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Posts posted by Chubz

  1. Booster

    You are absolutely killing me with your sequences. I love 'em. I know you posted what type of equipment you use to create those animals and I will try and find it again. If I recall it was for helping skiers and riders work on their form. And I think it was very pricey to get.

    I'd be interested in talking to you about it if you have the time. Do you have a website to access all of your work?


    I will see what I can get to you. And holy Sh*t, do you earn frequent threader miles with all of your posts?:D

    Thanks for the input.


    PS I tried to posts some items on ebay last night and I was able to select photos to put in my auction but when I hit the "next" button on that page, I kept getting an error message about photo services not being able to attach the photos. It indicated to keep trying but didnt work. Any advice?

  2. Just wanted to post one of the first pics I have of myself on an alpine board (1st season). But I dont know if I did it right because the quality had to be dropped signficantly in order to get below the 100000 bytes.

    How do other folks get some great quality pics posted without losing the quality? I.e. the thread that had the sequence photos.

    I hope this works


  3. Just so you know, it was the 3rd picture in the link. In the magazine, it covers almost two full pages and extends at least 6-7 feet behind him to give it a nice spread and landscape type look.

    The paragraph next to the photo indicated they had about one hour of time to the slopes by themselves, except for patrol and then about an hour before it got crowded. I can't imagine having fresh cord, sun on the slope, riding with world class carvers and no meat gates for about 2 hours. Some day....maybe some day:(

  4. Guys

    I should be there as well on Sunday. I hope to be there Friday Morning and SAt as well. I went this morning from about 9 am (appointment cancelled) to about 1 pm. Needless to say. if I stay there that long, it was wide open (<50ppl), fast and loose enough to set an edge without worry of it hitting boilerplate and popping out and the sun keep peeking thru quite often.

    Got at least 20 runs in or at least my legs feel like they did, most on Razor's. Icey at top and bottom 75% was the best I have ridden all year. Groomed well and held the edge. Deepest grooves yet.

    Bottom of main street was unreal as well. Swithcback was a bit to be desired, but a great morning session.

    Wish you were there Jesse along with the camera. Too many good turns to count. Thanks again for the pics you sent me. Order from Tognars still hasn't arrived, maybe Friday.

    If that is what spring riding is like on an alpine, I cant wait.



    ANdrew, if i'm out that way, I'll let you know.

  5. Hey Stone

    We ride at Blue Mtn Pa until about mid to end of March, but pack the glider. Blue Mtn is situated on a mountain ridge where the Appalachian Trail runs through. I always see guys unloading their gliders on the weekend when I'm heading home from riding. i personnally dont glide but I'm sure the local folks wouldnt mind you hanging out. The local sport shop taht might have more info is Nestors. (Fun Hogs)

  6. Aaron

    I just went through ordering my own tuning gear for the first time and would be happy to provide input on what I choose with the help of some help I got from folks here. Drop me an email and I will give you what I got from Tognar. I found that the more research I did , the more my head hurt b/c there is so much out there.

    Hope to hear from you.



  7. Glenn,

    I chuckled most of teh way home about you trying to convince me to stay. I'm just getting done with my assignments now almost 12 hours later and under the stroke of midnight. It's not my boss I need to worry about, it's the corporate hive mind. Everything I do for my job is tracked via our database. I have to bill so much time per month and that time is compared to the amount of documents I generate for customers based on my visits with them or reports I create. Those documents have certain due dates (w/in 5 business days) from the day of my visits. If it doesn't get in on time, my year end evaluation plummets and "Corporate the Hut" distributes less $$$ to the share croppers like me.

    Some may say not to worry about the $$$, but that is what allows me to ride, feed my family and look for goodies on bomber. Someday when I grow up, I will own a Donek, a Madd and a Coiler, until then, these reports get done on time.

    Had fun anyway:D

  8. Mad

    I hear ya! I havent been too pleased with conditions of Blue this year either until recent weeks. Mumma Nature wasnt cooperating for the longest time. the storm 2 weeks ago definitely helped out and the temp has held up as well. The cookies are popping up here and there, but not all over the mountain. No it isnt the upper north east nor out west but they are hangin in there doing the best they can, at least I hope.

    I would sooner have them harvest some new, wide-open slopes, like seven springs, heading east than drop $$ on new guns. i can deal with the snow conditions, its the meandering herd on the slopes that kill me. Especially those beginners on the "expert" slopes grating off our cord because the lift dumps right into them. Considering the owner is 80 or so, I dont foresee him dumping a great deal of cash into the mountain. I just keep the fingers crossed that it doesnt turn into an overdevelop, condo ridden idiotville

    the more carvers, the merrier (sp)

  9. I will be there first thinga nd I hope it's blue bird like teh last two days. I will need to leave about 11 am . But CU guys there.

    I can also make teh 2/18 but not for the whole day. Jesse , did you check with Mario to see if we can get a slope for a short time with only carvers?

    See you this weekend Jesse and I conformed a place to saty for Okemo. I will get the info to you. We may need to make arragenments for Wed and THrusday night. I figured John, You and I could road trip together aslong as we intend on coming home the same day.


  10. Folks

    I know this was already discussed in the other thread, but it got a bit discombobulated (sp?). Just looking for what is still available to shack up.

    Please keep the replies limited to places to stay and contact info.

    I know of a few carvers coming from the Eastern PA/ Western central NJ area. We're looking at road tripping together so keeping our places to stay minimal would make it easier.

    JP1- let me know where you were shacking up and if any space if available, I know Jesse is interested and I will be as long as work permits.

    Looking forward to it. I just watched the DVD of ECES 2004 today and it looks like a hoot.

    Thanks in advance for any input.


    610 349 2530

  11. I have not made any progress in this because my mountain is getting to the point that weather has been consistent and it seems the grooming is getting better. It's not at the level it was last year, but last December and January was consistantly below freezinG. I am just remaining patient because I feel they are doing the best they can considering Mother Nature.

    I have just become very finicky (sp?) since getting into hardboots, compared to softies. The biggest problems that exist now are the hordes of ppl on the slopes.Our mountain allows easy access to advanced slopes simply based on the configuration of the mountain.

    I conjured the idea of having an incentive program for groomers based on skier/rider feedback online. It may sound silly but, if I saw a sign that said Groomer so and so did this slope, I would go out of my way to thank the guy if he did a great job. Just an idea. give them some acknowledgement for their work. Possibly have groomer of the year. Yatta Yatta

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