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Posts posted by Chubz

  1. Foks

    Thanks for all of the input. I am going to tend to stay away from the Physics based info because my head still hurts from grad school classes. I get the feeling as I ride more on the Volant that I will become more confident in guiding it where it should go and I can say that it does like to have it's edge set and pushed through the turn. I havent gotten a work out on a board like this since a 28" dump (snow that is) I had at Bridger Bowl, MT in '97. I will keep all of the other input in mind for a future purchase. but getting the feedback is making me want to continue riding the Volant and pushing it to what it can do.



  2. I'm new too but its my understanding based on personal experience is the spring bails keep the rear bail on the rear binding from falling down when you attempt to set your boot, thus making it much easier to clip in. I have ones without and it sometimes is very frustrating not having the spring bail to hold it up. Just ask my lower back from 2 days ago.

    I'm getting Old and Rotting.


    Ps If I'm wrong I stand corrected.

  3. Folks

    Just began hardbooting and I'm on a Volant 172 GS Aggression with TD1 Stadards. I finally started laying down some turns on Day 2, but realized I need some decent room and maintain some higher speeds while carving this board. I read in another thread that some mountains ppl ride are not conducive (sp?) all the time to carving. The mountain I ride sometimes gets crowded (Blue Mountain) after the 1st 1.5 hours of the morning and weekends and I want to continue to hardboots, but feel I should find a board the will permit carving, but I need to do so at slower speeds and tighter radiuses.

    I also picked up an Oxygen Boardercross board last summer (168 cm) but I dont know all of the other measurements of the board, sidecut,etc. I was told I could use it for busier days.

    I know its proably out there already, but can someone give me the board cuts, sizes and stiffness Lesson 101, i.e. I read that shorter sidecut provides tighter turns.

    I weigh 205 and 6 feet tall.

    Any input would be great and some interest in a cheap board that would meet my needs possibly, but my wife would kill me.

    Thanks Greg

  4. JP

    Maybe we can go in on a lesson together if he is that good. I'm going to take a few more weeks to work into the new setup then look him up. I am also possibly looking into getting my brother and his busines partner to shoot an alpine video for me andsome other riders in teh Eastern PA area. They do local sports team videos in the Lehigh Valley and have made a decent name for themselves. I shoot for them on the side and sometimes do some acting for them as a stand-in. It's pretty cool. Want to get some proof for future grandkids 30 years from now when my knees cant hadle it.


  5. I didnt really see any groups riding together just individuals.

    I just ride at Blue, I really do not anyone except those I meet on the lift. I just moved to the area a couple years ago and have only been going to Blue for 2 years now. Due to my schedule , I get there, get my runs in and go to work, not too much socializing.

    I intend to start meeting more folks through alpine, I've been a lone wolf for pretty much of the 20 years of riding. My work has made me move frequently and it made me just go when I had the opportunity and on a whim. Most of my close friends had jobs that kept them in the same area. Now that I have a job that I'm not on the road as much I want to meet more ppl to ride with.

    I may come check it out at Camelback.



  6. I was at Roundtop for the first time in about 8-9 years on Tuesday. I was suprised with the number of hardbooters on the mountain and a couple folks I spoke with on the chair that didn't have their hardboots on that day. now that I have begun diggin trenches, I am more aware of other riders doing the same.

    Nice pic on the Website and I'll keep my eyes peeled for you next time I'm down from Easton. I ride at Blue Mountain usually.

    Take Care


  7. It is reassuring to know that some other folks have experienced what I have been my first couple days of hardboots and bindings and it wasnt just me.

    I continue to love the support that folks provide on this site and keep kicking myself for not getting into this style of the sport earlier. I have plenty options to choose from and will put one of them to work.

    I had already purchased some nylon string to attach to the bail until a permanant fix could be out in place.

    Thanks Again.


  8. Folks

    I am new to alpine and recently picked up a set of TD1's (standard) and my most challenging thing yet is getting the rear boot into the rear binding. I'm old and not as flexible as I used to be. The rear bail of the binding is semi-loose (stands on its own) and falls flat when I attempt to slide my boot into it. I have tried to tighten the bail but it remains loose. any recommendations to keep the bail rigid or methods to ease binding entry would be greatly appreciated. It is my understanding that the newer TD1's have a spring but the ones I have do not.



  9. Guys

    I will be back in town on Saturday or sunday and possibly getting turns in on Monday. I'll le tyou guys know. I usually only go up for about 1.5 to 2 hours in the morning I dont have appointments and then get back to my home office to do work.

    I'll more than likely go sunday and monday

    Red Jacket black pants and grey helmet, riding a Volant


  10. Phil

    Good to meet you yesterday at Roundtop. I dont know if I can make it Thursday morning, having a season pass at one resort and coughing up $43 for a 4 hour flex pass at Roundtop just doesnt seem proper. If it were Sunday River, I could justify but not Roundtop for the amount. Dont wanna sound cheap but my wife and I are expecting another baby and funds are being tallied. Hope there will be a chance in the future to ride together and if you are ever in the Lehigh Valley Area, I ride at Blue Mountain, drop me a line. I usually get back down to Hburg once a month so we may be able to hook up in the future. Spoke with Ron Rudy yesterday and he said he remembers you.

    I was also checking out some of your old threads and you mention The Board Room, where are they located, I might go check them out.

    Anyway, give me a call (610) 349 2530 to see about getting together to ride, being only 2 days into this adventure from 20 years of freestyle, I could use some pointers.



  11. Just read your other post and see you moved to the burgh from WI. If you need any inout on the city, let me know. It is a fairly cool town if you go to the right places. Just stay out of Oakland unless you are going to get hotdogs and fries at the "O". And definitely stay the hell out of McKees Rocks, unless you are going to the strip club that is there.



  12. I see youre from the Burgh. I'm in eatern PA now but grew up back there, near Indiana, PA. I intend on getting back to 7 Springs through the winter , if youre interested in possibly riding together. I just bought some hard boots from a guy who lives in Homestead and instructs at 7 Springs.

    email me if you wanna get together this season


    Later and God Bless Primanti Sandwiches!!


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