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Posts posted by Chubz

  1. BEER CAN Challenge Rules: These can be adjusted for you professional drinkers out there of course***.

    -6 member team meets at designated house and plan to stay over. I encourage drinking but not stupidity.

    -Purchase 4 cases of beer of diff types light to dark and heavy(ale to stoudts)

    -Each team member must consume 16 beers (4 of each type) each in 8 hours period*** refer above. Cut the time limit or up the amount of beer.

    -Anyone can drink a case of Coors Water or I mean light.

    -The type cannot be repeated on followup events.

    -OH the last rule have the girls schedule their night the same night somewhere else. Unless they are on the team.

    Let meknow how it goes. WE are looking to make this a semiannual event. looking to set additional rules that would get you messed up worse besides liquor. Maybe shotgunning or funneling.

    Let me know how it goes and any changes you try.


  2. MAudite is served at alocal pub called Which Brew that these two Wicken chix own and are hot. They keep it in the cooler b/f poularity.

    The guy with PBR. I thought tah only happened in Pittsburgh, PA. WE use to visit the neighborhood garage refrigerators as teenagers.

    What geos with a Magic hat? Another Magic Hat...#9

    Lastly, Chimay Red, although pricey, it is a good celebration beer.

    Check next post for a drinkin challenge my buddies and i are doing for the hell of it. then again after reading the threads,most of you should have no problem with it.

    Long Live barley Sandwiches


  3. 1. Pint Glass of half Jack, half Coke.

    2. Pint Glass of any top shelf Vodka (except grey goose) boycotting it. And Red Bull, although the new Low-Carb Monster is very similar and you get twice as much for the same price.

    3. Maudite- Beer with the Viking Ship on the front. about 9.5% alc.

    Many others but those are the staples

    I'll get you the recipe for Chocolate Cake shots.



  4. Folks

    Thanks for the replies. I was starting to lose the "fire" I had for riding after 20 years of it and I have ridden most of that by myself, from weekend trips to daily sessions to trips afar. I hope that I am able to hook up with some folks to ride through this site and I can't wait for my first outing on the alpine next season. I hope the learning curve goes quick next season and I meet some of you out there.


  5. Folks

    I dont know if anyone else has experienced what I am currently going through. I have found myself gravitating to the basment office and more specifically bomberonline with my computers. I work from home in a basement office and I find myself getting "giddy" when I descend the steps to check my thread responses or just go to bomber and look at threads............what is wrong with me?

    I am new to the alpine scene with 20 years freestyle experience and I must admit that there seems to be a higher level of comraderie (sp?) in alpine than freestyle. There doesnt seem to be any level of "dickheadedness". Thanks to all of you!!! I hope to become a valued member of trench digging and represent the sport well.

    If anyone can feel or have experienced what I am saying, I'd love to hear from you.

    Take it EZ


  6. Maybe it's my ebay paranoia, but I get nervous when I see multiple listings of certain items on Ebay. It give sme a sense of cheap, poorly made goods that someone is trying to flush from their possession. Are Oxygens a good reputable board and worthy of purchasing? I've been checking them out but hesitate due to the voices in my melon.

    Feel free to ease those voices in my head!

    Who said that?


  7. Barry

    I just wrote an reply but it didnt go through. Wakboarding is a great summer sport. Been doing it with snowbaording since 1984, it used to be called skurfing.

    Fleaman mentioned a hardboot type of set up. The closeest thing on water to hardboots would be slalom skiing which is a great way to stay in shape.

    Wakeboarding is more relaxed and take less energy than slaloming. It is a different feel than snowboarding but keeps the legs in shape, especially once you start "loading the rope" and jumping. You may also consider wakeskating ,which is just a deck with no bindings. Significantly helps with balance and gives you an appreciation for bindings.

    If you go set bindings up at about 15 degrees on front and -15 degrees on back(duck foot) and just over shoulder width apart. It may seem awkward at first but that is how the boards are designed to be ridden. It's learning curve is similar to snowboarding in that you with be sucking down some water teh first few sessions then it takes off from there.

    Kite baording is also fun but very expensive.

    If you have any other questions drop a reply or if you are going to be in eastern PA this summer look me up and I'll pull you up and down teh Lehigh River for a while.

    You bring the beers

    Take it ez


  8. Folks

    Finding much of the old threads equipment has been sold. Anyone out there with some 28's and/or bindings. Please let me know what you have. Looking for something fairly new, but dont wanna sell other toys to get them.

    I saw bomber has the 423's for sale, does anyone have any comments for these boots? Also looking for opinions on Catek vs. TD's, leaning towards step-ins.



  9. JP

    Appreciate the input and can completely understand where you are coming from, but hey if I dont like it, I take a hit and resell the equipment.

    As my dad could confirm, I don't listen to peoples advice to well if it goes against what I want to do, but then again he doesnt realize I got that from him.

    He gave me similar advice a few years ago when I was looking for a street motorcycle converting from dirt. Ended up buying this old school Harley anyway and it has given me nothing but pleasure since.

    Gotta Roll the Bones, if you wanna keep things interesting.

    Take Care and enjoy teh remainder of your season if it exists.


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