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Everything posted by bumpyride

  1. I use front foot angle of 66+ degrees, so maybe it's a bit easier. Peddle off the lift first, usually 1 or 2 peddles. Tuck my rear foot in tightly to either the back of the front binding, or the front of the rear binding. Get a situated to a completely vertical stance with just a bit of a knee bend, and look straight ahead. Go straight till I'm out of the way and can safely put my rear foot down as either a rudder or a brake, or give a little edge (toe or heel) depending on which way you want to go. I don't look to either side, whether or not there are other riders. I find that "WHERE YOU LOOK, YOU GO". I don't have stop pads, but that's because I'm too lazy to even look for one and it doesn't seem to matter. Most importantly, "IT'S ALL IN YOUR HEAD", you can do it.
  2. Hey Russ, Got the PM and actually added it to my address book. If I can find what I was going to send you'll, I'll send it. Deb is out here in Tacoma with me right now. Doing last things off the check list. What tires are you running and think you'll need studs?
  3. Hey Bryan, Great news. You'll have to PM on how you feel. On a side note, check this out: http://www.huffingtonpost.com/entry/health-benefits-of-chia-seeds-eat-them_568d42f8e4b0c8beacf52647
  4. Well what did you do for a fat bike. Also, was going to email you, but forgot you're other address.
  5. Loaned out some boots and they came back with a bottom wire broke. Need at least one, and a couple of backups would be good, or any info where I can get them. Thanks
  6. If you live anywhere close to Tacoma, I'll do it for you.
  7. We're stuck in Big Sky over Christmas. Passes going West are getting 8 to 12" and chains are required. Ever try to get chains on a Subaru Imprezza sport? Wheel wells get clogged and there's no room to even get you hand in. Parts of 90 have been closed and Snowqualmie pass is now officially Snowmageddon. Had the 8th straight day of powder, although it was a bit nippy. Somehow 1 degree isn't as cold here as it is at Spirit. Lots of fun. Unbelievably beautiful.
  8. 8th straight day of powder. Great boarding, glades are in great shape and turns were well buffered. Went out in the morning with a friend and his 10 year old son, both skiers. I'd rather ski with kids than anybody else. It's great getting down with a 10 year old that thinks warp speed is possible. Kid can pretty close to mainline any run on the hill. Went way past my comfort zone, and if it was less than 60mph I'd be shocked. We're stuck for Christmas. Passes going West to Tacoma are getting 8 to 12" tomorrow. Not going to chance it, so I'll have to settle for another 3 days of boarding.
  9. Each day at Big Sky seems to bring a plethora of new snow. We're about to get hit with more. 33" in the last 3 days and a 500 mile stormfront just hitting us now.
  10. Another good day. A bit nippier but snowing. Molded a brand new pair of Raichle 122s with Thermoflex liners last night. Threw my game off a bit. Never had a pair that fit so well. Don't like the fact that my foot isn't moving in my boot. Couldn't run the bumps today all loosey goosey. Maybe tomorrow will be the dial in day? Did I mention snow? We have it and it's going to be dumping. We've had 33" in the last 3 days and more coming.
  11. Monodude, were you one of the two that I was behind at about 3:30 pm today?
  12. Out in Big Sky. Boarded the last 3 days, 4" to 6" every day. Better conditions than we had all last spring. Lots of light fluffy pillows garnishing the bumps, and off piste is phenomenal. Still a couple of runs closed, but they will probably be open with Christmas Rush. Unfortunate that we rented out our condo, but it pays the bills.
  13. Yes it was outstanding today. Pillows on the perimeters, bumps were hero, and even a few carves when it seemed to be in the cards. Started out later, had stuff to do. Back out there tomorrow, and might be solo. Deb's kind of wasted. Feels like I never got off the board from last year. If you're looking for pure carving action Mr. k is about it. This is the stuff all mountain flexy alpine boards are made for. When it stops snowing (whimper) there's much more carving to be had, but no for the time being.
  14. Burton plates with a choice of cant plate. Either 3 or 4 hole discs. $95.00 shipped to lower 48.
  15. Finally made it to Big Sky. First day out of the new season. Took a couple or runs over on andesite. Good condition on the groomers, but great off the sides in the powder and bumps. Went over to swifty and found some really fun stuff off of Lobo and Lobo meadows. My wife got new boots (skis), so we took a couple of runs down Mr K to check them out. Conditions good. Good first day, was just like going out the next day after the end of the season. Training wheels were not required. We'll be out tomorrow, temp dependent on time. 9am or so if it's +10 little later if not. Did run across a young guy from California with a college group on a Donek (Joe). Nice guy, did see him in his boxer shorts going down the hill in the underwear brigade of college students.
  16. I am not missing all that much. Still a mid Jan start date. I don't like groomers.
  17. Looks like I'll have to put up with spending another winter here. What the films don't show is the off piste. That's the big draw, along with no lift lines. On one of the big powder days I managed to get in 21K feet in 2 hours. All of it in fresh tracks except for the run out. Everyone went for the Tram, and left the other ungroomed runs vacant. Look me up when you come out.
  18. Thanks very much, but I'm a lightweight. 156 is about ideal and I have a 166 that I'm going to try out this year.
  19. Bumping up again by bumpy.
  20. First off, I don't board like 95% of all the hardbooters on Bomber, so take that into consideration. I'm not very interested in strictly carving down a groomed slope, so my technique (or lack thereof) is different than most of the members here. Jettison the steep angles with little difference from front to rear to start out with. Having steep angles with little difference is like the first time you set your feet up on a slack line. It's OK front to back, but you have no control side to side. Find your most comfortable stance when sliding down an icy slope. It will end up in pretty much of a martial arts stance. Your front foot will be pointing fairly straight down the hill and your rear will be cross-hatched to the fall line. Your feet will probably end up something like 60 degrees front and 40something rear. This stance gives you front to rear and side to side stability. Set your board up in your living room with the more splayed out angles. I'd recommend 45 to 50 front and 30 to 35 rear. See how it feels. Jump around a bit and see if you feel more balanced. If not, change the angles a bit, a couple of degrees a time. When you feel dialed in, try it on the slopes again. Once you start getting the balance part in order then start making micro changes on the slope. I'm almost totally off piste in hardboots and on all mountain carver. I spend as much time as possible in bumps/steeps/glades/powder. Groomers are mostly used to get back to the lifts, or if it's a really bad day off piste. On my narrower all mountain boards, I'm at 66 and 42. When I'm feeling really bored and want to carve a bit, I am set up at 66 and 50 something. I still prefer a lesser splayed out stance even carving. I realize that it's not the most efficient technique for a full layout carve, but it works OK. Cat tracks suck. Speed is your friend there. Took my hardest fall looking backwards on a cat track, dented my helmet, and was going about 3mph.
  21. Decided to bag it on Saturday and Sunday (today). Too many crazies. Saw and spoke with Johnasmo for a brief minute. I've never seen lines at the base like that and going at speed would have been suicide for me. Did see one other hardbooter going into the lift lines. That makes a total of 4 I've seen in 40 days on the slopes. Be back next year and a week or two this summer.
  22. I'm currently wrapping up the season at Big Sky. Should be home sometime around the 20th, if we don't decide to stay and do a little hiking. I may be down to Portland shortly, Board would be for my son, so I'll check back with you soon. Thanks Bryan, and I'm still looking for that elusive 156. May be buying the one from Italy.
  23. Hey Bryan, What do you want for the 166 coil?
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