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C5 Golfer

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Everything posted by C5 Golfer

  1. This guy takes top notch photos so I thought I'd share. Well worth the time. Be sure to check out the Nellis AFB. http://home.comcast.net/~bzee1b/home.html
  2. Jack, sorry for the late response to your statement above..glass of wine and dinner got in the way. It seems that no matter what we do skiing, hang gliding, biking, boating to waterskiing we could inadvertently hurt an innocent bystander or observer and due to our plentiful lawsuit happy attorneys, one can get easily sued for an obscene amount of money. If we take the average American guy in his early 20s that does not have much net worth this suit may not mean much since you can’t get too much blood out of the proverbial turnip. But as we age and have families and add to our net worth this could lead to life altering changes if you are the one being sued. For this reason a couple of years ago I took out a 2 million dollar Umbrella Policy thru Allstate which is also my auto and home insurance company. This would also help if, god forbid, I were to be at fault in an auto accident and my liability exceeds my auto policy limits then this Umbrella Policy would kick in. Just a thought – then issues like this skiing accident may not hurt my finances if it were to happen to me. At 60 I am too old to start over again and go back to work.
  3. Not sure if the pain I used to get a couple of years is the same but sounds similar. I also use a pair a Mono 30s bu tI am a size 12 street shoe. My pain felt like it was my arch was being crushed flat - not enough support in the center of my foot beds - fixed simply by building up the underneath side of my foot bed in the center.. You might just try that with a small peice of foam and see if it increases or decreases the pain. If it does give you any feedback then I'd mention this to your Foot Bed maker and do it professionally. Hope this helps -- it is no fun when the pain exceeds the enjoyment level.
  4. Sounds like you might want to find a Prior 4WD 174 but the problem is you may have to pry it from the owners hands if looking for a used one. http://www.priorsnowboards.com/boards_4wd.php
  5. This post reminds me of a story in a small town in the midwest -- it was so small in population that there was not enough law business to keep its only newly graduated lawyer to stay so he thought about moving to the next big town. But then another lawyer moved to town and there was now enough business for both of them to stay and keep busy.
  6. Jack, Good answer.. It seems you and I are not that far in our assessment of the overall issue. I thought earlier you were saying sh&t happens / accidents happen without any recourse or consequences while on the hill. This is from your statement “If you can't accept that people/kids are possibly going to crash into you on the ski hill, do something else.“ What I am reading and hearing in most of the posts about this issue is not the fault of the kid and parental responsibility it is the monetary size of the claim. Maybe if the guy had just asked for money to repair any damaged equipment and or lost wages for time off of work this whole ugly issue would not have even made the newspapers. Yes, the old guy should not have reached for the kid, no reason to if the parent was still there. Yes, the old guy should not have said he’d sue. Maybe he was having a bad day who the heck knows.. One thing I’d like to know -- has this 60 year old guy ever sued previously for any wrongdoing by anyone? If so, what has been the frequency of these lawsuits? If not and it is the first time, I’d like to know more what actually triggered this action.
  7. to bad we are not in a bar having a beer or two...but but but Yea I made mistakes and I learned from them -- sometimes my parents wondered just who and the hell is this kid but that is another story, So if I hear you correctly - If you were to be sitting down in the middle of a wide open run with plenty of visability and an out of control kid runs into you and damages your board to the point the metal edges are partially ripped away -- you going to just let it pass when the adult parent comes by and helps you up? The kid says he is sorry - it was a mistake -- you going home with a broken board and no compensation?
  8. Afraid someone was going to ask me that -- I made a cardboard shape first that allowed me to easily experiment. Once that was made and appeared to work I traced that shape onto ABS black plastic sheet in my home work shop that was 1/8" 3mm thick. I cut it with a hand saw to rough shape then finished shaping it with a half round course file. Then I placed it on the board and check its function again. Then I made 2 more of the exact same shape. I then glued these pieces together to make a 3/8" thick block. Then I made the little outer pieces which is just to give the part more lateral stability by adding another 1/8" thick piece to each side. Glued those together and let set overnight and did a finish file and sand the completed block. Final operation was to wet sand with 600 grit the base so the double back tape would stick firmly. Easy as baking an apple pie You can probably buy the ABS sheet from a hobby shop or McMaster Carr - and tape you can get from McMaster Carr also.
  9. What a wonderful year this will be -- exciting down to the finish line for all the Presidential candidates. This post is just informative to those who may be interested -- it is not meant to show a political statement for anyone or any issue so please to not ruin it for all to enjoy. All I am interested in is did this short fun questionaire web site find your candidate or not. Please do not even say who it found for you. It found my candidate based on my answers. Give it a try. No Flames please http://www.wqad.com/Global/link.asp?L=259460
  10. Ok Jack -- I was going to stay out of this discussion because I do not have enough factual info until you said the above. Your last sentence in my gentle opinion is out of line. We all accept risks whether it be on the mountain or on the road getting there. Everyone young or old needs to accept responsibility for his or her actions and when they are minors the parents have to step up to the plate and accept that responsibility. I am not ready to give anyone a free ticket to be reckless just because I have to accept risk. Sorry Jack - usually I agree with most of your fine commentary but not this time.
  11. Ahhh u r right. I was riding today and came home tired and had 2 glasses of wine so my mind was not as sharp as yours.
  12. Not sure I understand what you are asking... Please re-phrase.
  13. Awesome RC F14 -- nice but expensive hobby. Oh -- learn to fly on cheaper and safer planes first.
  14. Over the years I got tired of looking down to find my rear boot toe bail so I could step in my Intecs as I got off the lift. Then when it is too low to get the toe of the boot inserted you bend down lift it up and so on and so on. So this year I made a little ABS plastic support that holds the back Toe Bail up just enough for me to find it blind and no longer have to expect those torsion springs that need a little Viagra to keep it up in winter like conditions. The support is not in contact once the boot is in the Intec heel peice, just when the boot is up at 30 deg or so angle. It is held in place to the board with 3M's VHB .050" thick black double back tape which you can see the photo. The ABS part is about .62" thick. Anyway I thought I'd share an idea that so far seems to work 100%. I am happy and so are my skier firends since they no longer wait for me.
  15. +2 Thanks to all who keep us safe and sound.
  16. Can't see what they say but somedays I can see what they did. It gets ugly upthere now and then. http://www.wsdot.wa.gov/traffic/passes/camera.aspx
  17. Thanks Karl, Firewire for some reason reminds me of reliability issues sometime back with cables easliy damaged and causing com problems -- USB you can manhandle or kink the wires and no big deal but kink a firewire and it fails sometimes... leastwise that is my recolection of a 1 year ago. I think the firewire spec even specifies a minimum bend radius of around 3 inches.
  18. Good point -- here is one of the guys at which I was looking. http://www.iomega.com/direct/products/family.jsp?FOLDER%3C%3Efolder_id=53223315&ASSORTMENT%3C%3East_id=26890319&bmUID=1198522356465
  19. How portable is the 500 GB ? I wanted something physically small so it is easier for her to move back and forth.
  20. Thanks Ken, That is the info for which I was looking. That helps a lot - specially the last paragraph. My feeling on the old stuff is store it on a DVD or CD and shelf it.
  21. Thanks Trailer-- I did read the website a couple of weeks ago for System requirements. If you read my Original post you'll see I am doing the RAM. Sad part about the requirements is says 2 GB hardspace -- which is the space it takes to load the program. Portable space is not identified anywhere which is why I am asking those who possibly use it.
  22. Over the years I have had the great pleasure of a few "buddies" , One of them was an Army Buddy – which is the most unique bonding method of being a Buddy – anyway we’d hunt and ski, and every year he’d add a few pounds in the mid section to where now today we do not even see each other – he can barely walk and even getting out of a chair is a effort – I think the last time I saw him he was a around 350lbs. I miss him – we talk on the phone but that is about it. Another buddy was one with whom I’d play Volleyball and over the years our team became very competitive in USVBA and Rec. We’d also ski and hike together and along the way made a few other ski and volleyball buddies. Eventually they found nice beautiful ladies and married and had kids and now they can’t go anymore and do not play VB or get away to ski. Kids and soccer take the weekends. Those were great times in my life and I appreciate all the buddy time we had – if it were not for the phone we’d have lost contact – they constantly ask how retired life is while they are on the way to another meeting or working late. So my message to all of you is value your buddies and friendships while you can – tomorrow they may not be there as you enjoy them today,
  23. Friend in the family is in school and Maya is one of the classes she is taking. She has asked for an external hard drive to allow her to work at home and at school. When I asked how big of a hard drive she replied with "huge, Maya takes a lot of memory." I tried to ask and discern her meaning of “memory” - did she mean hard drive space and/or memory size and she was not really sure. I am thinking her computer actually needs a little more memory so upgrading it to 2 GB of RAM should do the trick. And then getting her a 160GB external hard drive should do the job for her when transferring work to home to school and back to home. If any of you use Maya -- do you think a 160 GB external will do the job for all her various projects? And if you have suggestions on what external to buy that would be helpful. ( it is a PC – not a fruit – sorry Apple) Thanks and happy riding this year.
  24. Looks like a perfect board for the cat-- a Renntiger by Volkl
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