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Posts posted by Chubz

  1. Barry

    I took up HB's this season after 20+years in softies. I'll try to answer what I can, but realize this is from a guy who started this year. I'm sure there are folks out there who have beena t it a while with more specific answer so I'm giving it to you b/c it's fresh to me.

    1. I started at 50 degrees F/B (front/back). As I began to get the hang of it. I bumped it up a couple degrees each time I came out to where I'. 65 F/63B which brings my boots even with the edge of the board. In most conditions, I can do proper turns for the most part.

    2. I dont know what you're talking about

    3. If you mean angulation, not inclination. I have found the steeper my binding angles, the more angulation I am getting. For me it has become a tilting left to right rather thatn pressure on heel toe. With that tilting, confidence should grow.

    4. Grabbing toe edge is simply style from what I understand. By that time you are well into the carve and coming out of it.

    5. Boot overhang is ok until you find your carving getting better. Just give each binding abgle a couple days each and keep increasing it. It is a bit differrent each time with new settings but you will get to the point that those toes and heels are inside teh edge of the board.

    6. I was always a speed freak on my freestyle but event he alpine speed was different and exciting to me. you should grow accustomed to it once you gain more confidence. By that time you should be able to learn the characteristics and limits of your board and controlling the speed is done by cutting across the fall line and sometimes back up it to check speed. I have about 20 days on my HB's and the lightbulb went off in my head about control speed on steeps. Now I get it. and along with that I have my board holding on ice, which I didnt think was possible.

    Good luck and have fun and ride with someone if you can. Props out to Jesse and the other BM guys for the help.


  2. Yea I dig Boddingtons but my favs are the following and I dont see any of them on the side of NASCAR vehicles, thank God.

    Chimay (any color), typically Red but had some Reserves on Sat night

    Maudite (Unibrou out of Quebec)

    Don De Dois (Unibrou)

    Magic Hat #9

    Are a few off the top of my and I drink Coors Light to rehydrate when I'm at the beach.

    I have a beer imporium down the road from my hose (Shangy's) and it's like walking into the Wal-mart of Beers. He keeps all the crap at one end and the the rest is just pyramids of import beers, well over 400 differetn kinds. I usually spend about 2 hours in there just talking to employees about what they like and learning.

    Here's a cool link I found


  3. Mark

    It was good to ride with you today and I stand corrected on the Aggression question. My board is an aggression and I assumed it was a Volant b/c of the topsheet. The guy that sold it to me sold it as a Volant so I assumed it was. I didnt realize any other outfits used the metal topsheet. Now just looking for the website. All I get when I look for it on line is retail store ads.

    Take it ez and and see you out there.


  4. That made me openly laugh which I needed. Been hobbling around all afternoon and evening, all ginked up from catching a toeside edge while sideslipping towards a crowded liftline area. It was like being on the end of a fly swatter. brunt of the impact was on my head and right hip pointer. Knocked the wind out of me as well.

    Anyway, I hope you find the reason for your boob or goiter. My board started delaminating last week and I'm looking for a cure.



  5. All I can say is that I dont know of a dog I have ever seen that would tolerate a helmet and even less on motorcycle, unless it was all hopped up on downers.

    If I see my brother get one of these for his Boxer (Chance) when we take the bikes out this spring, I'll vomit and then ask him for whatever he gave the dog. Although for Chance, I would put some custom chrome spikes out the top and a sticker on it or t-shirt for Chance that says,"If you can read this, the bitch fell off"

    Get it.......... female dog........ bitch......

    Ok Ok I'll go back to work.

  6. JP1

    I see you have made friends with others and you say I have been ignoring you, "Well I wont be ignored Daniel" Just kidding. sounds like everyone had a good time up north while us PA shcmucks stood in lines down here. Making me salivate.

    Cant wait til Friday BMES, 8:15 for first chairs. I have a conf call at 10am for about 30 minutes but I'll be ready to get back at it afterwards. Went this morning, a bit lumpy.



  7. Just wondering when the service is and where they are being buried. It's times like these that make me appreciate to beers that are safe in my fridge. I dont let them go out on Fridays and Saturdays and if they do I either go pick them up or give them money for taxi. These types of tragedies do not have to happen.

    Honey, where are the tissues?????

  8. I will be showing up Wed night and riding Thur, Fri and hopefully Sat morning.

    I could have used that beast this evening. got about 2 hours in on partially heavy piles of mashed potatoes with minimal numbers of ppl. Not matter how hard I edged, it held. All I could think about was being on the board. I will let you know about okemo for Sat. With that in mind, does Okemo get crowded Sat mornings, I wouldnt want to risk plowing someone over.



  9. Tim

    I have just gotten into it this season after 20+ years in softs. You will never go back. Be sure to do your research and there is always plenty of used equipment on this site for sale. Feel free to email me and I can help you thru the learning curve as I have done so this year . I would say start with some TD1's to keep costs down and look for an all-mountain to start with a smaller sidecut (8 or 9). I am 205 lbs and ride a Volant GS 172. It took me a few days to get used to the handling of it and now I think I have it down pat. Looking back I think I would have been better witha board with a more forgiving ride to start.

    There are loads or more educated folks on the site and I'm sure they will help you out as well with better knowledge.

    Good luck to you and see you out there.


  10. If I recall,SES Vid 2004 has one in it.

    I'm getting to about 320. I say it takes good flat groomed snow, proper speed. Limit any dragging of the hands. I have found too much makes the size of the turn too big, solid confidence in that edge and a steep slope to partially flat back to sloped again. At least that is what I have been trying on. Oh and most importantly, the belief you can do it.

    good luck

  11. The intent of my original post was for a couple reasons. To give props on such and excellent display of carving workmanship and the ability to capture it in a unique circumstance on that day. And to acknowledge a piece of carving in the only Snowboard Mag that I can tolerate.

    My apologies go out to those who were involved with its making. No harm was intended. Hell, if was me who took the pic, I would be jazzed as pigs in mud to have it shared with folks who appreciate TSJ for the great mag it is.

    I forgot that we live in a society that someone can get a copyright on Let's get ready to R%$B#E!! And sue if it is used without permission. A bit ridiculous.

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