add you to the list. It might take a week or two to paste all the addy's I have into a database but it will happen. I'm still sorting out the "unsubscribe" issue as we don't want to bug anyone more than once if you're not interested. (any shareware out there that someone knows of to facilitate this easily?) Billy and I would really like to thank Curt Chapman aka Skully over here, for filling the void. He's put in a ton of hours with me to get this thing rolling and I absolutely could not have done it without him. Thanks Skully!! Anyhow, we're honored to be a part of this wonderful group of riders and especially indebted to the Bomber crew for the privaledge to post HB specific items on their turf. With that said, go check out the site and while surfing around, keep in mind that constructive criticism is very welcome!!
  11. Hey Guys, My camera failed at capturing the group photo. The shutter did not return when shooting and the image is completely white. Please help!! I know I saw some point and shoots out there shooting photos of us. If you have the group photo, please contact Fin or Me or post here. Thanks a million. We had a great time. Dave
  12. Ok guys, We will be at Park City Mountain Resort on Sunday, 28 Jan, Not Brighton!! Tell everyone you know that may be showing up at the originally scheduled resort, Brighton. Sorry for the short notice but Park City has extended space to us and it will be much more condusive to Alpine riding and demoing gear. Call if you have any questions. Dave-801-953-5115 Billy-435-602-2935 Darth Vader-1800-734-SITH
  13. The WTC starts Thursday, 25 Jan. We'll be at Park City Thurs and Fri and then over to Big Cottonwood Canyon for our first tour with the tent at Brighton for some alpine jibbin'!! Fin will be set up with his fleet beginning Friday at Park City and we'll have our tent and demos all four days. There's a nice stable high pressure system in place so the snow's shaping up to be more carver friendly than ever for the event. If you're in Utah for the these days drop on by. There will be more hardbooters in one place than probably anywere else at this time, which doesn't take much and seems par for these types of events. It's pretty cool to have a high speed quad or six pack full of alpine boards so come on out!! We'll have demo boards from: F2 Donek Madd Prior Rad Air and of course Billy and I's personal collection of race and non race stock sticks. We have plenty of beginner setups and a size run of boots so bring your sofbootin', carve curious buddies out to give alpine a go! See you there!! Dave
  14. Please do... We just got a ton of Madd stock this week to add to our Demo Fleet so drop us a line. Billy@hardbooter.com Dave@hardbooter.com
  15. You should definately email them a photo of yourself, Aaron! It's the only way to shed light on the situation. Here's one of you at WTC. http://hardbooter.com/gallery/wtc06/DSC3679?full=1 Dave
  16. PC and Canyons are around 35 minutes from the airport. They are both right off I-80, same Interstate as the Airport. Big cottonwood Canyon, Brighton and Solitude, are a bit further, probably around 45 and The Bird is probably the furthest at 50. Freeway speeds cut the commute for PC and Canyons whereas the Cottonwoods are bi-ways for the last 10-13 miles. Davo
  17. Park City. I'll have a Titanal Virus in hand. Jimmy Raily's in. Judy Guzman's in. What up? Davo
  18. do you post, just get your shiznit on every thread? Is it a numbers thing? WTF?
  19. I once asked Jeff Archibald if " to be a good racer, it's probably best to be able to carve on steep ice, right? " He laughed, and said "Yea"
  20. http://hardbooter.com/video/rainer.php Luv, HB
  21. German or Austrian, Definately not French or It Although Bozetto is the rider with most exposure I suppose... Davoi oui!!
  22. the only dealings we've had with them is in english. It's been awhile. The boards are "made in Austria". Michelle would know the true georgraphical source of the F2 line. I'll inquire within' and drop a line... I truly love the F2 product but they are so Random with North American Dealings... Love hate relationship. Davoi
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