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Everything posted by kipstar

  1. LIve aye? Well, a bit tough to get fully live; you have the whole MC thing which is in Drum and bass/Garage now, with a guy on tables and up to 4 people yelling over the top; seems far too much like going to a rap concert, I love dNb but hate MCs with a passion. With a couple of exceptions: DJ Marky and Stamina MC LTJ Bukem and MC Conrad they make the music; by comparision if you want to hear what I hate, the best of a very bad bunch (and there are some horrors) is MC Skibbadee; I HATE that guy. And the worst thing is he is always MCing with my favrouite DJs like DJ SS, A Sides, Shy FX and so on. Tosser that he is. For live Drum and Bass, Pendulum I think do a live set, in so far as they have keyboards and machines and computers all lined up to do so. If you want to know the Pendulum sound, check out some of their prodigy remixes; there is another great track of theirs I forgot now it goes in the breakdown dummmm da dum dum dumdum dumdum duuuum dadum dum dadum dum dum D-Sub will know the one I mean. maybe? Tarantula is another great track. I know that the EZ Rollers also will do a live set; the Lady Roller does live vocals, and i (think) they have some studio musicians playing keyboards and stuff; maybe sax. I haven't ever seen it myself, but I would consider EZ ROllers to be probably one of the most musical of DnB. Hospital Records also have some live act nights; I can only guess at what this is like; mostly the cost of moving around and people means this is all centred in the UK. Hospital is definitely where the more musical side of Drum and bass is right now IMHO, whereas Pendulum/Concord Dawn (another NZ act willing to play live AFAIK) are on the harder side, and then you have some much harder stuff around, but that isn't my thing. For techno/trance, I have heard a live act called Der Dreit Ruem, which in German I understands means the 3rd room. DUnker, I know german :-) They played live in NZ when I was young; I remember being excited and then having to wait until, I kid you not, 7am for them to come on stage. Worth every minute; banks and banks of computers and keyboards; not sure how much is live; I think a fair bit; they seemed to have large amounts of bonk bonk bonkbonkbonk type sounds; brilliant. Jack....try getting some downloads from here: www dot dnb-sets dot de/?set=32174 (replace dots with one of these . and you should be good to go). Strongly recommend high contrast, marcus INtalex, the liquid stuff is good too; if you want something harder try Ed Rush Optical; they are the best of the big bass sound IMHO.
  2. kipstar

    Ski law

    If she was one of the SoCal hottiez I seen then maybe you should have offered some massage lovin'; dumb skiers need lovin' too you know. The thing that annoys me is in almost every story the person causing the problem cannot take responsibility; what happened to admitting that I screwed up, sorry?! It shatters your nerves riding around people who bomb straight line.
  3. legendary. You should be script writer on family guy; and that is the biggest compliment I can give.
  4. I don't think stopping and stuff will kill it. Storing it for long periods with stuff piled it won't help; especially in high heat (like a drying room) as resins are heat sensitive. Leavinbinding suck on the board is probably not the best idea either. I know a friend who slammed his board in the trunk (boot) of his car and piled stuff on it, and snapped it; presumably storing lots of things together and loading up the flex for long periods of time, or forcing it past normal cruvature would not be good for it. I know the board that was the worst I ever had was a Hot; it lost its camber fairly quickly and then the base ceased to be flat and ended up like a boat, with a bottom like a canoe :-0 A true piece of junk; by comparison the Nitro scorpion i mistreated for years still has the same 1.5m of camber it had when I was given it; mind you it now rides like a dog for some other reason! They won't last forever, but the camber should stay in the board for a fair while unless you are one of the guys who is 300 pounds in which case, maybe it will last a week or so?!
  5. arf angel I know you have a kid, but man that is a cool photo; tell ya boy he looks friggin cool :0-) Also tell him I have a 185 oxygen, if he is wanting to trade up to a longer board :-)
  6. happy new year Jack. Well spotted; actually this thread was reference in another thread, so I reread it, and after the benefit of 2 years of time, it seems like the insults and sniping are just funny rather than mean. Looks to me like a good reminder that even though we sometime get at eachother, we are all friends (just like Rodney King and LA PD :-) Ok, maybe not quite like that, maybe er, like the pro wrestlers who talk all tough, but then go out for beer after wards.
  7. amidst flashes of useful information, is a showcase of why east coast vs. west coast rap is so popular..... Somehow I think bomber is better now; I cannot remember any threads quite this severe in a while.
  8. think nothing of it my friend, I come up with the ideas, that is why I am paid the big dollars. Well, baht, but you get the picture. Actually, this should be a series of Bomber T-shirts. I can supply them to you guys about $10-$15 USD each delivered into USA; I could get some screen printed up here and ship them across I suppose. Arnie: Come with me if you want to carve. A picture of Sam Jackson from Pulp Fiction The path of the righteous man is.....firmly packed powder. Jack Nicholson You want the norm? You can't handle the norm! Cuba Gooding Jnr Show me the BTS, Fin! etc etc. I had previously intended to do the t-shirt business based on producing pictures of trash American celebrities and slagging them off, while hiding behind the pretense of 'me no speak engrit' but this is easier.
  9. Famed lines cut from the Terminator series 'I cannot self fornicate. You must lower me into the hot tub so I can use my rod of burning steel' 'I'll be back........side carving' 'Give me your wax scraper.' 'Come with me if you want to carve' 'Your foster parents are dead.........last in the boardercross essay'
  10. I would call her my pound for pound second silver medal girlfriend, but over here in THailand we use the metric system, so I guess that makes her a girlfriend royale. Let's see....fairly typical Asian spec, in that she isn't white, she is Chinese. 40kg, that's what, about 90 pounds so rather fat; about 5 foot 4, pretty face. Family has a bit of cash. But you have to take the spaghetti and the 149 and D-Sub's video; the girlfriend is my 'loss leader'. Man I hope she can't read the stuff I write about her :-)
  11. I have an oxygen 149 with some nice girly snow pro bindings to match. And also....a girlfriend that is getting a bit 'clingy'. I can also throw in a 3 button suit that is a bit wide in the shoulders and has pleats in the trou, er, some spagetti that I didn't eat from earlier in the week, and I think I had some copies of the Economist lying around as well. I can burn you off a copy of D-Sub's carving video, and some drum and bass, but that might be breaching copyright; I can check with him and also with that woman from the recording artists in USA, the one who likes suing people, as to whether this will be ok. Send me email; happy xmas :-)
  12. I also use the ultrathin ultimax; it is the only way I can get into the boot. The biggest cause of feeling cold feet is circulation IMHO, specifically, the top of your foot; which is right where the 2nd buckle is on most snowboard boots. I can make my feet feel cold anytime (even here in THailand) by cranking that buckle overtight. It starts cutting off the circulation and nerve that runs across the top of the foot which is why the foot feels cold. So...solution is get foot beds; good fitting molded boots; check whether there is plastic in the way and grind it out (that is why soft bindings often have that hole on the 2nd strap) and also consider loosening buckle on the chair up. Thermoflex are pretty warm as well; now I have problems that my feet are sweating the whole day, as they are so hot and don't leak; ski boots from before were leaky and not nearly as warm plus twice the weight.
  13. there is a mount rose shuttle going up and down the mountain each day and arrives at the top about 8.30-am, departs from the top about 5pm. AFAIK it is $54 including the lift ticket (not a bad deal!)..if starts looping through the casinos starting around Legacy then outwards the shiny glassy one then onto Atlantis then to Mt Rose. I stay with a friend of mine who works opposite atlantis, so he could drop me off there and I'd ride the day, then meet him after work. they also had a trip to Alpine, Squaw, Flatstar and somewhere else, but most of the other trips had the opposite loop, so I just hired a rental car instead for a few days and we did Alpine, Squaw, Diamond, Homewood then. It ended up adding about $5 or $10 onto the cost of the lift ticket, except you can sometimes save more, on the 2 for tuesday promotion at Rose, some sort of student thing, some sort of women ski free (but tha wasnt relevant to me, sadly). Good thing about the bus is meeting other people; over the week met a few groups from Hawaii including a carver, a group of snowboarders from the seeyouth (who had the accent that I always thought people just made up to kid me around, like on Deliverance) and sadly no Miss Nevada or other stripper/trailer trash types, but maybe that will happen next time. Would be hard to get cheaper decent carving than staying at Atlantis, busing it, then eating the all you can eat buffets and guzzling free booze while pretending to play slots. Probably could do all of that for less than $100USD a day. Excluding gambling (round up to $1000 as required).
  14. Good to hear the story Wavechaser; out of interest what boat do you race? WOuld have thought it is getting a bit cold for sailing over in USA at the moment....we are in a cold snap here too, and I am thinking that it is too cold for sailing this weekend as it is!
  15. also, I think htere are 2 sizes for F2s, so make sure you get the right one.
  16. go Miss Nevada. I like these Amerian beauty queens, after all they are only one step away from porn. As for Rosie O'Donnell, her outburst is right along side Kramer's from Seinfeld, llloooooooser.
  17. if you were riding like you do in ski boots, then probably yes. Snowboard hard boots are a lot softer, so you kind of need to lock your calf muscles more so your heel comes up rather than just leaning into the cuff mechanism. Also...it almost is always with your back leg shin; so starting a bit easy and checking that the sock isn't bunched up or doing strange things can help as well once things start to hurt. My problem was that the first day was man made snow with a light dusting of rain then frozen over, so it was very very firm; plus I don't have that much feeling in my shins anyway; by the time I realised I was going to hurt, I was looking like the lovely pic you see here today in this thread.
  18. I can almost gauarantee that this is being caused by there being a smallish gap near the top of the boot (the boot isn't done up fully tight/molding leaves space for the leg to wiggle a bit) and the sock is rotating as it is getting friction of some sort from the liner; the constant rubbing of the sock inside against the thigh has slowly stripped off layer after layer of skin. Long term fix: - tape your sock around the top like a garter, tight enough that you still have circulation and the sock isn't rotating around - see if you cannot change sock brands to one that the liner isn't going to grip - use second skin type bandage product so the sock can slide against your leg without rubbing away layers of skin - adjust your cants/lifts so the boot can be done up a little more tightly, eliminating the rubbing as a rseult of the boot being too loose Like I say, I know the pain; and 1 year later still have a major scar on my leg which i suspect will be there for life now :-) Ah well....shaboopi.
  19. is the catamaran that flipped and washed in somewhere nearby also big news in the PNW? Big news in the sailing forums; from Sanfran to Seattle sounds like a really nasty place to be sailing in a storm.... I guess that is why Mavericks is so good.
  20. mammoth is heaps worse now than before...thanks Intrawest. Squaw village is the mcdonalds of ski villages....thanks intrawest. Ah well, maybe it will be different at Steamboat, maybe they make sexy time explosion on mountain. NOT. Intrawest are well lame. But good if you own realestate in Steamboat, I guess.
  21. I had the exact thing my first day at korea last season; about the same condition. Rode another two days on it, then spent about a month healing; not worth it (and my shins are relatively nerveless from muay thai). It looks like it is sock rubbing combined with perhaps your liner grabbing your sock and this friction has whipped off layers of skin. Other than dressing a largish wound and preferably not riding for at least 2 weeks to let things heal, if you insist on going out, here is what I would suggest. Get some second skin or similar, then bandage that against the dressed wound, then fairly tightly wrap the whole section of the leg in a bandage that cannot move around at all. Then put on your sock, and tape your sock so it cannot move around. That will help a bit, but...not much you can do about the existing damage other than let things heal. For boot alteration, go through and check every seam; cut away any hard material, and for seams, you can use a hammer or something to soften them up a bit.
  22. kipstar


    fascinating Chad and others; I had heard that flouride is some sort of bad biproduct and my dad was convinced that flouride in the water was what had given him prostate cancer (well that, and being given mercury to cure some sort of dysentary after the war; amoebic dysentary or something). I have also heard the abrasive in toothpaste is some sort of metal powder as well? Is this true? Ah.... truth comes out. Only on bomber. :-)
  23. kipstar


    I drink water from the tap (which apparently is bad in Bangkok since it isn't properly filtered or anything) and never got sick from it. Mind you, bottled water here is very cheap; only about 25c USD for a big bottle; I'm just too lazy to carry it around. Only time I get sick is eating Italian western food :-) What I would be keen to know is what you give up by not drinking flourinated water. I apparently (according to each dentist I have had the misfortune to meet after various incidents) have rock hard teeth, never had a cavity, never had a filling. They claim (here) that it is because i had a lot of flouride as a kid in the water. I know it is nothing to do with milk, as I am allergic to dairy products for the most parts. I also know I was born sick, I get sick all the time and so it isn't because of simply being in great health. I didn't drink softdrinks much as a kid, nor did I eat lots of sugary stuff (mostly because I was sick the whole time). Surely if you drink bottly water, you miss out on these minerals sometimes?
  24. fine as it is. THere is a sailing forum called sailinganarchy, which runs just fine with complete insults and calling people out (and a few companies have probably been ruined in the process). Sailing is in better shape as a result. I've always found D-Sub to be a reasonable guy; pretty much everyone else is too; the insults on this board are well more mild that SA. As for that Catek thread...good for a laugh but AFAIK DSub bought boots off CMC anyway, and it is all good times. Pics or it didn't happen. What's it rate? oops. Wrong board.
  25. kipstar


    I'd live my top half like those guys; bottom half would suffer too much damage from 'hey smile at the camera, you've been kicked in the nuts' action. Plus then you could have the big pectoral mussels that the womens like. Ah yes, D-Sub you heart throb. BTW I have been yacht racing the last 2 weeks, so I missed the action; therefore i am still one of the people that doesn't hate you. :-)
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