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Posts posted by Chubz

  1. Build that mother and I will be there, water and lemonade gatorade in hand.

    Hey Bob,do you need another bike or Harley?

    I have a Giordana touring bicycle up for sale and an '88 Custom Softail with 12" Apes for sale, I would love to contribute to your problems :D

  2. Thanks for your input. The biggest influence is the folks I hang out with. I have shared what I am heading into and they have been supportive,even to the point that the guy I thought would be last to get on the wagon has joined me.

    If I kick this, I hope my wife doesnt think it will lead to quitting the purchase of equipment cold turkey. I'll post another if it gets to that, but like I tell her, would she sooner have me going to pubs and strip clubs or digging trenches.............nough said. I do the first very infrequently, time is dedicated to my board sports.

  3. I see you are from Cleveland, Pittsburgh here originally. Seven Springs? I was supposed to get a few days i this xmas break there but it kept raining.

    Eventually, I think, it will be a modified wagon, but Cold Turkey for now.

  4. At least for a while. I wouldn't consider my choice a New Year's Resolution, but something I just needed to do. I'd be interested if anyone has feedback on their own experiences with giving up the Clown Oil (booze) for a certain time length or for good.

    I made the choice for a number of reasons, but knew I was getting in a little too deep. I'm not talking Nicolas Cage in Leaving Las Vegas, but more than my normal week to week consumption has steadily increased to day to day.

    I know this is "un carve" related but, reading some of the posts on this server, the group overall is an intelligent one and I would be interested in any of your experiences or feedback.

    Not looking for any Doctoral level feedback, just personal experiences.



  5. I picked up a MADD 170 last week, but I have been out of town since it shipped, so I will ride once I get home later tonight. I also just picked up the Sabertooth RT 173 and have nothing but good things to say about it. I was on an Aggression (Volant 173 all of last season) and once I got on the RT, what a difference!!! Heelside turns became stronger within 2 runs and carving on narrow steeps that I normally couldnt on my Volant, due to width of the trail. RT kept it tight and went where I wanted it to go with confidence

    Oddly enough, my toesides became slightly sketchy, especially when doing euro type carves. It would start to undulate mid way thru the carve. Maybe I should be coming out of the carve by that time anytime anyway. The RT has actually made me get back to focusing on proper technique and form. Dont know wht, it just did.

    But the RT was been a blessing for me. I weigh 205 and push the snot out it, which you have to where I ride due to tightness of the trails.

    Anyway, I will check back once I take that MADD for a spin. I would also be interested in seeing the difference b/tw the 170 and the 158.


    Enjoy both whatever you do.


  6. Do you know anyone looking for a 16m kite? Looks like that hobbie will be put on hold to feed this one, unless te Harley sells.

    Hope all is well Willy.

    SNwBrd 7, I am still interested in this board. from what I have heard, it sounds like it would hold me. Just dont know what # to throw at you.


  7. Anyone know Bill Pontius


    I know Bill goes AWOL from time to time when he's out of town, but if anyone knows or has contact info for him, let me know. He and I struck a deal on some bindings and I need to send him $$$, but I accidently deleted his email and the BOL email won't function. I need his mailing address, please send to my email and do not post here.

    Any help would be sweet. Last I heard from him, he was going to pick up some screws at the BOL shop and get the bindigns out to me. I just wanna get him his $$$.



  8. Plenty of discussion on rails,etc, but just wondering if alpine boards and HB's are used frequently for big mountain riding. I rode my Axis 182 in about 12" of fresh last year and it floated great and was an absolute blast. One of my funnest days in HB's.

    I would have loved to have been getting dropped off at the top of an untracked snow field and letting it rip. I know, swallowtails are how many ppl go if they are in HB's in pow, but is anyone pushing it in HB's in a direction to what Jenremy Jones is doing on a big mountain/freestyle board?

    Just wondering.

  9. Folks

    Looking for input of true boot fitting. I have a 9.5 US foot and currently ride Raichles 223's Mondo 27 with regular liners. I have heard some folks going smaller mondo and getting a more snug fit.

    Just need feedback on what to consider if going a size smaller. Say a Mondo 29 for a 9.5 US. I know that the moldable liners help this cause as well, but what else should be considered.



  10. Check to see when you are initiating the turn. I discovered 1/2 way thru my first season that I began my turns late if you want to call it that. I was use to doing turns on a freestyle but the alpine board my heelside begins while I am moving perpendicular across the slope. When I can see my carve line from the lift. The transition point is perpendicular to the hill, where teh cresent moons meet each other. Prior to that, the transition were not perpendicular but at a slight angle down the slope. I found starting that turn early allowed it to get locked in and hold thru the turn.

    I also drive the rear knee towards the heelside of the board and the front knee.

    I also follow many of the items joecarve listed, especially the looking back up hill rather than down.

    One last thing that helped me was changing my discs from 3 front 0 back to 6 front and 3 back. The 6 back may hellp more, but havent tested it yet.

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