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Everything posted by Donek

  1. You'll have to explain this one better. Why does a racer need skins?... and floppy stuff?????
  2. By the way. I have posted a number of BX images over on Bomberbx.
  3. Fin and I left the tents to Michelle and Josh for 3 to 4 hours on Wednesday and got in the course.
  4. Most athletes will disassemble their board after a race, so it can be effectively waxed, transported, or in this case returned after demoing it.
  5. I have tons of photos. For now I'll post a handful. If there is interest in more, let me know.
  6. Another Great Video from our partner in Korea. <iframe src="http://player.vimeo.com/video/57793547?autoplay=1" width="600" height="337" frameborder="0" webkitAllowFullScreen mozallowfullscreen allowFullScreen></iframe> <p><a href=" ">RED SKI</a> from <a href="http://vimeo.com/user6761462'>http://vimeo.com/user6761462">kim myung sang01055254927</a> on <a href="http://vimeo.com">Vimeo</a>.</p>
  7. There's very little need for an in between cant. Most boots have the ability to correct for in between the 3 and 6. You just change the lock position on the back of your boot to where you need it. If you're using a BTS, you can fine tune it all you like. I've never needed to adjust mine, but the pivots on the side of the boot cuff can be adjusted as well. The 3 degrees on the bombers bound the adjustments on the boots. As I understand it from Fin that's where those increments are derived fr
  8. The Sugarloaf photographer caught Jack on his new proteus.
  9. On one hand, this sounds like a brilliant idea. On the other it presents problems. One of the biggest concerns among coaches is not knowing where the problems lie in their athletes. A plate system that introduces even more variables in an athletes performance is an excellent idea at the highest levels, but does not help an athlete or recreational rider who does not know what to fix to improve their performance. At nationals last year, there were far to many good racers coming into the tent with gear setup wrong. You'd be amazed at how many of them do not even know their own stance width, let alone where or how their plate should be mounted.
  10. The reason the board refuses to bend is because the bomber's small footprint does not allow you to transfer as much leverage to the board, so it bends as it would naturally. The larger footprint and greater transfer of leverage permits you to bend the board more with the Nidecker binding. What you are feeling I'm sure is very real, I am just trying to explain why you feel it. The light and flexy perception of the Nidecker binding is, in reality, not why you can bend the board more. You are able to bend it more because of the difference in how it transfers your input to the board.
  11. Based on these results, it sounds to me like you really just want to narrow your stance a bit by moving your back foot forward. If a board is too stiff, you can always make it feel softer by narrowing up your stance. The bias on your Bomber is effectively doing this already. Your photos also do a great deal to illustrate what is really happening in these systems. The bomber binding has a much smaller footprint or contact area than the Nidecker binding in this photo. The Bomber binding is definitely going to allow the board to bend more naturally as a result. The Nidecker binding has a bigger footprint and more of the leverage from your boot can, as a result, be transfered to the board. This enables you to bend or manipulate the board more than with the Bomber binding. The easiest way of accomplishing the same goal with the Bomber is to narrow your stance a bit. If it feels too narrow, just reduce your cants.
  12. I have only held one once at the Copper RTTC. I do not know for sure that it does bottom out on the travel. I can only suspect it might be the case. I anticipate seeing it in greater detail soon.
  13. The response I've heard from racers is that it's very energetic and responsive. I have often wondered if this feel is due to the limited travel on the system.
  14. We'll be offering the pattern as well. This plate has become popular this season. It is a very interesting design, but far more complex than any other system I have seen. <img src=https://sphotos-b.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-prn1/858847_4546073853077_1705928849_o.jpg>
  15. This video will show you how to measure your best waist width. <iframe width="560" height="315" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/ZtsIM88T6A0?list=PLF694E70126065CA7" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
  16. Hotels in Carbondale can run as low as $69 per night. It's a 30 minute drive to the mountain each day.
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