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Everything posted by eos4life

  1. Yep, this a metal board! Coiler VSR 173 20cm waist and 12 m radius (I mean variable)
  2. The only metal I can see are the buns of steel... :lol:
  3. Even though I posted this on the new board porn 2010 thread, I wanted to highlight the workmanship of Coiler, Snowboard materials and Stephen Fleck for this new board I just received. Since I just turned 50 a few weeks ago, I have been thinking about a new board. I am really an average rider but I truly enjoy going to the hills to improve my riding. I guess the next step had to be metal for our Icecoast conditions. So with limited knowledge about the new metal boards, I totally relied on Bruce and the feedback from some of the people riding those. So I got a VSR 173 from Bruce. I admit that the limiting factor is not the board but my riding. The way I see this, it can only go uphill from here... If ever you want to add this little something for your new board. Custom topsheet is a really good way to do it. I had put my name on the waiting list for a new board from Bruce. Then I read some the thread about custom topsheet and I figured that turning 50 deserved something special (since my riding is not:barf:). I thought the metal board needed a good theme and the Terminator was born. I worked with Stephen Fleck who did quite a few design for people new boards. I can't say enough good things about Stephen. A real pleasure to work with. Once I got the final design from Stephen, I email the graphics to Snowboard materials and they produced the topsheets in about 10 days (Thanks Lindsay). He sent it to Bruce who produces the board in about 2 weeks. (I was on the waiting list) So here are a few pics from my new toy. It might just be me but I think it really looks bad ass... Again thank you, Bruce, Stephen and Lindsay! Enjoy the pics.
  4. I do not post often but I just had to contribute to this thread because I think this board is really worth it. I wanted to share this awesome piece from Coiler (VSR 173), snowboard materials and Stephen Fleck. Pics speak loader than words. Enjoy!
  5. The Head boots are partially moldable which mean the lower part (foot area) is where you can get them molded as opposed to the whole liner. When I got mine I rode them straight from the box with no molding. It took me probably 5 or six days before I got comfortable. I had to stop after every ride to either take them off or loosen the buckles. I was getting discourage until someone told me to ride a bit more. It might help to wear them inside for a few hour to help the liner mold to your feet. Or simply go and get them molded. As for your feet getting cold. I am not sure I am the right guy to ask because I now get cold feet pretty easy since I froze a few toes on both feet a few years ago. I still remember crying like a girl (No offense ladies) when they were getting warm again. One of my toe stayed numb for 3 weeks... This is why I hope the combination of the Hotronic and a new pair of liner to keep my feet nice and toasty. Hope this helps.
  6. Just curious to see if they (Dalbello Gold ID liner) would fit Head boots Stratos? I have a wide set of feets and I am concern about the available width with the Dalbello Gold for my wide paws. My original liners are close to retirement after 7 years... Thx.
  7. First off, heel fast! How did they get your foot out of the boot? Did they use a cast saw to rip the boot open? I just can't imagine yanking the foot out of the boot with no bone connected to the lower portion of the leg! If that was the case, I think I might have heard the scream from Canada!!! Again speedy recovery!
  8. Thank you for the detailed info for shooting and post processing! I wish I had more time and such nice slopes to take pictures. I am so eager to use my limited time to ride that I don't spend much time with my camera. As I said before I would love to have a few pics of my riding but so far no one has ever got a good shot of yours truly. I am sure you made a lot of people happy with your pics! :D Here is a shot of my son having some fun in the park! I had some fun with Photoshop as well. But there are very limited people that carve on my local hill. So no carving pics to brag about! :( Again nice shots!
  9. I have decided that I was going to be part of the next ECES! So whatever mountain that is chosen will work for me! I didn't participate in the last ECES thinking I wasn't worthy of the event. But I figured, what the hell? I can only learn and get friendly advice while I discover a new mountain. :D I would also bring my camera gear to shot carving pics since I enjoy this as well! As long as there is nice, constant, wide, well groomed variety of blue runs, I am in! Thanks!
  10. First off is WOW! I really like your pics, I wish I could get someone with your skills to get a few shots of my riding. I would love to see what I look like (technique wise) and I would have a few souvenirs in pictures of some great moments on the slopes. If you could provide me with your gear list and setting that would be great. I myself take pictures of friends and I think I can learn a trick or two to improve my technique. Thanks!
  11. I tried the spiked stomp pad stick-on and they didn't last long with the cold. It seemed that everytime I slaped my board down to remove the snow, they would fly off! I like what you did with the golf spike! As I said , I am curious to see how you got them to stick ounce you took the threaded portion. Thanks!
  12. Hopefully not the Rudy Project I just bought from you? :rolleyes: Take care!
  13. Bruce is the man after all! Thanks for the advice!
  14. Last year, I bought a pair of Level gloves from Bomber. I had been using a combo of a palm snowboard wrist protector and the top portion of my wrist guard for roller blades. This is the most solid piece of wrist protection I have ever seen for snowboarding. Sadly, there are a few drawbacks. First, they are one of a kind (I cannot find the snowboard portion in store anymore) :( Second, they fit over the gloves. I don't mind where they sit but eventually the nylon straps wear out from the abrasion and I need get those straps changed. After putting on, the Level gloves, I did not feel as secure compared to my usual set-up. The palm section was good but I felt like the top portion was too weak for me. Actually, it would not be fare to compare them since they are totally different in concept. So, here I am with a pair of brand new gloves (xl) 9.5 collecting dust. If ever you want this brand new pair of gloves still with stickers, they are for sale at $80 shipped! If ever you would like to see me current set-up, I could post a picture or 2. Cheers!
  15. Do you want to paypal me? Let me know!
  16. The bumps are going out of the base! I would not be worried if it would be going in. I am more concerned since it is coming out of the board. Maybe the base under the inserts is getting thin??? What do you think?
  17. Here it goes: Bought a used Coiler AM 172 last year as my powder board. It came with storage wax so kind of hard to check the base. Since I did not have the right conditions to ride it before the end of the season, it stayed like that until now. A week ago, I removed the storage wax to realized that there is small bumps where the inserts are located on the base. Only for what seems to be the used inserts. My first impression: I got rip off! So here are my questions: If the usage for the board is going to be powder days, what kind of drawback will this bring? (If I am on edge most of the time, I would think it won't be that bad?) My major concern is for later tune up, could I ask to get the edge and the base tune everywhere but avoid the bump area? (I am afraid there is not much base left at the inserts location, am I right or way off?) As anyone experience the same finding? Advice and input welcome!
  18. Any one knows where to get it in Canada? Or is this a regular product you can find in nutrition stores? Thx!
  19. Hi! What would be the dosage and sequence to benefit from the product (230 pds guy)? Thanks.
  20. Eh, bien finalement, je finis par avoir l'information de la bouche du loup! Il faut croire que ma mémoire n'ait pas ce qu'elle a déja été.... Quand on finira par avoir de la neige, je vais essayer d'aller faire un tour le mercredi soir. Question de me donner des trucs à essayer pour possiblement m'améliorer. Merci pour les informations!
  21. Hi! Just though I would post the same message in English to get more info and exchange with more carvers! As I was saying, I don't know Olympia? I heared that sometimes during weekdays, they are a few carvers that meet to ride together. I also heared that you can even get some coaching. Which trail do you recommend? I am not a pro, just an old fart trying to get a bit better. I know it won't be this week but maybe latter in the season. Thanks! PS: I rode for the first time this season at the Valinouet (Chicoutimi). Not bad for a first time and the conditions were pretty good!
  22. Salut, les gars de Montréal! Je ne connais pas Olympia. J'ai entendu dire que parfois la semaine, il y avait des soirées ou certains riders se réunissaient pour plancher ensemble. Et même que l'on peu parfois avoir du coaching. Quelles sont les pistes que vous me conseillez? Je suis pas un pro, juste un vieux crouton qui aimerait s'améliorer un peu. Je sais que cela ne sera pas cette semaine mais peut-être plus tard en saison. Merci! PS: J'ai planché pour la première fois cette année au Valinouet (Chicoutimi). Pas mal pour une première et les conditions étaient bonnes.
  23. hibjordnolf this is exactly what I needed! I appreciated that you took the time to answer my question. Now I will know what to order if I need to change my liner. Cheers!
  24. Thanks for the reply and advice!
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